Versatile Mage

Chapter 2074: Fight with people

"It's me, it's me!" Babbitt said ecstatically.

"Dick's army is inside, do you need me to take you in?" said the guard soldiers.

"That's great, take me in, take me in!!" Babbitt said eagerly.

Jessica also glanced at Babbitt, who looked a little bit strange, but was very disgusted with the attitude of guarding the soldiers.

I am a military general, and then the frontline **** fight, in the end, this guardian soldier is not as respectful as the merchant of this chamber of commerce. Is it true that there are no wealth in the eyes of the soldiers of Kleite!

Jessica glanced at Babbitt's back and vaguely felt that there was something unusual behind him, but when Jessica went to see it, nothing was found.

At the 90-degree turn of the Panshan Highway, there is an old pine swinging in the wind. Under the shadow of the tree, a figure of tall and straight with a bit of evil is gradually emerging.

Once again, Jessica looked there until I realized that there was a light from the cell phone, and realized that there was a person standing there, and I didn’t know what it was looking for for what purpose.

Jessica hesitated for a while, but finally did not pay attention to it. This is a military academy. It is not a secret military base. It is normal for outsiders to walk around, including some military academies. They are still there and their girlfriends in the middle of the night. I have a lot of phone calls.


"Yes, his daughter and Xia Bai met in the afternoon, and then his daughter disappeared..." Mo Fan held the phone in one hand and the other hand tossed the branch next to it.

"Mo Fan, Xia Bo died too strange, do you really think that Xia Bai opened this store and did not pay the protection fee to the Lang Lang Association??" Mu Bai said.

"I just called Asharuya and asked Asharuya to help me check out the survivors of Green Bud Island. Some of the survivors also have something similar to Xiabai." Everyone said.

"The survivors are accidentally killed, a lot?" Mu Bai said.

"No, if you don't doubt this phenomenon, there is nothing strange about the death of those people," Mo Fan said.

Mental disorders fall into the sea.

The family died, and it was meaningless to live alone in the house where they were placed.

Dedicated to the battlefield, I want to revenge and be killed by those lizards and giants...

It’s all normal deaths. It’s just like this tragedy. It’s justified that this follow-up chain effect is just the result of Xia Bai’s death. Mofan has to doubt this whole thing!

Xia Bai is an optimistic lazy man. In fact, it is very similar to the urban locals who have been assigned to several houses by the majority of the house demolition. The day after the day is a day, and there is absolutely no need to worry about the future.

After the incident of Green Bud Island, Xia Bo wanted to forget everything as much as possible. Apart from mentioning the magic seal at the beginning, he never said half of the words about the sinking of Green Bud Island.

At first, Mo Fan felt that this was a way of life for Xia Bai. He selectively forgot the painful and terrible things, and focused his attention on the most anticipated summer, and the beautiful girls.

This is a very good state.

But when he saw that he was covered in blood, Mo Fan was amazed...

He forgot what he had witnessed before, but it is actually another way of life.

Xia Bai is very smart. He is smarter than he imagined. In order to survive, he has never mentioned the truth and others half a word. This made him live longer than other people who died unexpectedly.

"I think Xia Bo first thought that we were the ones who wanted to kill him. So I showed the last time that the rest of the robbery continued to live a comfortable life. Later, the people of the Lang Lang Association came in, he also There is no flaw in the flaws. However, why did he go to see the daughter of the forest owner? The black-faced men have already relaxed their vigilance against Xia Bo, and they also intend to give up monitoring, but they have given them opportunities." Mo Fan said.

"Yeah, he knows that the person who wants to kill him is not us, but the person who lives in the store behind, in order not to let us be implicated... The Lang Lang Association is really a group of beasts." Mu Bai said.

An ordinary person, leisurely to live on weekdays, began to shoot in the summer, you love me, just live the life that most men admire.

Such a person, unless the wife of someone else is discovered, otherwise it is impossible to recruit a murder. If Xia Bo does not die, Mo Fan will still firmly believe that the sinking of Luyacheng Island is done by a ruthless Titan giant. Oh, it is a natural disaster.

But Xia Bo is dead, which means that everything is not as simple as it seems.

It can be said that Xia Bo is a survivor monitored by the Lang Lang Association.

Why monitor survivors?

What did the survivors witness?

So what is the person behind it to cover up?

Mo Fan will not ask the black-faced man, because Mo Fan knows that the black-faced man is just a thug, and there are many black-faced members like the black-faced man, who are monitoring other survivors and making various kinds. Looks like a very reasonable accident?

"Can the daughter of the forest owner find it?" Mofan asked.

"I tried it with Lao Zhao, I hope it is still alive." Mu Bai said.

"What about the forest owner now?"

"Unconscious, I handed him over to the Jin Yao Knight named Jiang Bin. This person character should be no problem." Mu Bai said.

"Jiang Bin? Oh, the old man who was almost expelled from the illiterate old man who kept the orange coconut island. Well, this person is good, he should be assured that he should be assured." Mo Fan nodded.


After the conversation with Mu Bai, Mo Fan turned off his mobile phone and put it in his pocket.

Slightly looked up, eyes staying in front of the military school gate, Mo Fan's expression began to change.

Is this still the case?

Can't it be a pure natural disaster?

Why are there factors that are artificial?

Mo Fan was disappointed with this truth that was about to surface.

The demon is rampant in the whole world. Human beings are at a huge disadvantage. The reason why they have not disappeared in such a long period of time has gradually entered a magical civilization. It is because people are different from demons, and they must be more united than demons and more intelligent.

But the reason why human beings can never be in the upper hand, can not get out of the city like a cage, it is also because people and the demon are no different, greedy, barbaric, fratricidal!

This era has been a lot of disasters, Mo Fanben thought that it would be a painful and quick fight with the sky, and in the end it still has to fight.

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