Versatile Mage

Chapter 2076: Junzo Dick

"You are filthy, how can I collude with the people of the Lang Lang guild, you are doing this to the military of my duty, that is, trying to endanger our military school, is a death sin!" The guards wiped the blood on his face.

"Mr. Mofan, please don't use magic anymore. After all, it is a military school. Please do not use magic any more reason. Otherwise, according to the laws of our country, you will indeed be executed. The majesty of the army cannot be violated. Jessica was very anxious.

As long as Mofan no longer uses magic, it can be handled as a personal grievance with the goalkeeper. This kind of thing Jessica can be pressed down.

If Momofan caused damage in the military school and even threatened the life of a duty officer, then it would be difficult to calm down the generals of the eyebrows. After all, this military school is what Dick Junzo said. .

"In order to change things, I really don't offend your soldiers, but today, this reason is worthy of my offense." Mo Fan said to Jessica.

"You will make yourself in a desperate situation!" Jessica said.

"It doesn't matter, this time I speak for justice," Mofan said.

Justice endorsement?

In the eyes of Jessica, Mo Fan is more like a demon king who is not afraid of fear, and there is such a justice spokesperson who is good at the military school fat gatekeeper, even though the goalkeeper is really owed!

"Hahaha, justice endorsement... It’s so interesting to hear a gangster say this in my military academy." A clear laugh came from the military university building, and a blue dress was wearing The man in the navy coat strode out.

The beard of a face, the eyes must be occupied by the hair, Mo Fan really do not understand why some people like this style?




The goalkeeper who was beaten and swollen was limping and ran to the front of the army.

Next to Dick, the person standing is Babbitt.

Before Babbitt, like the black-faced man, he lost his soul. After standing next to the military Zodick, Babbitt’s whole person’s mental state is different. Just like the resurrection, there is a noble and subtle person’s honor. Proud.

"Babbit, is this the backing you are looking for? You lang guild business is very wide, even the military school has become your safe haven?" Mo Fan looked at Babbitt, could not help but smile and asked.

"You are a madman, a demon, a bandit, killing me so many members of the Chamber of Commerce do not say, even if you still come to the military academy, Dick Junzo will definitely do justice for me!" Babbitt said a set of scenes.

"I have a recording, you don't say that. Jessica, trouble putting my recordings, do you have any broadcasts?" Mofan asked Jessica.

"Yes, yes." Jessica nodded and took the evidence from Mo Fan.

Dick Junzo spoke at this time, and said to Jessica: "Jessica, do you know him?"

"Back to the army, this is a special master of the generals, Lord Mofan. He and his friends killed the steel mountain giant and the Bohai snake dragon for our front line, is a meritorious person." Jessica immediately replied.

"It turned out to be a small hero. It seems to be a misunderstanding. Hite officer, you are learning magic with your Mofan, accidentally injured, and other duty personnel mistakenly thought that there was an enemy invasion, which made things happen. This is the point, right?" Dick Junzo asked with a smile.

The Hite officer was stunned and deliberately looked back at the aggressive Mo Fan.

This guy turned out to be the one who killed the steel mountain Titan, no wonder the strength is so terrible!

"Yes, yes, we are learning." Hite officer glared at his broken front teeth and said with a bitter face.

"Sure enough, it is a misunderstanding, how can someone swear at us at the Crete Military Academy? The Black Holy See has no such courage... Everyone goes back to rest, and Mo Fan also asks to go back soon. I will give you a confession. "Dick Junzo said.

"I am here, I need a confession... Oh, no, I am not coming to confess, I am coming to the result. Dick Junzo, I ask you, are you a member of the Lang Lang Association?" Everyone asked.

"Bold, you are smearing our national officers!" Hite officer was angry.

"I am not, I don't have multiple identities. I am just the headmaster of the Crete Military Academy, the military of the Crete theater." Dick Junzo replied earnestly.

"Babbit, you seem to be looking for the wrong person. Dick Junzo is not your superior. Dick Junzo, I have solid evidence that Babbitt is a member of the Black Association of the Lang Lang Association. The level is quite high, I want to Take his dog's life, you have no opinion?" Mo Fan asked.

Dick Junzo frowned.

What happened to this young man, he gave him the steps, let him roll safely, he did not know what to do, even asked such a mentally handicapped question.

"I am not a court, I can't judge whether Babbitt is a member of the guild guild, so before he is convicted, he is always our partner, dealing with the body of the Titan giant we will kill, and providing excellent services for our frontline soldiers. Defensive magic," said Dick Junzo.

"Have you heard a story about war, military?" Mofan asked.

"Please say." Jun Zuo seems very patient.

"A soldier is assigned to work on a wall by a superior, but anyone who meets the wall must shoot, whether he is a civilian or an enemy. In fact, they are the aggressors, and the wall blocks the original land. The people, now they are about to be defeated, and the land will be returned to the inhabitants here. He is guarding the wall and knowing that there are no enemies, but he still kills the civilians who are going to turn over the wall. After the war, he was accused of slaughtering civilians. In the military court, his answer was: I am obeying the orders of the superiors and obeying the duties of the soldiers." Mofan asked.

Everyone in the military school is listening to Mo Fan to tell the story, including Jessica and the guardian officer.

This story is highly representative. The order is to kill the civilians and not obey the order. Then the soldier will be sentenced to death. Is it guilty or not guilty?

"I have never heard of this story, but I want to know what high opinion you have?" Dick Junzo said.

"The court sentenced him to guilty. Because he could not choose not to shoot, but he could choose to raise the muzzle by ten centimeters," Mofan said.

The people at the military academy were stunned after listening to this sentence.

Including Jessica, she has just fallen into the question of whether to shoot or not.

Yes, the duty is to ask him to shoot, but whether to hit the target, that is the soldier's own choice!

"The story is wonderful, but not everyone has been so smart at that time." Dick Junzo said.

"So I have told you, you can do this. May I ask if you are willing to raise the guns of your military. You know who he is." Mo Fan said to the army Zodick.

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