Versatile Mage

Chapter 2090: Ghost trick

Mu Bai avoided the eyes and ears of the Ukrainian church and continued to reach the valley of the valley along the olive grove.

The Titans are indeed very interested in poppies, and it is normal to go crazy because of excessive poppy seeds, but as a pharmacist, Mu Bai always feels that there are some unreasonable places.

"This should be the place where the forest owners secretly plant a lot of poppies. How many kilograms of poppy seeds do the two-hundred-meter giants lose their senses? Just now, Mofan and the trigeminal swords have fought for so long. It doesn't seem to be completely mad, even if it is black and turbid, its attack target is also locked in Mofan, not attacking everyone indiscriminately..." Mu Bai went to the position of Gushan, talking to himself Road.

Gushan was soaked in the cold water, and all the poppies were under water. The Parthenon and the military people apparently did not find this problem, or searched, and did not destroy the poppy problem and the green bud island. Things are linked together.

Mu Bai took off his jacket and jumped directly into the water.

Underwater is all the poppy petals that have been soaked and rotted. Most of the stems and leaves sink to the bottom. Mu Bai specially screened some fairly complete poppies and poppy seeds and brought them to the shore.

Back on the shore, put poppies and poppy seeds on the palm of his hand, Mu Bai began to analyze the composition of these things with his own perception.

Poppies and poppy seeds are secreted by the strength of Mu Bai's palms. These juices penetrate into the white skin a little bit and slowly penetrate into the blood.

After a few minutes, Mu Bai’s entire face began to glow red, and the whole body’s blue veins were inexplicably bulging. An extremely strong killing thought was filled in his mind, like a thirsty man. I want the moisture of the water!

Mu Bai, who found something wrong, hurriedly used the poisonous magic to evaporate this weird juice from his blood. After about ten minutes, Mu Bai’s entire talent recovered his previous state, but the sweat soaked his clothes. .

"How could this be... Isn't it all because of poppy?" Mu Bai said to himself.

There are a lot of turbulences constantly coming from the far side of the sea. It is the constant energy remnants that Mofan and the trigeminal swords are fighting during the battle. The wet canopies soaked in the sea water are completely tilted, and countless water mists are thrown out. .

The water mist hit the direction of the land. About 300 meters away from Mu Bai, a ghostlike outline stood behind the canopy, peeping at the white white that was being concentrated on thinking.

Mu Bai seems to have noticed what he is looking at, and at this moment, the rainy, foggy, invasive silhouette of the human body is dissipated as if it were just an eccentric gas flow coincidence.

Mu Bai lost a moment, and received the poppy and poppy seeds in a transparent bag, so that they could be brought back for more detailed research.

At this time, the same misty figure as in the woods has emerged behind Mu Bai. This time it is obviously no longer the wind. It is really a thing. He is lifting his hand and looks like it is open. The same sharp weapon as the abdominal scalpel, directly under the white neck of Mu Bai!


The eccentric laughter is emitted, especially smug.

Just as the misty ghost waited for the spraying of Mu Bai blood, Mu Bai’s neck position suddenly turned into an ice powder, and there was no red bump.

The ghost of the mist stunned, and then slammed it toward Mu Bai.

Mu Bai's entire body has become an ice powder, completely a snowman floating in the mist.

"In the same way, I can't take two strokes." One hundred meters away, on the open space where the olive leaves flew, Mu Bai slowly walked out from the darkness, and the eyes stared at the misty ghost.

"Hey!!" The misty ghost screamed in anger.

A burst of air and waves hit, the ghost of the mist disappeared in the same place, the water vapor of the sky, the wet leaves of the sky, the person is like one of the incarnations, flew to the distance in the dark sky.

"This time you can't escape so easily!!" Mu Bai eyes staring at the position where the fog was standing before the ghost.

I also want to fool myself?

He seems to fly away with the water mist and leaves, but Mu Bai knows that he is playing a trick.

The other party did not go, just in place!

Like a piece of transparent cloth placed on a white wall, the cloth is opened, and the person hidden inside is actually white, blending with the background. In the past, Mu Bai may still be fooled, and then again He was attacked by this guy, but in the dark plane he had seen too many tricks that were more sinister and sinister. The tricks of the ghosts looked like clowns.

“Do you deceive yourself?” Mu Bai still stares there.

The fingers swayed, and a sharp ice spear instantly appeared in front of the ghost of the water mist, including three ice spears at the angle of the ground!

The ice spear smashed from the 360-degree angle and directly formed a 360-point thorn-shaped ice-cream rose. It seemed that only a black shadow appeared in the position of the air, just like in a trash can. A hidden mouse that had been eating, flashed from the front, and then plunged into a seam.

"come out!!"

Mu Bai gave a cold drink.

At that time, a row of dense ice spears spurt at the seam of the seam, and the entire broken surface was worn. It can be seen that the black figure jumped out and killed. The appearance of the afterlife rushed to Mu Bai!


The attack was very sudden. The ice spears controlled by Mu Bai didn't have time to block it, but Mu Bai's body shattered again and turned into a broken snowman.

"Not only you will play this way!"

Mu Bai appeared on the other side, the shattered snowman, and more ice spears that had already been prepared came out!

This time, the number of ice spears is astonishing. There are hundreds of them that emerge from the ground alone. They are as dense as the reed forest!

And this is just one of them. On the top of the water mist ghost, there are hundreds of sharp ice spears in the front, back, left and right directions. These ice spears can be closely arranged together to form a There is a ice hug surrounded by ice spears!

Without a little gap, all the tips point to the most central water mist ghost. When all the ice spears are pressed into a point, it is an ice spear sphere, and the water mist ghost is trapped in death. Inside!

"My life, is it so important to you, ghosts?" Mu Bai stood in the ice spear prison that he made, and asked coldly.

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