Versatile Mage

Chapter 2067: Fast... escape!

I sent a sliced ​​fruit plate to the man's room with the black-faced face. Considering that the other person still needs a salad and passing the horse stable with the horse, Mo Fan took a few ideas in the horse shed. Hey, this kind of simmered with horse manure is mixed into the salad and spread on fresh fruit. It is a masterpiece.

"Very good, this is for you, take the flowers." Half of the black-faced man saw the waiter's younger brother so careful, sent a cut fruit plate over, revealing a smile.

"Please use it slowly." Mofan's fingers moved gently, and a dark substance like ice was quietly infiltrated into the body of this member of the guild.

Mo Fan just turned and walked out of the small courtyard, and there was a black-faced man’s voice immediately.

"Wait." The black-faced man called Mo Fan.

Mo Fan stunned, thinking that this guy seems to be repairing is not low, even after seeing the dark matter of his own, it seems that only the first person has been taken, as for what they have done specifically, slowly tortured Enough.

"You have a good taste of the fruit plate, the salad dressing is not bad, give me more than a few dishes." Black-faced face man said with a smile.

"Oh, okay, no problem."

Mo Fan put away the flame that was about to ignite in the palm of his hand, and smiled back.

When he screwed his head, Mo Fan couldn't help but whispered a word: Mom, mentally handicapped!


At night, Mo Fan waited quietly for their actions, and the whereabouts of the black-skinned man was completely in his hands.

"Mo Fan, these guys are really the guild guild?" Zhao Manyan was somewhat suspicious.

"I will know when I check it. They should have action at night. These dogs are so choppy that they have come to our faces, and they have not pulled them uprooted?" Mo Fan said.

When the first guilds made cruel things in China, Mo Fan did not forget that they used the heart of children to replace the hearts of the Titans. How many lives were lost in their hands, but certainly more than they know. More, if such a scum scum does not clear, Mo Fan 浑 will not be comfortable underneath!

"We don't know anything about their situation. If they are just a group of small shrimps from the guild guild, then we will still be a Chaoyang people. It is good to report them anonymously by phone." Mu Bai said.

"They came here to collect the Titan giant organs. It doesn't look like some small characters," Mofan said.

Mofan has always been very interested in them because they always exude some eccentric atmosphere that they must pay attention to. This is the ability of the dark vein to give Mofan a sixth sense.

Sure enough, they are not ordinary black hunters, black merchants, and members of the infamous guild guilds that have long been on all continents.

"Xia Bo this guy is really amazing, recruiting guests, recruiting a group of gangsters to come in." Zhao Manyan said.

"Right, Xia Bai?" Mo Fan asked.

"It’s been a long time to go out, it’s very delicate, and it’s going to be a woman who wants to be dissatisfied. This guy doesn’t know what nerves are, I’m very unhappy when I see you coming back here. I also gave Laozi a meal. If I didn't bother to care about him, he had to go to the meeting today!" Zhao Manyan said.

"Well, it is estimated that we have lived for so long and have not given money. He wants to drive us away." Mu Bai said.

"Well, this color of greed | ghost." Mo Fan said helplessly.


Mo Fan was in the hotel all night, he thought that the black-faced man would have any action this evening, but very strangely, he was always in his room.

This makes Mo Fan somewhat confused. Is it only the younger brother of the black headscarf?

That can be traced to the wrong person, the dark matter can not spread to the younger brother of the black headscarf.


Probably late at night, the younger brother in the black headscarf and the other two reticent Golden Retriever brothers were returning to the hotel. They did not stay in the lobby and walked straight to their boss's house.

"Head, I saw that the three people came back when I came in." The black hooded man said.

"I know, I am not looking at them?"

"Do you want to solve it together?"

"The military and the Parthenon are all around here. They are very sensitive to everything. When I erase our traces, I will do it again. Well, it will be fine for a while." The black-faced man said.

"We also did a very beautiful job. Hey, I walked alone in the black alley and met the knife-crusher who was divided into Shenwu..." said the black hooded younger brother.


Mo Fan did not eavesdrop on what they said. In the vicinity of the house, the black-faced man was very alert. He arranged some unknowing enchantments so that the sound would not be transmitted. Mo Fan still didn’t know the strength of the other side. Take a sigh of relief to touch the place where the other party has already set the enchantment.

"I didn't expect their younger brother to go to action, not to follow, it's a pity." Mo Fan said.

When I was in the woods, the black-faced man came back alone, and the three younger brothers went out. At that time, Mo Fan did not have time to hit the dark mark on them, nor did they know where they were going.

"Let's put a long line and catch big fish, we don't have to alarm them for a while," Mu Bai said.



When the three were talking, they suddenly heard the sound of knocking on the door.

"Haha, I thought that Xia Bai could go to dawn in a war. I didn't expect to roll back so quickly. Hey, have you tried so many women, and haven't fed a few!" Zhao Manyan stood up. Go through the simple small front yard to open the door to Xia Bai.

The door was wide open, Zhao Manyan was there, and the smell of pungent rushed!

A **** red, from the position of the chest has been dyed to the pants, even the hands are all blood, Zhao Manyan is not recognized that this person is indeed Xia Bai, afraid that it will be scared a light magic will smash him!

Mo Fan and Mu Bai also smelled the blood and immediately went outside the house.

"Mu Bai, come and save people." Zhao Manyan will be full of blood, Xia Bo to help the house, but at this time, Xia Bai, who is half dead and dead, does not know where the strength comes from, and does not come in the door.

"Fast... fast... escape!!!" Xia Bo seized Zhao Manyan's clothes and died, and stared at him with those **** eyes.

"You are dying." Zhao Manyan did not know what to do for a while, he was not a cure mage.

Xia Bai’s injury is very serious. His position with his hand has been bleeding. Mu Bai has already rescued him, but he is also not a cure. His pharmacy is facing this life is rapidly depleting. Not much effect.

"Escape... escape!! They..." Xia Bo said with all his strength to the three.

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