Versatile Mage

Chapter 2103: Difficult instructor

Magic theory is different from combat. The theory is largely linked to some magical technology products in contemporary society.

For example, how does the lightning energy of the motor train maintain stability?

Urban protective walls In the case of fixed materials, how to change the soil and stone structure can make it more sturdy overall?

What is the principle of practicing the magic weapon and the special cultivation pool, which can greatly improve the magician's cultivation speed? ?

These problems, Mo Fan knows a hammer! !

He is a thunder, he is a soil system, he also has a magic weapon, but ask him how he got it, how could he know! ! !

The magician wants to learn is not just how to release magic, how to cause more powerful destructive power, magic technology needs to progress, magic theory is directly related to the level of civilization of the whole society!

What Mo Fan teaches is this modern magic technology theory course, or the most advanced level!

"That... classmates are good, my name is Mo Yifan, and it is your senior theoretical tutor." Mo Fan first made a calm self-introduction.

Not far from the podium table, a gorgeous girl couldn't help but almost exhale.

She was the overbearing sister who had slapped the girl and recalled the arrogant words of yesterday. The female student wanted to drill down to the table for a time, and hopefully she would not find herself.

How sharp is Mofan's eyesight, and immediately found that there are really more familiar faces in the 300-odd person.

Anyway, he didn't know how to teach, just take the female student to open the brush.

"This female student... Yes, the female students in the fourth row and the third, we happened to meet again, just to come up with an academic issue that the students are interested in as the opening of this lecture." Mo Fan The girl was pointed to a gorgeous female student.

The female student, like her aunt, stood up in a tweak.

The students of Ojos St. University have a high status, and the status of the tutor is higher. No student can be arrogant in front of the teacher.

"Mo tutor, I don't know the direction of the lecture you are going to..." The gorgeous female student Boma whispered.

"It doesn't matter, you just ask." Mo Fan found the entry point, and the whole person's mentality was slowly adjusted. Lecture direction... Nima Laozi himself does not know well!

"Amount... Then ask the instructor, the magic tower is an offensive building that we need most of today's self-defense demons. It can replace the sentinel mages to release magic attacks and lock the demon. How does this magic tower work?" Ma said very unequivocally.

Boomer’s question, I really asked Mo Fan.

The construction of the magic tower has been heard, but it is said that there is no promotion, the cost is expensive, and it is impossible to completely identify the demon. The whole world is in an experimental stage. How to operate, how can Mofan know?

"Your question is not too simple, how to operate to ask your own architects, just why waste a valuable opportunity to ask me." Mo Fan pretending to push his black frame thick glasses.

"This... this, sorry, this question does not really match your identity." Female student Bomaton was a big man, she began to regret why she would call someone a wild man! !

"Let's ask." Mo Fan added a little tone.

"Excuse me, the instructor, the equipment needed to remove natural impurities, the fire, what are the steps?" Female student Boma asked.

"What do you know about this material that is mainly used as a source of curse energy? Can you become a curse master?" Mofan said.

Hey, fortunately, I heard about the elemental diamond in the Tianshan Mountains, or Lingling and the United States gave it to the science. Mofan casually said that he would not bother to say even if he knew the answer!

The female student Bouma was shocked immediately.

Most people don't even know what the elemental diamonds are, let alone the curse, which only has no content in the catalog.


At this time, a handsome male student who looked handsome and handsome suddenly stood up. He seemed to see that Mo Fan was interested in making a martyr, and he was going to look for him.

"Teacher, Boma students should be a little nervous, and they can't think of any good questions in their heads. It is just that students have encountered some problems that they have never encountered during their experience. Do you know if the tutor can give me some answers?" The red-haired male student said.

"You..." Mo Fan just sipped and yelled at the other person, who knows that this male student is a small lover who wants to collide with the teacher to protect her.

The male students waited for Mo Fan to speak, and immediately said: "Our team went to Peru and met a group of very old and very strange creatures. They are endless, just like the tides in the big ocean, even a huge tribe. It’s impossible to come out constantly, and even many times they don’t notice their breath. This has always been a mystery for us, and I hope the tutor can answer it.”

"Simpson classmates, the mentor in front of you is an outstanding mentor of contemporary science and technology theory. You are asking about the demonology, please pay attention!" The male counselor reminded him at this time.

The counselor is equivalent to the class teacher of the student and is responsible for supervising the daily behavior of the student, but is not responsible for the lecture. Most of them graduated from some senior seniors in order to be able to stay in school.

The counselor is not a mentor, but it is also a higher status than the student.

"It doesn't matter, the counselor. Although the question he raised is indeed an area that I am not good at, but since it is a mentor, I should give it a question. I can answer the questions he asked." Mo Fan wants to take a look. I have my own beard and found myself not.

This male student asked, it is a life-saving straw! !

"You two don't sit down, stand and listen." Mo Fan did not politely to the students, and directly put out the attitude that Laozi was not so irritating. "Propose such a question, indicating that you are a fighter." Master, like to experience... I have not been to this place in Peru, but the problems you have encountered can be guessed even if you don’t need to tell me in detail what it is."

"There is one thing, called a symbolic creature. It is a method of chaos in ancient Indians. Through a method similar to copying, a specific demon is continuously copied..."

This student is obviously a Nasca monster! !

Nasca strange birds, Nasca quirks...

Mo Fan's understanding of them can be far deeper than those of the paleontologists who talked about the papers. After all, they were chased and killed by the Nascar monsters, and they were entangled in the undead curse!

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