Versatile Mage

Chapter 2054: Can't stop it, can't stop

Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan are just like being in a dozen conjoined volcanoes. The volcanic ash in the sky turns into a black and horrible volcanic cloud. The hot magma continues to surge and let them two people. There is nowhere to go.

"My rock can't stop it. Mofan is not a guy we can solve." Zhao Manyan said.

In the shape of the body, a rock image that has been morphed in a few seconds will be melted by the force of the **** that has been rushed up. No matter how fast the Zhao Manyan condenses the rock, it seems to be faster. The speed at which the pulp rushes to them.

"Would you like to try your rock magic?" Zhao Manyan suddenly came to this mouth.

"Mom, when are you, you still give Laozi sour, my gravel circle - Tianmen needs to accumulate gravel prints, now let me use a defense to get a pigpen door, give I concentrate on it, I will give it a look at the color!" Mo Fan shouted.

Zhao Manyan’s recent injury to his self-esteem was a bit serious, so it’s yin and yang.

Mo Fan certainly knows that he didn't come up with the true skills. If you don't go all out to deal with such a Titan giant, you don't know when it turns into meat.

"Jumped up, the guy jumped up!" Zhao Manyan suddenly shouted at the bottom of the panic.

Mo Fan bowed his head and found that the head of the mud-rolling stone was actually less than a hundred meters away from himself. So a giant hits it and there is nothing. The magician’s reaction can be evaded. The problem is that this Titan giant collided. At the time, there was a silver moon magic light on the body.

The silver moon magic light makes it impossible to understand how many times it has been expanded. Under Mo Fan’s senses, it feels that the ocean under the feet has become the destructive force that comes up, even if you use the momentary movement, you can’t escape!

This Titan giant attack is indeed a large area of ​​a large area, the way it is to destroy the location of the small human being.

"Old Zhao, look at you." Mo Fan resolutely retreated to the back of Zhao Manyan.

"Look at the egg, look at it, just let it go and let it go!" Zhao Manyan roared.

Silver Moon Titan Giant...

At least it is a monarchy, let alone an adult. Last time, in order to save the citizens of the suburbs of Athens, Zhao Manyan almost hangs up. This time he got into a more fierce, and sure enough, he worked hard to cultivate. Can't catch up with Mo Fan's upgrade speed!

Silver light rushes to the moon, and the night sky has appeared countless white cracks with this impact energy. At first glance, it seems that countless fine and dense light is transmitted from the gap of the cloud, but it is actually a wave of impact magic light. Let the space appear some distortion and cracks!

The space is actually like a calm water. Most of the power will only roll up some waves on it. It will take a long time to return to calm. When the destructive power is too large, it will hit a hole in the space. In order to fill this hole, a space vortex will be formed nearby...

Zhao Manyan saw the battle between the tyrants and the prisoners. When their forces collided, they would cause cracks, smashes, and even some small eddies in the normal plane.

At this time, the power of this silver moon Titan giant has reached the level that can shake the stability of the space. If it can't be offset by a fast enough condensing element, then all the thick defenses will be easily torn into pieces!

"Mo Fan, can't fight, ready to withdraw!" Zhao Manyan said.

"You can't stop?" Mo Fan was a little surprised.

"You add a shadow mark to it, go back to me and give you a detailed explanation." Zhao Manyan said.

"The imprint is not necessarily tracked, so it's a pity to let it go," Mo Fan said.

"Big brother, it can be good for us to spare our dogs!" Zhao Manyan said.

Mo Fan glanced at Zhao Manyan and found that his face was really ugly. It should be that the force that collided with it was too strong, and it hurt his internal organs.

Since Zhao Manyan can't hold it, then he can't support it for too long.


Mo Fan didn't think much, and took Zhao Manyan to escape into the dark space.

The Titan giant saw that the two humans had escaped, and they did not stop.

After about two or three kilometers, there was a ray of light on the north, and it was approaching as the meteor flew.

The Titan giant realized that the great reinforcement of mankind had arrived, and he gave up the chase of Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan.

With his arms slamming on both sides, he saw two large waves of gray that could stretch to the boundary of the sea, and it was completely thrilling to divide the sea into two.

The high waves completely obscured the view, and the mist was filled with heavy rain. When the light wings reached the wreckage of the desert island, the silver moon Titan giant had already disappeared.

"Damn, how can I let it escape!!" Lucas, the leader, angered.

"There are no people in our place, but there is a team of hunters who applied for guards here. They didn't seem to have notified us for the first time, nor did they know them..." said an officer.

"Tracking right away, you can't let it escape!" said Jin Yao Knight Lucas.

The order was issued, and many mages searched separately, but the marine creatures were more powerful than the monsters on the land. They basically did some useless work.

After about ten minutes or so, Tours also arrived. This guy has a summoning mount, a flying horse with a dark gold armor.

The knights of the Parthenon are very particular about the line. The eyes of the giant gold dragonfly are in the presence of the singer. The feeling of B is obviously on several levels above the knights of Jin Yao, and then compared with Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan. This is indeed awkward with the emperor.

"Mo Fan, you are not without money, please buy yourself a wing magic tool?" Zhao Manyan carrying Mo Fan hanging in the air, a look of resentment.

"I didn't find the right one, and I didn't want to waste money." Mo Fan said.

While driving the dark gold armor, the high-spirited squatting of the two men, the rise of the corner of the mouth indicates that he is quite contemptuous of the two people.

It's like a man driving a roadster encounters a high school classmate riding an old Phoenix bicycle on the side of the road. The most popular thing is that there is still a person sitting in front of the bicycle.

"It seems that the two of you are more waste than I thought, and even the Titans are released under the eyes," said Tours.

"You are not a Titan giant expert, how is it slower than we are to the scene?" Mo Fan said.

"Because I know that the guy is not the murderer of the Green Island City, it is just a matter of delaying the public anger," said Tours.

"I also know that it is not, so I don't want to waste time." Mo Fan said.

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