Versatile Mage

Chapter 2056: There is still bad news

"If it's water, don't say big waves, a spoonful of water is poured down, and the sand can penetrate as much as you can?" Zhao Manyan continued.

Mo Fan nodded immediately, like a concentrated child who just went to kindergarten.

"It's not that the power of the truck is not as good as water, nor that the dune's defense is not strong, but the material problem. The silver moon Titan giant's attack is directly destroying the plane. It is useless to use this magic to resist it. The thick defense will be torn open, the space of the plane is broken, and there is magic material," Zhao Manyan said.

"So you are sure that you can't stop it?" Mo Fan said.

"Crap, can stop me, of course, go all out to block, this essentially disintegrates the previous defense, and then fight down is not looking for death?" Zhao Manyan said.

"That is, without solving this problem, we can never compete with the silver moon Titan giant, let alone deal with the green shooter?" Mo Fan said.

"Well, the strength of the Red Pine Hunter Group is not weak. They are definitely well prepared. The result is still being beaten. The main reason is that they did not understand the cracking ability of the Titan Giant. Once the plane appears cracked. It means that there is a crack in the defense, and the energy will penetrate directly into the magician's body." Zhao Manyan said.

"Sure enough, the monarch is not vegetarian," Mo Fan said.

"But don't worry, after the battle with the prisoners, I am studying how to deal with the problem of this plane crack." Zhao Manyan said.

"How to deal with it?" Mo Fan also wants to understand.

Now that the super-order is over, the magic is getting more and more flowers, and the ability of the demon is even more varied. This kind of means of cracking the plane can really be handled.

"The plane space will be repaired by itself. The repair speed is actually calculated in a fraction of a second. So as long as it breaks the plane space at the same time and allows the plane space to be repaired more quickly, it can prevent energy from penetrating. In this case, I have to block the silver moon Titan's attack is not a problem." Zhao Manyan said.

"So you will?" Mofan asked.

"Unskilled, need someone to help. You have to gather the surrounding elements in a short time, even if it is a small crack, you probably need to adjust all the elements of 100 meters, in the cracked area caused by the silver moon Titan. It takes seven or eight kilometers of elements to gather and fill them up,” said Zhao Manyan.

"The gathering of elements requires a field," Mofan said.

"Yeah, you can't help me. The elements you gather have to be used to attack the Titans. Otherwise, even the skins of others can't be hurt. My own field alone can't fill the broken in such a short time. Point. Think about it, don't solve this problem, we don't dare to touch the silver moon Titan." Zhao Manyan said.


Originally wanted to go back to the hotel, Zhao Manyan had to go to a few drinks.

Mu Bai came over for a while, and there was also Xia Bai who ran along with him. This guy was going to drink wine and drink, and he didn’t have to face it.

"I said, are you two mentality a bit too good, did not catch the Titan giants, you are here to drink a wine?" Mu Bai walked over and said with grievance.

"We are doing our best," Mofan said.

Mu Bai looked up and down Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan and found that there was no trace of fighting in them. Even the clothes had not been changed. It can be seen that the battle is basically the walking process.

"Drinking and drinking, why do you talk about such serious things, work, seriously do it, look like a night vision, how can you have a midnight drink and a chat with a woman?" Xia Bo naturally began to drink. .

"Come, drink this snake bile, kidney." Zhao Manyan handed Mu Bai a cup.

Make up your uncle!

The four people just drank a few cups, and Zhao Manyan also said a bit about the cracks in the plane, so that Mu Bai also thought about ways. When Mu Baigang wanted to talk, he heard someone cheering inexplicably.

"Why, did Manchester United score?" Xia Bo immediately turned around and thought that someone was watching the game.

"Is Yarn is still the Yarn of Yarn. When she was in charge of the Parthenon, we never had such a thing in Greece. Even if there was, it would take the murderer in a short time, now It became a resentment to become a few sacred women fighting in the country, and the country did not handle it well and went to other countries to show off."

"Friends, there is no need to make such a yarn, but it is a silver moon Titan, not the murderer of Green Bud Island. Now I will start to boast a bit too much. I like the saint Asha Rui... ...the people are especially beautiful, the temperament is good, and the body is even more."

A group of drinkers have already spoken loudly.

"Everyone, no matter who they support, the people of Iraqi yarn killed a silver moon Titan and it is worth celebrating in the blue sea city state. Let's do this together!" said the owner of a pub holding a ale.

"In other words, which warrior killed the silver moon Titan giant, the recent news said that only four or five of the 50 members of the international first-line hunter group Akam are alive..." said a hunter-like person.


"Turs is so powerful??"

"Isn't that the man who danced with the saint on the snow festival? The people who can appear on that occasion are really different!"

"Come and come, everyone also respects the Warriors Cup!"

"Hey, how many of you, why don't you raise a glass? You just didn't drink together with the yarn of Jingyi, but now you don't respect the warrior. What do you mean, don't you want us to settle down in Crete?" The man took a picture of Mo Fan and others.

Mo Fan just wanted to ask him to roll, Xia Bai immediately raised the cup, and in a few words he took the drunkard away.

Zhao Manyan and Mo Fan had a drink.

"Mofan, you are a little stressed. This is a Titan killer. I don't know how he found the silver moon Titan giant who has already ran away. He has the ability to kill him. It is not us. Now you can compare. If you are going to give someone a head and recognize the wrong one, you will have to leave the heart of the heart and you will not be able to get away from it." Zhao Manyan said some gloating.

"Don't put a shit, that Titan giant is that we let it go, and Tuols don't want us. Our goal is to be a green murderer, and the rest are not eye-catching," Mofan said.

"There is still bad news. Turtle didn't say that he could find other giants through a Titan giant. Since he caught the volcanic solstice Titan giant, does that mean he also found clues to the green murderer? ", Mu Bai said.

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