Versatile Mage

Chapter 1912: Parasitic steam

Zhang Xiaohou nodded seriously, and finally he showed a wheel of the wind, so that Mo Fan can go to a position where it is easier to observe the monster.

Mofan took the wind and swept through the rough straits and arrived near the sand island that was destroyed before. His mission was to stare at the powerful bone whip on the back of the vast sea monster. When the horrible bone whip was shot down, Mo Fan found a more subtle place.

If this bone whip grows along the back of this monster, similar to a bone from the back to the hip, then the position of the Haohai monster and the angle of the bone whip should not be longitudinal. The entire strait.

To put it bluntly, it is a question of strength. The demon has a bone structure. Even if there are some strange and strange existence, in order to be able to exert the power to the extreme, and to better hit the enemy, their attack method will definitely follow Certain rules, this is the most powerful force if the fist is straight forward. If you bend over and play backwards, you will be very uncomfortable.

"Is there a problem with the old man of the phonological system? This whip is not grown on the back of this vast sea monster, but on its arm?" Mo Fan thought.

The size of this vast sea monster is very large, Mo Fan is now in a side position of the other side, from here to the constantly tumultuous sky water column and the inside of the waterfall, still can only see a rough of this monster The outline is like a deep mist.

It never shows people in the true face, which is also a very embarrassing means, so that when people besieged it, it is difficult to target some of its body parts.


Another blow, you can see that the water column was suddenly cut off. It was the bone whip that Mofan most needed to stare at. The terrible bone whip was just a ghost, and he killed a plant from Mofan’s direction. The super-order mage, this will actually appear on the other side, but fortunately this bone whip attacked the big mentor of the blue clothes, he is a powerful person, not directly killed by this monster.

"Weird, such a long bone whip, even if it is raining, it will not be the same as the space shuttle from one end to the other?" Mo Fan felt quite confused.

This bone whip is huge, and it can’t be overstated with the evil sea dragon. From now on, Mo Fan has been staring at the bone whip and seeing the bone whip hidden behind the right arm of the Haohai monster. Position, did not see any signs of peristalsis, how to run to the left side of the Haohai monster without warning, directly attacking the blue master who is close to one kilometer apart.

Mo Fan frowned. He felt that he needed to get closer. Otherwise, he couldn't figure out how the bone whip appeared. It was hidden in the body of this vast sea monster.



The torrential rain almost condensed into a waterfall that was poured from the sky above the clouds, and the horrible water column on the strait continued to tumbling over the clouds. There were hundreds of such spectacular waters standing between the repressed sky and the city. view……

In the mist, Mo Fan’s courage appeared very much in the former sand island position, because it is true that the complete side of this vast sea monster can be seen from here...


The perception of the Haohai Monster is very strong. Mo Fan is not very capable of posing a threat to this guy in the battle. After all, except for the three big mentor who are contending with the front, there are probably nine others. Super-class wizards are fighting, not to mention hundreds of high-ranking mages near the bridge...

Mo Fan went to the sand island where he sank before, and the position of the side of the sea monster on the side of the sea monster immediately opened with a gas valve like a fishing rod. The **** steam suddenly came out from the inside!

Mo Fan didn't know what the blood of these **** colors was. After feeling that he was not quite right, he immediately fled more than three hundred meters with a momentary movement. However, this **** steam did not intend to let Mofan steal the chicken and touch the dog. They are very surprised. Chasing Mo Fan here!

"What is the situation, these things also have long eyes?" Mo Fan saw that the blood of these **** colors all flew over, and the face was forced.

"Mom, it turned out to be a group of parasites!"

Mo Fan is not a person who is easy to panic. He soon noticed that the **** hot steam that was chased was actually composed of swarms of flying locusts. These locusts are like the cortex konjac. The species in this vast sea monster, the difference is that they are in the body of the vast sea monster!

Parasitic body exudes the same heat as burning. Once they are swarmed into a target, they will use the high temperature and heat of their bodies to melt the enemy.

Fortunately, Mo Fan is not very afraid of this kind of flying population, the number of relatively large populations, Xiao Yan Ji’s flaming inflammation is the nemesis of these creatures, they do not want to use their own high temperature to burn Let yourself, just let them taste the real flames!

The inflammation of Lixia is spit out, and it is not necessary for Mofan to deliberately manipulate it. They will spread rapidly on these parasitic cockroaches and spread out. This large group of **** steam is not long before Mofan turns into countless ashes. Floating on this wide strait.

"The konjac, parasitic cockroaches, it seems that this monster has a lot of these weird things on the body, and use them to attack nearby threatening enemies... This is one of its abilities." Mo Fan said to himself Road.

The inflammation of Lixia is a big help in dealing with these parasitic cockroaches. Otherwise, it will be entangled by these strange things. Even if there is no danger to life, it will be dragged for a long time. The terrible bone whip is more than a ghost. The mages have come a few times, and some people will continue to sacrifice.

Mo Fan quickly wiped out most of the parasitic cockroaches. This time he was not as reckless as he was before. It is obvious that even if this sea monster is a squad, its observation is still quite subtle and will not give this to himself. There is no chance for a mage.

Deliberately waiting for a moment, Mo Fan found that the silver-loaded master instructed the use of super-space magic, suddenly differentiated into a rebellious shadow almost identical to himself, and used Chaos magic to attach some of his own Breath, let this shadow look like a self moving with dark magic.

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