Versatile Mage

Chapter 2081: Green shoot truth

"Dick Junzo, are you not joining the Lang Lang Association?" Mo Fan smiled and sneered.

"In this position, even if you don't join the guild executives you can reach, it's normal. This Babbitt is just a merchant in Crete who has direct contact with me. In fact, he didn't touch the black jewellery. The most core layer, but the black-and-white president will be the brother of my brother." Dick Junzo said in a hurry.

"Fart, your greedy army, the president and your brother-in-law are just watching you have a little power in the Cretan military. Do you really think he is taking you seriously?" Babbitt roared.

"Babbit, what are you, a black merchant who sells giant organs, and what kind of blacks will penetrate into Crete? You know?" Dick Jun is ironic.

Mo Fan watched the two men tear open and tear away, secretly funny.

"You two don't take me as a fool. If you don't say anything worthwhile, I will kill both of you. Anyway, it will take you more time to find your home. Say Green Bud Island, let me see Who of you said more accurately and deeply," Mo Fan said.

"The first time to block the army of Green Bud Island, it is my people..." Dick Junzo said.

"I told the president that the Greengrass Island olive forest farmer is not willing to pay a safe fee to our black ornaments..." Babbitt said.

"I controlled the survivors. The survivors who were sent to the generals of Long Eyebrows and the Parthenon were actually going to Green Buddhism Island after the incident!" Dick Junzo said.

"As far as you can tell, I know that if your next sentence can't make me interested again, then that is your last words!" Mo Fan said coldly to Dick Junzo and Babbitt.

Dick Junzo and Babbitt were completely panicked. They did not expect Mo Fan to have already explored this aspect.

"It's me...I asked the president to give the olive forest farmer a lesson, so that the entire Cretan businessman like him would listen to us and take the initiative to pay 30% of all income. So The president went to the olive grove and called out his...his magic," Babbitt said.

"There is a magical creature with a three-pronged sword on the back, right?" Mofan asked.

"Yes, yes!!" Babbitt was astonished.

He did not think that Mo Fanlian even knew the three-pronged sword magic, but they would be the symbol of the long magic, and the people who saw it at the time should all die!

Dick's army saw that Babbitt had the upper hand, and looked back at the shadow magic guard who was about to execute his sentence. He was so scared that he hurriedly shouted: "I opened the city defense enchantment. I opened the city defense enchantment!"

"It is not normal for you to open the city defense enchantment. You are doing a good thing." Mo Fan asked.

"No, no, I opened the city defense enchantment, so that the people of Green Bud Island couldn't escape..." Dick Junzo said this in pain.

At the moment of spitting, Dick Junzo regretted it. Sure enough, he went to see Mo Fan’s eyes and found that his pupil had flashed a horrible light, like a hell!

"I can guess this." Mo Fanqiang suppressed his inner anger and said to Dick Junzo.

Dick's army is dumbfounded. If Mo Fan even knows this, it doesn't mean that he has already clearly figured out the whole thing. Then why didn't he tell the Parthenon and he will come here alone.

"Are you very strange, why don't I take official measures?" Mo Fan saw Dick Jun's eyes turn, and explained to him gently, "I am here, I want to kill, if the official shot, then I will talk to me about the legal issues. If I am accidentally excused from you, I will be very upset. Especially when I think of letting you live for a few months, I am even more uncomfortable!"

"In the east of the olive grove, there is a whirlpool. There are the majority of the corpses of the residents of the Green Bud Island!" Babbitt saw Dick Junzo and got the favor of Mo Fan, so he said almost in an embarrassing way.

"Oh?" Mo Fan’s heart stunned, but he still made a look of eyebrows.

"Buddh, the godfather of the Ukrainian church, he also participated in this matter. All the witnesses are actually brainwashed members of the Ukrainian church. They are bitten to be a deep sea giant!" Babbitt said the iron card, Dick Junzo Can not show weakness, the first time to pull an important witness to the water.

"Frank is also bought by us. He has the income of all our organs in this year in the Swiss account!" Babbitt said again.

"Damn, you only give me the income of the organ for half a year!!" Dick Junzo heard the words of Babbitt suddenly thundering, almost to kill Babbitt personally.

"Frank is a person reporting to the whole of Greece, not only the media but also the official, including the whole world. He does not tell everyone that it is a deep sea giant. How can we be safe and sound, not to mention there is so much evidence to destroy!" Babbitt said. .

The more they said that they were more angry, they basically didn't need Mofan to do it. The two of them would only survive one.

Coincidentally, a phone call into Mo Fan's mobile phone.

Mo Fan didn't have a recording. There is no need to record these words. In fact, as long as I find the whirlpool and see the bones that are neatly stacked on the bottom of the sea, the whole thing can basically come out.

In fact, Dick Junzo and Babbitt said these things, Mo Fan did not know.

He just pretended to know that every time he listened to a sentence, Mo Fan’s mind was showing a hellish picture on earth...

The enchantment of the moat is not to protect the inhabitants, but to trap them in it... Mo Fan looked up at the stars in the sky, but he thought of thousands of pairs of desperate eyes full of bloodshot eyes and tears.

Even if the whole of Crete is infested with black ornaments, the military, officials, churches, chambers of commerce... all slaves are supporting these local forces, and that does not mean that they can live like this.

The era of the ruthless giants of Greece has never ended.

"Hey, Mo Fan, we found the daughter of the forest owner." Zhao Manyan’s voice came from the phone.

"What did she say." Mofan asked.

"The original forest owner is not a good thing. He actually used the flag of the olive grove to plant a lot of poppies. It may be that the black-and-white people grabbed the handle and did not want to cooperate with their extortion. So they provoked it. The revenge of the blacksmiths." Zhao Manyan said.

“Why did it lead to the ravages of the entire green city island?” Mofan asked.

Babbitt thought that Mofan was asking him, so he said in a hurry: "The president's magical creature is naturally bloodthirsty and kills poppies. At the same time, he likes poppies. After attacking the olive grove, he may be stimulated by poppy seeds and start to go crazy. Being controlled, I sniffed the breath of people to the island..."


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