Versatile Mage

Chapter 2061: Do not take the lead in using curse

"No wonder, our country always promises that we will never take the lead in using the curse." Mo Fan suddenly realized.

The original curse still has such terrible sequelae. It is no wonder that those cursing mages can't see the figures one by one, not to see any media, the country will mention the cursing mage and the curse...

"The curse is too terrible. The magic association's first big hidden convention is that any mage who stepped into the curse level must strictly keep the curse secret, but anyone who has publicly revised the curse will be sacred. The supervision of the Academy and the Five Continents Magic Association, in fact, this regulation is equivalent to losing a lot of freedom." Jiuyou later said.

"Is it a sin to step into the curse??" Mo Fan's eyes widened. To know that his life has two biggest goals, the first one has been completed, and the second is to become a curse mages.

"Of course not. In the early days, when the Black Church just appeared, there were some bad members of the Black Holy See who deliberately killed the loved ones of the cursing mage. The cursed mage lost his sense of anger and used the curse. Its killing brought a disaster that was difficult to clean up... In fact, the purpose of the Black Holy See was reached, and they just hoped that the curse would come." Jiuyou said.

"You are too familiar with Chinese and foreign history. As a famous ancient Chinese, there is no emperor of Wu Zetian..." Mo Fan said.

"Don't fight, listen." Muning Xue took a look at Mo Fan.

Mo Fan immediately became honest.

After the nine secluded, he put on a arrogant look that was too lazy to compare with your goods, and continued to talk about the curse.

"For the problem that the curse will be used by some of the world's debris, the Magic Association has developed a convention on the curse of the curse. The curse mages can't reveal their identity, and the forbidden mage who has disclosed his identity needs to accept the regulatory system, all Friends and family need to live in a designated location, travel must report the whereabouts, absolutely must not use the curse in the case of their own life is threatened!" said nine after the quiet.

"So there are only two types of cursing mage, one is not open, and the world can be like the common mage, living like a normal person, another kind of public, first of all, must be in a senior position, and secondly must enter a similar national treasure protection. In the planning system."

Mo Fan thought for a while. If he stepped into the curse and wanted to be supervised at all times, it would be hard to die. It is clearly at the top of the world, but it is constrained everywhere.

However, after thinking about it, a solid world, the stronger it is, the more it needs to be restrained, and the strong ones do whatever they want, and the world has long been chaotic.

"This is the reason why the four angels do not disclose their identity. They are more special than the curse of the curse. They are not only targeted by the Black Holy See. The powers of all countries and forces will target them in different ways. Whether this is malicious or good-natured. The identity is not open. They can walk freely in different countries, different regions, and different social levels. They will not let power affect their own judgments, but they can also be deeply trapped in the world. Experience the life of a normal person, and you can leave the body and become a ruthless judge at any time." Jiuyou said.

"Strange, how do you describe the four undisclosed archangels, how do you feel like a life I yearn for?" Mofan said.

"If you are, you are a good person, who married your girlfriend, you can't stop a curse and throw it, you can't stop it, you don't expect to be the holy angel of the Holy City, you "There is no match with the big angel."

"Then, this time, I took the plan of Qin’s sister, who is executing, and the three angels who have already disclosed their identity?" Mu Ningxue asked.

After nine secluded, she shook her head immediately. She looked back and glanced at the lingering mages on the city's entrance to the city. She said: "I am afraid of being an archangel who wants to disclose his identity."

Mo Fan didn't know about the holy city. After nine secluded, she kept paying attention. She did not enter the emperor level, so she firmly believed that the archangel of the holy city would not be interested in her ghost that was free from human beings. But the king is different!

The existence of such a king will be stared at by the seven great angels of the Holy City. The birth of this event must also be the command of an archangel.

However, it is obvious that to deal with such a level of the king, his hidden angel can no longer be independent, he must open his identity, in exchange for the holy crusade of this holy city!

Is it human, or is it a devil?

If it is a demon, then Qin Yuer is an irrelevant person, her trial will be simple and smooth, and the identity of the archangel does not need to be public.

If it is a person, it will definitely save Qin Yuer, then the archangel will also be waiting in the holy city, and his identity is announced to the public!


"They are these big angels, do you have to do more work on this time? Is it true that my talented people will be targeted by an angel?" Mofan said.

"Don't talk about your current strength, even if you are demonic, the archangels are too lazy to control you, they are only for the curse, the emperor, you are still far away." Jiuyou said.

"Oh, then should I work harder," Mofan said.

"The world is very big. There are not many people with weird power. You are only on the list of the big cuts at most."

"After the nine secluded, in fact, I have never told you, I am the archangel Gabriel, I have been staring at you for a long time." Mo Fan suddenly looked down.

After Jiuyou and Mu Ningxue laughed.

"Gabriel is a woman, and you have to change your personality first."


"There is a light of Long Yao, I will hide for a while."

When I said this, suddenly at the most magnificent and magnificent St. Stephen's Tower in the Holy City, a pupil shining in the sun gazed over. For a time, the entire sky seemed to be occupied by this golden pupil. It is like seeing a huge planet with a golden fire, leaving Mo Fan and Muning Snow in the same place.

What is this again? ?

When I stepped into the holy city of Europe before dawn, this thing is like a decorative pearl on the spire. How suddenly, such a huge magic will be released, just like the deliberation of the gods, any small thoughts that are disrespectful to this holy city. There is nowhere to go!

"It is said to be the eyes of Jin Long." Li Yu mo regained his control. She had no bad thoughts and she was obviously not affected by this kind of examination.

"Golden Dragon? Light Dragon, a light system made by the eye of the real dragon??" Mo Fan full of sweat.

"Yeah." Li Yumo nodded and was in the Alpine school. He could learn a lot.

"It's no wonder that the undead army came here to die." Mo Fan sighed.

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