Versatile Mage

Chapter 2108: School magical competition

Sharjah is innocent because she is only trying to resolve this controversy that she has provoked. The food here is not prepared by their student union. She helped the leading tutor, You Sihui, to back this pot.

As a result, this Mo Yifan tutor is also a person who does not follow the routine. On the one hand, he walks down the steps. On the other hand, he has to use his ruler to hit a small hand, and the arrogant that a tutor should have. Jiao is very vivid.

"Okay, thank you for your understanding." Sharjah nodded skillfully, and although he was reluctant, he could only accept the result.

Banpo’s prince and the leading teacher, You Sihui’s face were a little black. They wanted to give this young Chinese tutor a little bit of success. Who knows that it has fueled the prestige of others and looked at the most proud student of the Ojos St. They are as good as small internship girls in front of others, and they are not very happy!

Sharjah is like the most exquisite and noble Persian cat in the temple of Ojos, including many mentors who want to use their charm to attract the attention of this blue-eyed Persian cat, or to get her a little lazy. In response, there are not a few people who can do it. The vast majority of people who are attracted to the temperament of Saga's elves are trying to conquer her. In the end, most of them become cat slaves.

The new Chinese tutor, who is new to nothing, has turned a arrogant, lazy, and respectful Persian cat into an obedient little golden hair with a class.

"Forget it, Saga is always like this. At first, it will be very curious about new things, and will be eager to pursue it. When you discover the inner and mystery, you will ignore it." Ban Boda The prince said to himself.

Sharjah, as ruthless as a cat.

"Three Chinese tutors, you should have heard about the student competition. It is like this. In order to reflect the assessment of the tutors in teaching, we will rate them according to three aspects." Leading teacher You Sihui transferred to this On the topic.

"Talk about it in detail," Mofan said.

"To bring everyone together today, we have to talk about the rating. We are divided into three major topics. The first topic is the theory of magic. We will conduct a comprehensive assessment based on the attendance of the students. Simply put. Which tutor has more students in the classroom and the assessment is higher. So the next nine theoretical tutors will start classes every week, and the course time may even overlap."

"The second topic is the demon class. Our Ochos School is always strict in the demon class. We never like to stick to books, illustrations, and oral explanations. What we need is practice. So the instructor in charge of the demon class, You need to take care of the wilderness and take into account the safety of students. There are most of the world's demon species in the Andes. You need to talk about the demon. Its attributes, abilities, and habits must be seen. We will be students. Feedback and the category of the demon are rated."

"The third topic is the fighting class. The discussion between the magician and the magician requires the instructors to teach practical experience and practical skills. The rating of the third topic is very simple. Nine teachers have selected nine students to play. The competition will be held publicly throughout the Americas." Tutor You Sihui said in earnest and detail.

All Americas are held publicly!

This is a very grand game, and it has the taste of nine countries! !

Mo Fan likes this, but this time it is not for himself to participate, but to teach the students below to win this glory, in fact, it is very exciting! !

His own student, B, is a master of his skills. The most glorious thing is his teacher!

It’s better than taking the first one! !

"I have a problem." At this time, Teacher Brandon spoke up.

"Please say." You Sihui smiled, when he treated Brandon and when he treated Mo Fan, You Sihui was two people.

"There are some theoretical topics and demon topics. In fact, there will be some overlap. There will be overlaps in the fieldwork of the law and the demon class. So, must the teaching be completely separated?" Blanche asked.

"You can start classes together. For example, the theoretical topics and the demon topics are put together. The theoretical tutor is responsible for explaining the theory. The demon tutor is responsible for explaining the demon science. We will score separately. But the number of courses is limited. For example, the theoretical class is only 10 sections. There are also 10 festivals in the demon class. If they are put together, it will be counted as a theory and a demon class." You Sihui replied.

"Well, I understand." Branham nodded and didn't talk anymore.

The question asked by Blanche is exactly what Mofan wants to ask.

If he wants to speak 10 theoretical lessons purely, Mo Fan feels that he will be mad. His knowledge of fusion magic can last up to two or three quarters. If he finishes it, Mo Fan really has nothing to sustain this group of high school students.

Just right, you can go along with other classes, it will be more convenient to fool!

"There is also a foreign teacher course. Our first class students are free of charge, but in the next 9 sessions, all fees will be charged. All student fees will be paid to the instructors in Ojos gold coins, and all teaching equipment, Venues, security personnel, and our Ojos Sheng Xuefu are also collecting gold coins, so the tutors should measure the teaching method according to the amount of gold coins themselves." Leading teacher You Sihui said.

"Before the arrival of the All-American Fighting Contest, we allow students to play gold coins. If the instructor needs more gold coins, they can let their students challenge other students in the camp. We also allow the entire Ojos University to include the outside world. The people participate in the quiz, and the gold coins obtained will be returned to the tutor in proportion.” The leading instructor, You Sihui, continued.

Allow gambling!

It also allows the whole school and outsiders to participate! !

This Ojos Holy School is simply against the convention of the Magic Society! !

The Magic Association is determined not to allow the magician to fight privately, let alone to have a gambling smuggling. More exaggerated is that it also allows outsiders to participate in the whole school, a big gambling game! !

It is worthy of the Ochos School with its own nationality...

How to play, how to play! !

“The initial gold coin for each camp is 1000, and the instructors allocate it themselves.”

Gold coins do not refer to coins made of gold. People in the Americas know that gold coins refer to the currency of the University of Ojos.

Every student enters the school and gets a certain amount of gold coins. This gold coin can be arbitrarily consumed in the land of Ojos St. Xuefu. It is good for eating, drinking, and playing. It is used to buy courses, buy magic tools, and buy resources. In short, you can enter here. Degenerate into a waste person, but you can also make yourself a person by accumulating gold coins!

The Temple of Ojos is a small kingdom that carries out its own rules, but it is embarrassing. Their gold coins can be exchanged for US dollars, 1 gold coin is more than 1000 dollars!

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