Versatile Mage

Chapter 2047: denounce

"It's a hopeless place." Mo Fan shook his head and was very disappointed with the folk customs here.

It is no wonder that the summer is always invisible to the people. Although she is not in power in the country, the religion like this anti-magic organization is certainly very troublesome. For the time being, there is no such inexplicable organization in Europe. There are a number of such congregations in the southern part of Greece, a few hundred kilometers south of the Parthenon.

They are still a group of ordinary people, there is no magic on them, and the magical association’s precepts to the magician to harm ordinary people are quite strict, basically they will not be lightly lost...

Therefore, this group of people clearly do the opposites, but they can't be stunned. Seeing that the group of hunters are leaving like a street mouse, they know that they are more wrong than anyone else.

Mo Fan does not know the meaning of the existence of this church. Although there are indeed some differences and privileges between the Master and the ordinary people, they can face the invasion of the demon, and the highest mortality rate will always be the magician.

At the moment of disaster, people start to split themselves.

Regardless of the purpose of these Ukrainian churches, and what are the very reasonable anti-magician reasons, they all make Mofan feel sick!

Take the incident in northern Xinjiang, the entire northern Xinjiang people are unscathed. This is a perfect victory for the government.

However, many people in northern Xinjiang have died, and they are all military mages and judges.

Their blood is dried up on the sand, and their bones are buried under the ancient Great Wall. If there is such a Ukrainian church in the northern Xinjiang, such a group of people wearing red striped clothes will march like this. The soul of the dead can never rest in the wind and sand of the northern Xinjiang!

A group of people who have not been on the battlefield, a group of well-fed people, what reason is there to oppose the **** battle for people who may die at any time?


Unreasonable to be unreasonable, the disappearance of Crete's Green Bud Island has indeed caused a huge effect. These Ukrainian churches are obviously not only against the magicians, but also in the incompetence of the magic organization.

Their condemnation is not without reason for many people. The indulgence of a city island, the murderer still can't find a trace. The idea of ​​coming to the Parthenon this time is an unprecedented crisis and has been questioned from all over the world. The most direct, it is the growth of the Ukrainian church!

Mo Fan is a person who can see through the essence of things. Although he did not mention these incidents with his own heart, it can be seen that the disappearance of Green Bud Island has caused a huge status impact on their three saints. Things in the country's land, and not long ago, held a snow festival, the sword fork Titan giants stepped on the Parthenon festival festive, bloody.


The people of the Hunter League should continue to enter the island of Crete. They are pursuing interests. They are even more eager to deal with the Titans. The Cretan government is naturally welcome, but most hunters are estimated by the Master. You will get a special treat from these Uzbek churches.

Mo Fan did not continue to watch the parade. It happened that such a disaster happened, and people panic, it is not surprising that this social phenomenon will occur.

Going back to Xia Bai’s holiday lodge, walking on some cobbled mountain roads, I suddenly heard several people talking.

Mo Fan did not care at first, but soon found that they followed one direction.

Until the Xia Bo grandmother's cabin, Mo Fan realized that these people seem to come to stay, they contacted Xia Bai early in the morning.

"You live in the backyard house, hey, I really didn't think of it. I haven't come to the guest in April. Are you coming here to hunt the giants?" Xia Bo came out to greet the group.

"Ask so much to do... strange, how do you have other guests here?" said the leading man, frowning.

"Oh, you misunderstood, you misunderstood, they are my employees, usually also responsible for recruiting." Xia Bai hurriedly said, while talking about these words, he kept blinking toward Mo Fan.

Mo Fan is really speechless about this silly X, it is better to let him drown in the mire.

"This is a 10,000 deposit. We have to stay here for a while, don't let other people bother us, understand!" The leader was very generous.

"No problem, absolutely no problem, please come in!" Xia Bai saw the money, his eyes burst into the light, and hurriedly called Mo Fan, "Brother, come over and help with the luggage..."

Mo Fan directly when he did not exist, then Xia Bo ran a whisper to Mo Fan and said that they could avoid the rent of the three of them.

Mo Fan thought for a moment, to Xia Baidao: "I know that you must have some news that did not tell us, if you want to earn money from this group of people..."

"I really told you what to tell you. I am going to sell it to the hunters," said Xia Bai.

Mo Fan likes to find out the Titan murderer as soon as possible, so that it can alleviate the stress of Xia Xia. Seeing that she is working on these things, Mo Fan is really distressed, not to mention losing to Tours, he really can’t come. Parthenon temple.

Mofan does not mind doing small things like moving luggage.

Don't always think of yourself as a great hero who saves the world. It's time to let go of that magnificent heart, do some little bitter work, try to look at other people's faces, eat some rough tea, and experience this livelihood. Run the real life, you will find it more interesting to be a big hero.

"This does not move!" Suddenly, a half-faced black man screamed coldly.

When Mo Fan was about to mention the box of things, his fingers immediately felt a suffocating cold like cold ice, and quickly spread on his whole body skin, and the goose bumps could not help.

"Oh, is there anything else that needs help?" Mo Fan immediately realized that something was not right.

"You are a magician?" Half of the black-faced man seemed to notice something, and the eyes stared at Mo Fan with hostility.

"Misundership, misunderstanding, how could he be a magician, a few of you look at it... I am a black church hotel, and then these are also the signs of the Ukrainian church. We never take magicians here, nor do we like it. Magician, you can rest assured!" Xia Bo responded quickly and rushed to save the field.

Mo Fan is also a person who will play tricks. He immediately reveals a polite and smirk: "Forgot to tell a few people, we don't welcome magicians here. If you are a magician, you still have to go to another." Let's go to live, anyway, our store is also very simple and remote."

"We are not a mage, don't block the road, go and go!" the half-faced man shouted, and said that he himself mentioned the box that seemed to be very important, a fierce look that was not easy to provoke. The backyard cottage went.

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