Versatile Mage

Chapter 2093: Shrinking giant

"It is to find the source, and to block the power of these beliefs from the whole church in Crete, the Mofan should end the battle very quickly." Mu Bai walked toward the hill full of torches. go with.

Although the power of faith can come from all over the world, it can be bathed in the same way as a Pacific Ocean. But if there is a large transfer ceremony, you can make these beliefs that have been lost because of long journeys more refined.

Therefore, those Uzbek churches gathered on the side of the mountain, not simply to hide the eyes and ears, block the government, the military, the Parthenon, or provide a long-distance package to the godfather of the Ukrainian church. The Trident Sword Magic can guarantee a more pure and lossless belief instilled.

How can a leader of a branch of the Lang Lang Association control such a powerful force?

Mu Bai was thinking about this issue from the beginning.

Fortunately, the ghosts are eager to kill themselves and help themselves find such an important clue. Otherwise, it is really difficult to link the powerful power of the trigeminal sword to the cold prince of the **** Mediterranean.


Going to the top of the mountain, Mu Bai saw the torch above, and each torch represents a Ukrainian church.

Most of them are wearing ordinary urban costumes, and some are even Mediterranean-style dress girls. Because their loved ones fall into this so-called belief, they themselves are immersed in it, and they don’t need to study or work. You don't need to work hard to get the material needs that other girls don't get.

But they did not figure out the tragedy of the whole green city island. They were accomplices. They did not kill a life, but they handed a sharp knife to the real murderers!

When people sometimes can't be so ignorant, give up thinking, obey everything, it is helping others.

Mu Bai stared at the black-pressed group of people, the temple fair was so lively, the festival was so excited and joyful, watching them put on the devout and serious look, then recalling the rotten that was picked up by Zhao Manyan from the sea. Corpse...

When the anger hits my heart, Mu Bai wants to use an ice-based super-order magic to kill all these people. Whether they are going to **** or going to heaven, they will soon understand.

After he could sink his heart, Mu Bai could not do this.

They are just being used.

Even if they really believe that the belief in the Ukrainian church can bring them all the dignity and respect that is lacking in life, it is their own choice, either to go to jail or to live in the dream created by the pain of others, they put themselves The souls are handed over to the upper layers of the faith, and their destiny will be firmly in the hands of the upper layers of faith, not themselves.

Persuading, Mu Bai is impossible to persuade.

Telling them the truth does not make any sense.

In front of a group of such unshakable people, what is the truth is simply a demon confession.

"It turned out that the guy was the leader of the organization." Mu Bai saw a person in the crowd, who was the guy who spit in their food in the restaurant.

It’s true that there is a cycle of heaven.

He didn't pack him that time, this time he hit the gun.

The organization leader of the ceremony, if he would not know the truth, it would be ridiculous.

Dealing with him, these rituals that don't know magic and don't know the true principles of faith have become a bonfire party.

"Go, go into his chest and see if its heart is the rot of your appetite." Mu Bai extended his arm and climbed a tiny silkworm fly in his sleeve.

The silkworm is actually very delicate, like a golden hand, with a few cartoons, it swings the body, pulls out a pair of transparent wings, and flies toward the head of the ceremonial organization.



The evil moon, which was inexplicably swallowed, began to re-emerge, and the moon was no longer suspended at high altitude. Instead, it was like sinking into the ocean, and the splendour was especially close to the sea level.

Mo Fan’s burning fire was originally swallowed by the black turbid moonlight. The vast ocean is hard to see the pure fire shining, but I don’t know when it’s burning. This turbulent sea area burns all the thick clouds of the sky into red.

The fire is divided into three layers, one layer is rendered like a cloud in the sky, and there are countless flames like Yunlian in the middle, all over the height difference of kilometers, and the flames on the ocean are paved into a flame forest!

Yan Wang Mo Fan stood on the flame forest of the sea, and the trigeminal sword magic squad jumped to a higher place, a pair of people who wanted to borrow the moonlight from the moonlight, but the whole space was ignited by Mofan’s skyfire. For the ruled, fire, fire, fire forest, this layered skyfire field allows the Trident Sword Magic Tan to be in a melting pot of the world wherever it is, receiving the burning of different effects!

"How did this guy suddenly vent?" Mo Fan said with some confusion.

A minute ago, the trigeminal sword was still in full swing, and there was no feeling of fatigue when he had another three hundred rounds. But his black turbid moonlight suddenly disappeared. Mo Fan thought that He has to change a more hegemonic power to compete with himself. Who knows that it has recovered to the former silver moon magic light, and the fighting power is greatly reduced, even the body's skin muscles are somewhat unstoppable!

"Hey, how is the head shrinking?" Mo Fan said with amazement.

The two-meter-meter Titan giant, on this body, Tianhuo burned him one day and one night and estimated that he is not necessarily dead, although the size is not necessarily strong, the vitality points are definitely filled, Mo Fan is happy with the opponent black The turbidity of the moon has disappeared. I know that there is a gift, and the trigeminal sword is shrinking! !

Mo Fan is checking the information. The Titan giant basically has no body shrinking. Even if it is dead, how many meters or how many meters, this trigeminal sword is shrinking to 150 meters, indicating that there are eighty-nine It was filled with water before!

"It turned out to be a swollen face and a fat man. I thought it was really a two-hundred-meter silver moon Titan..." Mo Fan laughed.

The two-meter-meter silver moon Titan is estimated to be able to compete with some Jin Yaotaitan giants. How can this level of creatures be easily controlled by a black-and-white president, plus his stupid and brutal The path is really not worthy of such a Titan strongman.

"It’s all a hundred meters... a hundred meters, in the eyes of my big king Mo Fan is a little friend!” Mo Fan squinted and began to look at the black that stood on the shoulder of the trigeminal sword. Church godfather.


(This is a two-chapter update on the 22nd. There should be two more chapters today, with the addition of the 23rd...)

(I was frozen yesterday, my head hurts a bit, I didn’t write it.)

(How do you feel that you will owe more and more.)

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