Versatile Mage

Chapter 1951: Do you want to be cremated?

"When Mu Mu went to the dark plane, is it not too bad?" Zhao Manyan asked after a while.

Xin Xia immediately shook his head and said: "The soul must have been enslaved by the Dark King. The pain before his death will be infinitely magnified after he turned into a dark creature. Most of the Dark King will let all in this way. The dying man of the normal world eternal loyalty to him, although the souls who have never had a dark plane conveyed the message of the world, but it is imaginable that the taste is more painful than the direct smog. Death is only short-lived, sad. The enslavement in the dark plane is equal to the eternal suffering and suffering of eternal life. Most of the undead have no consciousness, walking dead, dark souls are conscious, have souls, and have consciousness..."

"There is no difference between the black and the old animal demon, and the most white Mu Bai will be higher in the dark level," Mo Fan said.

Xin Xia nodded.

Xin Xia also saw the literature on the dark plane last night. It can be said that it opened an unknown and terrible door.

And this is why Mu Bai's life can't be repaired!

"Black animal demon... then we can't let Mu Bai die," Zhao Manyan said.

"Well, if you can't save it, then you have to burn his soul to the Holy Spirit. You can't let him fall into the hands of the Dark King," Mofan said.

"Weird, I have never heard of such a thing before." Zhao Manyan said.

"In the past, everyone's strength was not high. Some things will only slowly become clear when they reach the super-order, and the dark plane needs a strong supplement. The dark king's avatar may also choose the strong among human beings as its darkness. The members of the plane." Xin Xia replied.

"What do we do now, igniting Mu Bai??" Zhao Manyan said.

Zhao Manyan looked at Mu Bai, and suddenly he felt that this guy was really unlucky to the extreme. Death is the most deadly punishment for many people. Mu Bai is good, and he is also seen by the dark king's avatar!

"If you can find a way to let the Dark King give up Mu Bai, I can cure him even if I don't use Resurrection." Xin Xia said.

"Then we still ignited Mu Bai." Zhao Manyan turned his eyes.

What international jokes are made, if the Dark King is the king of the king, then the living person can still tell the conditions of the king? ? People don’t take you by the way, it’s moral!

Mo Fan also looked tangled.

They don't even know where the Dark King is, how to discuss it with it?

Even if you find the Dark King, how do you let such a dominant dominance give up what he sees?

Is the Dark King probably more dominant than Khufu? ?

The dark magic used throughout human history can be derived from the Dark King... This guy is a true God, and God will pay attention to the requirements of mortals?

It is no wonder that Xia Xia will say that Mu Bai’s situation is more complicated than she predicted yesterday, and even worse.

Originally, if Xin Xia Ruo could not use the resurrection of the gods now, then wait until the heart of the summer to defeat the Yishi yarn, step into the position of the goddess, and let Mu Bai stay in the ice silkworm for a few more years. This kind of scheme is not unacceptable. Who would have thought that even this plan has not been chosen now.

"Heart summer, is there really no other way?" Mo Fan asked.

"The worst situation of Mu Bai is his soul. The soul is locked by the avatar of the Dark King. It can't make his soul recover. The soul can't recover, and the body will naturally continue to dry up quickly..." said Xia Xia.

Mu Bai’s situation is even worse than he imagined. It’s a death or an end, but his death is the beginning of the most nightmare.

"Do you have any discussion, and the Dark King?" Mo Fan asked again.

"Morfan, a person you know, is also seen by the Dark King. He was dragged into the dark abyss by the Greek **** of death..." said Xia Xia.

"Wentai??" Mo Fan stunned.

Son of the Son!

"Well, all his followers expect him to be resurrected, but he seems to have been booked by the Dark King himself and become the most unlikely person in the world to resurrection." Xin Xia said.

Xin Xia also understood after reading the dark literature last night.

The person who has never seen it is her father after all. Since she has mastered the resurrection of the gods, so many disputes have arisen because of the Son of the Son, if he can resurrect him...

Just after knowing the truth, my heart is very scared. That is to say, those who wanted Wentai to die at that time already considered the existence of the resurrection of the gods, so they took the Son of the Son into a dark **** that was never lost, and the Dark King personally took care of it!

"In the summer, no one has successfully escaped from the Dark King's scheduled list?" Mofan asked.

"Mofan brother, the person who wants Mu Bai to die, from the very beginning, he has all the possibilities that he will come alive. He can't escape this robbery in his life." Xin Xia sighed. I thought I could do something, but I didn't think that this thing involved more than I thought.

Even if Mu Bai is now a super-level mage, what he has to deal with should not be subject to such a treatment. Some people in the heart of the summer did not quite understand what Mu Bai had provoked, and someone would carefully plan such a game of death for him.

"Is he still not completely dead now?" Mo Fan glanced at Mu Bai lying in the ice-green ice silkworm.

"Mofan brother, there are some people who should have some unknown agreement with the Dark King. If you go to find her, you may know how to let the Dark King give up Mu Bai... But I am afraid that I will not mention you half. Word." Xin Xia said.

"It doesn't matter, you tell me who it is," Mo Fan said.

"Yi Zhi yarn." Heart summer slowly spit out the name.

The heart of summer last night thought of the only way to save Mu Bai, but the people who are concerned, and the things that are related, but let Xin Xia think that this is far more difficult than a resurrection...

Yoshi's Yarn!

This name is probably more than the Dark King, so Mo Fan can't find a trace of breakthrough. It may even let Mo Fan catch himself. There are two people in the world who want Mofan's life most. One is Sarang, the other is Sarang. It is the yarn of Iraq!

Let the yarn of Iraq save the white...

It is better to find a way to find the Dark King and discuss it with it!

"Mo Fan, or we will ruin Mu Bai." Zhao Manyan said this sentence for the third time.

Heaven and earth, go to the yarn of Iraq? ? ?

Not to mention the problem of saving people, the Iraqi yarn fell into the well of the stone, and she was willing to give Mo Fan a knife to send Mo Fan and Mu Bai to see the Dark King!

Mo Fan himself is also taking a breath!

I don't know if the repayment that Asharuya said yesterday is not counted.

(I know that I owe three chapters... I am slowly writing, and the story is repeated. I am slowly filling up. Actually, I am in a chaotic time. I didn’t update because I haven’t slept yet. The chapter is empty because I’ve been through. I didn’t write it all day and night. I will find a chance to make up, everyone will give me some time~~)

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