Versatile Mage

Chapter 2096: Matching Tours


In the port of Crete, a 110-meter-long silver moon Titan giant was transported back. On the ship, Turst intended to be at the forefront of the deck, ready to bathe tens of thousands of Cretan residents.

However, when the ship stopped completely, he still couldn't believe it. There were only some white seagulls in the empty port where he stretched his neck. He didn't feel the triumph of a little, but he looked stupid!

"Don't you inform you in advance?" Turster asked the Jin Yao Knight Lucas next to him.

"This is the case, Mr. Tours, I just got the news. The murderer of Green Bud Island seems to have found it. It is a two-hundred-meter trident sword magic..." Lucas said in a small voice.

"Is it found?? How is it possible? How could there be someone in the world who can find it faster than me? The Titan giant has a broken brain. He ran to the army and surrendered himself?" With a bit of anger.

"It seems that it is...Mr. Mofan and his two friends. Now there are already the Masters of the Faith Temple going to Crete, and the Great Sage of Valentin will come in person," Lucas said.

"They?? The group of Asian chattering monkeys??" Tours is even more unbelievable.

"In any case, let's go back to the headquarters as soon as possible."

After killing such a silver moon Titan giant, no one was greeted. Lucas felt that something was not quite right. It really was that the murderer of the Green Bud Island was taken, and I believe the people of Crete are quite shocked.


"Mr. Mofan, when the cold lord fell on your hand, we always had a bit of suspicion. In such a short time, we can completely sort out such complicated things, and we have captured the real murderer, even for me. I began to admire you!" The Great Sage Valentin did not praise the words, the sound is like a song.

"It's not complicated, but when you spread your own voice in the world, you should also pay more attention to the land under your feet. Is the roots a bit sloppy," Mo Fan said.

These words made a large group of people frown. How did he learn from the situation that the great sage came, and the status of the saint is higher than that of the great sage, but the sage has always been the teacher and elder of the saint. Give them a few courage to dare to talk to the great sage!

"This is also the helpless part of our Parthenon. We are not involved in military and political affairs. Of course, there are some evasive responsibilities in this way. After all, we will treat the cancer organizations like the Lang Lang Association too lax. It is a big mistake now. I can guarantee to everyone that in Greece, there will never be any more 歹 组织 organization, and please ask Mofan as the supervisor. If I have a similar event when Valentin is in office Occasionally, please, Mofan, arbitrarily punish!" Valentin Daxian said with extraordinary disdain.

Speaking at the headquarters of the command, the great sage Valentin is obviously serious. Just let a person with a low grade and no position to be a supervisor, it is really a little eye-popping. Doesn't that give Mo Fan the power to be supreme? ?

"We are a little tired, we will return to the Parthenon, and the evidence and materials will be handed over to you. As for how to announce the results to the public, you can do it," Mo Fan said.

After saying this, it happened that Tours took his group of people, Shanshan, late. He looked green and asked Valentine about it with a very strange voice.

After getting the answer, Tours directly became an unreasonable shrew, and insisted on re-inquiring, and felt that Mo Fan was making a fake!

"图斯!!" Valentine's voice suddenly became severe.

Everyone has a lot of indulgence towards Tours. Valentin was as soft as a kindly elder.

But the premise of all this is that Tours can solve the tremendous pressure brought by the Green Bud Island incident to the Parthenon. The Parthenon needs the trust of the people. There has been such a tragedy in the mainland. The confession will only make the Parthenon's prestige established in the world for so many years!

Mo Fan found out the answer, on the one hand, the Parthenon was very angry, on the other hand, let them take a sigh of relief!

The condemnation of the Parthenon will soon point to the collective crusade against the Lang Lang Association. First, the Parthenon itself will take the lead in organizing a squadron, calling on the world's magic organizations to join together...

So this is no longer the end of the incompetence of the Parthenon, but will be completed with the annihilation of the princes of the Parthenon.

Mo Fan was a help for the Parthenon.

What did Tours do?

Killed two silver moon Titan giants... If necessary, they sent a 12 knight to hunt, and killing two wild wandering Titan giants can't affect anything, and can't save anything!

Most importantly, Mo Fan also gave credit to the Parthenon, which is tantamount to recovering the Cretan residents who were not very convinced of them. The light finally has no shadows and dead ends on the Greek mainland.

"Turs, you should be polite to Mr. Mofan in the future. As an ancient family member of our Parthenon, you should show your humility and respect the people who have contributed to the Parthenon. In addition, between your offense against the saints at the Snow Festival dinner, you will be stationed in Crete from today, and you will sharpen your youthfulness and use your practical actions to build your achievements. Poseidon," Valentin said unabashedly to Tours.

"Subordinate is." Poseidon immediately salute.

"Be well in charge of your nephew, I hope that the next time I see him, he can be as good and introverted as Lord Mofan." The Great Sage Valentin tone increased.

When Thors heard this, the whole person was a little crazy.

When I first entered the Parthenon, everyone gave him three points of courtesy. What do you mean now, and send him to the frontier to sin! !

The grievances in the heart of Tours are about to break out. Poseidon immediately slammed his palms on the shoulders of Tours and said with a voice that only two people could hear: "If you dare to offend Warren here. Ding Daxian, then you and your Turs family want to be removed from the Parthenon. Valentin can take over the position of Merro, not because Merroa made a mistake, but because Merroy has felt that he is not in position. Bao, this is the risk in the change!"

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