Versatile Mage

Chapter 2079: Gravel print, Pangyan Whale

Between the previous powers, this ice iron elbow strikes directly on the person without any defense, in any case will be broken.

Mo Fan figure just emerged, have not had time to shoot against the army Zuo Dike, this time is a very good opportunity to kill him in an instant, but the other party is still accurate.

“Instantly moving!”

The elbow of the ice iron is close at hand, and Mo Fan can even smell the terrible chill. Fortunately, Mo Fan left a hand and used a transient moving constellation in advance in the place where he emerged.

At the third level, the momentary movement can use a certain range of areas instead of simply transferring the space to yourself. Mofan feels that Dick Junzo is not a leisurely generation, so he also is himself before the attack. First paved a back road, if there is no danger, Mo Fan behind this transient mobile constellation can be canceled.


At the moment when the cold iron elbow hit the side, Mo Fan disappeared into the place.

This time, Mo Fan pulled a little distance, and if he could move Dick Junzo together, it would be perfect, and he could punch a punch on his face full of stinking hair. .

"Double stack teleport, a little meaning." Army Zodick turned and looked at Mo Fan, who had moved to his back position. "But don't expect the speed of casting to have me faster!!"

Mo Fan just had to complete a constellation of the mine system, but the military Zuo Dike directly slapped the air.

Sure enough, a cold iron palm appeared directly behind Mo Fan, and mercilessly shot on Mofan's back, such a big palm with the same roof cover is not an easy task.


Mo Fan could only resist with his mind this time, and the result was as far as the previous one.


"Hahaha, it’s so wonderful, it’s breaking the bones directly!” Babbitt shouted excitedly.

Although it wasn’t for Babbitt’s own hands, seeing Mofan’s being photographed by Dick’s army could resolve his previous humiliation.

Mo Fan climbed up from a layer of gray soil and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

At this time, there was a group of military mages around him. They obviously wanted to kill the hand. They directly carried out a wave of magic bombing on Mo Fan, and directly bombarded the area where Mo Fan was in the hundreds of holes.

"Dick Junzo, are you letting your men die?" Mo Fan broke into the dark space, and all the elements were baptized through Mofan's body, such as the dark ghost of Mo Fan but safe and sound.

It can be seen that Dick Junzo is trying to make a quick decision.

He used his special ability to constantly limit Mo Fan, and even did not give Mo Fan any chance to counterattack, and then let the military academy's military mage jointly attack and achieve the effect of direct killing.

Dick Jun is staring at Mo Fan, and his face is a bit strange.

He didn't know how Mo Fan avoided the magical bombardment of all the military mages.

The time to enter the dark space is limited, and Mo Fan comes out of the magic smoke.

"In front of me, you can't use any ruin magic!" Dick Junzo began to accumulate power again.

"Then you are too small to see me!" Mo Fan snorted.

Even if you don't need a star map or a constellation, Mofan can use powerful magic!

In the range of 500 meters of Mo Fan, there have been countless small stone plaques like pebbles, which were buried in the sand by Mo Fan.

I have to say that if Dick Junzo has been using this move to attack himself, Mo Fan really can't find any good way to resolve it. It will be suppressed by death, but Dick’s army will launch it. Other military mages jointly attacked.

The joint attack power of the military mages is strong, but it is just a dark pulse. It can be easily solved by breaking into the darkness. On the contrary, the magic exerted by many military mages provides hundreds of Mofan. A gravel print!

"Broken stone, Pangyan whale!!"

You don't need to draw any kind of star track. With Mofan's instruction, you can see that the entire sand-laying drill field suddenly appeared like a wave, and then a giant stone whale emerged from the surface of the ground and took off. Going over the entire military school! !

This time, Dick's release speed is slower than that of Mo Fan, and the effect of its own rubble print is instant!

Any powerful magic requires a complex astrology to support. Dick Junzo did not use any constellation or star-class magic before Mofan. As for the lower-level magic, it can easily resist...

However, the gravel Yinshun is sent to Shunfa. After collecting hundreds of different gravel marks, large and small, the power formed is quite scary!

This rock whale is much more solid than the founder of the rock whale that Mofan met in Egypt. When the rock whale swooped down, it felt that the entire military school was destroyed! !


Pangyan whales hit several layers of soil waves, with the most surface sand waves, deeper soil waves, and rock formations below the rock. Numerous huge cracks spread along the mountain roads of the military school, standing on the mountainside. The foundation of the military school has to collapse.

The military mages who jointly dealt with Mo Fan, were born with several layers of soil waves, and Dick’s army was at the center of the collision of the Pangyan whale, even if his whole body became a cold iron. The body, this impact is enough to make his internal organs churn!

The second effect of the gravel print is still overbearing. If there is more accumulation, Mo Fan can even cause the Pangyan whale to be several times higher than this destructive power.

However, this blow is enough to resolve a dilemma that Mo Fan is in.

"Play hard with me??" Mo Fan shuttled through the smashed stone foundations, chasing Dick Junzo who was fleeing the area.

Dick Junzo is now a cold iron, looks like an ice-iron man, but the broken stone-printed Pangyan whales still cracked on the layer of cold iron jacket, watching Dick Junzo escape. I know that he was seriously injured by the whole body.

And Babbitt, who is still stuck in the distance, is more dumbfounded.

Before the Ming Dynasty, Mo Fan was still suppressed by death and death. He was evenly bombarded by countless military mages. How can this situation be directly blasted into this look! !

This guy is a monster, a military school said that the leveling is flattened!

Dick Jun injured his lungs, and he didn't want to be shattered by the aftershocks...

Turning his head to look, Dick found that Mo Fan actually chased it.

What is going on, the other party clearly does not use any constellation, Star Palace level, why can it create such a terrible destruction skill than ordinary super-level magic! !

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