Versatile Mage

Chapter 2110: a poor teacher

Finally, I went to my own course. Mo Fan deliberately took out the formal dress that I had not worn for a long time, and went to class in a handsome way.

For this lesson, Mo Fan deliberately remotely and Fengzhoulong video wanted, let Fengzhou Long tell the principle of fusion magic in a more easy-to-understand way. Fengzhou Longyi listened to Mo Fan to talk about his subject in Ojos Sheng Xuefu. Mo Fan is still excited, I can't wait to go to the Oxus School.

If Mo Fan still has a task, I can really consider letting Fengzhou Long come to see it. This is his own research.

Going into the school, Mo Fan felt that he was on a BGM on the beach, but when he saw the number of people sitting in the whole classroom, the music that was revived and the one dominated it stopped abruptly and became a brush and brush. More than brush!

"How come that person?" Mo Fan's eyes widened and looked at the empty school.

Mo Fan is self-aware. He only rented a class of 200 people. This is a small and medium-sized school in Ojos. If you have 100 gold coins, who knows the students who are sitting in the classroom, the first one. It is the student council president Sharjah who is reporting.

All the students are basically sitting around the student council president Sharjah, so Mo Fan can conclude that there are still more than a dozen people sitting, because they come to please the student council president Sharjah.

This class of my own is entirely supported by the value and popularity of Sharjah!

Compared with the scale of two or three hundred people on the first day, Mo Fan has a sense of falling from heaven to **** JIO!

In other words, if you did not reject Sakya’s personal education, you may not have a class.

A person 2 gold coins, a total of 13 people, spent 100 gold coins, harvested 26.

Net loss of 74 gold coins!

Wow, hurt yourself! !

I am very careful in preparing this lesson. Are these students mentally retarded? Can't you see that fusion magic will lead the next few hundred years!

With the kind of feeling that the students were hurt, Mo Fan smirked and finished the lesson he had prepared very carefully.


After finishing the class, Mo Fan packed up the equipment and left with some disappointment.

The student council president Sharjah came over and was still a little tail.

It seems that Mofan’s desolateness is seen. Sharjah’s voice is soft and gentle: “The truth is always so unacceptable to the world, just like the theory that Pythagoras proposed the earth is round, no one believes, until Magellan completed. His global voyage..."

"If you comfort me, I will not give you a private lesson. Before I came here, I didn't intend to be a mentor who was sought after by the audience. It was nothing more than to complete a task. I can see this scene today. I am saddened from the heart," Mo Fan said.

"Fusional magic has not yet been established. No one will understand a theory that has not been formed. If you want to get more students, the subject must be changed. However, I really want to learn this topic. Others learn The so-called real-life courses, even if you learn, just change yourself and improve yourself. And your subject, as long as it is completed, changes the entire magic world." Sharjah said seriously.

Mo Fan looked at the president of the student union in surprise.

Sure enough, the true way of thinking about genius is different from normal people!

"If Fengzhou Long hears you, he will be moved to the bottom!" Mofan exclaimed.

"Fengzhou Long, is the president of the research association of the Guangzhou Magic Association mentioned in your class?" asked Sharjah.

"Yeah, he should know more in theory than I do. If you think that these lessons are not enough, you can discuss it with him." Mo Fan said.

"Guangzhou... Ok, I will go to visit after the end of the All-American competition." Sharjah nodded. From the eyes and tone, we can know that she is not talking about it.

"Saga, ask you another question." Mo Fan asked.

"Teacher, you ask." Sharjah nodded.

"The other 12 students are your powder?" Mofan asked.

Sharjah hesitated for a while, seeing Mofan’s eyes sincere, and he didn’t want to hide Mo Fan anymore. He said truthfully: “In fact, I spent money to let them come. I guess there should be only one person who is interested in this. ""

"Amount... Sharjah, you are a good student who understands." Mo Fan cried.

"Teacher, I have spent 11 for the money, and one should be at my own expense. Very good, Mo Yifan tutor, you have two real students." Sharjah said.

Mo Fan burst into tears, thank you, Sakya classmate...

It's better not to ask, at least you can firmly believe that you have 13 students. This asks Nima to become two!


There is no harm without comparison. Mo Fan is so painstaking to prepare for the class, and finally only two students. Then, the course of Bran妾 is copied to 6 gold coins and can't be bought. One thousand people are full of large schools, and Mo Fan is deeply aware. I may not be too far away from Branson in terms of strength, but at the teaching level it is simply a kindergarten level!

Fortunately, in the next few lessons, the number of thousands of people in Prince Banpo is also decreasing, and in the end there are only two or three hundred people left.

It’s also a very happy thing to see that others are slowly declining.


"Mo Fan, you don't rent a school next time, just go to the coffee shop and just have a small room to class, just fine, I and Mu Bai's class is not very profitable, not enough for you to lose money!" Zhao Manyan gave Mo Fan is a constructive proposal.

"Let your mother's fart, one day I will not be able to use a thousand people. I can't buy the tuition fee to 10 gold coins!" Mo Fan feels that Zhao Manyan is taunting himself, and he is angry.

"I am going to go to the demon class right away," Mu Bai said.

"The fighting class is going to be together. The economic downturn can only be bundled. Your theory class will not be bundled in. We are afraid that no student will be there." Zhao Manyan said.

"What do you mean, who gave this topic to Laozi. I told you that letting Laozi take the class, the absolute earning is full, and the fight is better than Laozi, the world's number one Mo Zhen!" Mofan shouted.

"People, always say what they mean in the field that they are good at. It is like a professional basketball player fighting basketball with others. Of course, the outcome is clear, that is, in the field that is not good at it, it can also flourish. It is called Cow B. You are a professional basketball player who is also the strongest player in e-sports. Others will admire you for the five-body vote!" Zhao Manyan said.

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