Versatile Mage

Chapter 2052: Authentic Giant

The moon is very low, and the waves that are rolled into the night sky are swallowed up at any time. Several sparse dark stars are hidden in thin clouds, and they will not be detected without careful observation.

The wind is very strong, blowing in the poppies everywhere, the orange poppies look like the big swing skirts worn by the girls in the spring of March, and they look beautiful.



A few loud earthquakes, the squid also shook, and a row of neat footprints appeared in the weedy mountains, but looked carefully there, but nothing.

A thin cloud of fog was inexplicably smashed by something. At this time, it was finally found that there was a silhouette that was not very clear. Its body was inexplicably integrated with the night sky, and it was obvious that it was not strong, but it did not obstruct any object. Transparent!

"Titan giants like to eat poppies, not because they are pre-meal vegetables before they eat meat, but because they are addicted to killing. When they encounter some powerful opponents, they will be injured. The only cure for injury is to find a safe place to sleep. The pain of the wounds can't make them fall asleep, so the poppy with a calming effect can let them quickly go to sleep after eating." In the mountains, a deliberately low voice sounded.

"Haha, I didn't expect to be waiting for us. The boss is really powerful. It is more accurate than the military people to find the foraging point of this silver moon Titan giant. The treasure of this silver moon Titan is owned by our red pine hunter group. !! A sharp male voice came out.

In the grass, there are many unusual creeps, not caused by the wind blowing, but here is already a big hunter group.

The Akamatsu Hunter Group, they are from Japan, and the Titan Giant’s organs have always been priced at the auction in Japan, far more than making more money than hunting the Kraken.

Therefore, they did not hesitate to violate the regulations of their own country, and went to this Greece for a thousand miles to hunt a Titan giant!

"Boss, this guy looks a bit... fierce."

"What are you afraid of, we have more than fifty people here!"

Akamatsu is a master of seven-star hunters. In fact, his strength is not inferior to some hunting kings, but he has not completed some rewards of corresponding levels. The people who can become kings are basically in the Hunter League. I made a great contribution, so don't look at the whole world of hunting kings only a limited number, a large number of people are stuck in the title of the seven-star hunter master.

Hunting a silver moon Titan giant.

This glory should be enough for him to run for the name of the next Japanese Hunting King?

"It's in a trap!"

"Dragonfly Chrysanthemum!!!" Akamatsu shouted.

Of the more than 50 hunters, more than forty hunters are plant masters who have been invited by Red Pine for a large price.

This year, I was able to cultivate the magic of the plant system so much, but the super brute force creature of the Titan giant is to use the soft gram.

Plants are the best way to bind them. When the Titans began to use poppy to paralyze wounds, the Red Pine Hunters set a big trap!

Numerous wicker-like green whiskers are picked up from the poppy bushes. They are extremely flexible. Under the joint control of more than forty plant magicians, hundreds of thousands of ......

Looking down from the sky, these blue silks form a brilliant chrysanthemum, and the Titan giant is in the middle of all the flowers.

All the blue whiskers themselves wrapped around the Titan giant's limbs, waist, neck, shoulders, and even all active joint positions were entangled several times.

The other side of the Aoki must be fixed on the ground, the Titan giants just want to escape, all the green wood must be fiercely tightened, and the Titan’s giant life who is about to step on the stage is fixed in place, letting the whole body muscles expand and exert force. Can't break away from this resilience of green mustard!

"Hey, these green woods can be supported by even a cross-sea bridge, which is more secure than steel cables!" said the red pine hunter boss.


The Titan giant began to turn his body, and the cyan lumber, which was as long as the suspension bridge cable, was also screwed together. Under normal circumstances, the harder objects would break due to this strong twist, and the flexibility of the green wood was sufficient. How do the Titan giants turn strong, these blue silks are not moving!

"Boss, I am going to cut it back neck!" said the hunter, who wants to be invited.

"Do you think this is a comic book! They are Titan giants, not attacking giants!"

"Hey, I am joking. This guy is Silver Moon Titan. It seems that nothing is great."

"Idiot, don't say this in the battle, don't you know that once the word is spit out in the comics, the prey will suddenly be awesome, killing all of us here!" Red Pine Hunter Boss .

"The amount... seems to be the same thing."

The people of the Akamatsu Hunter Group stared closely at the Titan Giant. Their burly body was really daunting, and they didn’t feel that a monarch-class creature would surrender so easily. They were ready to change. occur.

However, the things they were worried about had never happened. The Titans tried their best to break away from the arrangement of the dragon's nest, which made the people of the Akamatsu Hunter Group undoubtedly revealing doubts.

"It doesn't seem to be struggling," said the hunter's younger brother.

"Weird, we have prepared so much... Could it be that our strength has become so strong, or is this Titan giant really not as terrible as it was imagined?" The red pine hunter boss touched his own needs.

Waiting for a while, the Titan giant actually arched his body, a look that no longer resisted, like a detached porcupine that was slaughtered by a butcher. Everyone looked at each other.

In any case, they are not ready to attack yet. How did this guy surrender himself? ?



Suddenly, there were several loud noises on the sea level. This time it was not only the mountain forest, but the sky and the ocean were shaking together.

The line of sight will be inexplicably blurred with each vibration, and will resume in its interval. The people of the Red Pine Hunter group look up and look in the direction of the beach, about one kilometer apart, but they stand on the hill. I got a head that was hot and hot!

There is a flaming slurry in the crack of the skin, which is a volcanic volcano emerging from the ocean! !


The Akamatsu Hunter Group was horrified at the direction of the beach. In fact, the volcano's tumbling giant looks like it is in front of you, bringing unprecedented spiritual shock to everyone! !

Compared with the Titan giant who was trapped by the hawthorn chrysanthemum, the volcanic giant who is now appearing is a real giant! !

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