Versatile Mage

Chapter 2117: Cheat

The blood of the abdomen was spit out, and the delicate body of the broom head was adapted to such a roughness. The person was shackled into the mud and said nothing, feeling that his pelvis and waist bones had to be broken.

The white-light shirt man on the side also looked silly. The speed of this female barbarian who made the sound of Pauline could be so fast. He hurriedly displayed the ice magic, and wanted to bind the crazy wild man with ice lock first. But the female barbarian fiercely twisted her head and the fangs turned into terrible fangs.

It jumped from the body of the broom and flew directly to the back of the white shirt man.

The ice lock flew forward, the enemy is already behind, and the white shirt man immediately felt a cold after the neck! !

The thick arm was directly entangled, and the female savage woman came up with a lock throat and fell, and the white bright shirt man became a whirlwind gyro.


After landing, the white shirt became a trace of blood, the chin dislocated, the front teeth flew, and several joints were broken.

"Hey, hey!!!" The female barbarian witch hammered her chest, as a boxer KO was so proud of her opponent!

The two male students who couldn't stand up to the pain were still awkward at the moment. Why did a wonderful rendezvous turn into this ghost-like look? What kind of monster is this guy who made the sound of Pauline? !

The female barbarian witch seems to prefer the broom head. She twists the stone | the hips go toward the broom head, and the eyes are always staring at the body of the broom head.

I don't know why, the broom head feels like a little girl caught by a mountain thief. The light that bursts out in the other's eyes is not simply brutal, but there is still a bit of madness!

My god, this strange person won't want to do that kind of thing with himself? ? I am an upright man! !


The barbarian geek climbed up to him and began to spit out the thick tongue. He didn't know if he was going to eat, or to do something else. He saw the ugly face of the other person, and the broom head stunned directly!

"Old monster, the idea of ​​hitting my students, asked your grandfather's palms of the thunder!" Mo Fan's voice was uploaded from a high tree.

The barbarian grotesque immediately raised his head, and when he looked at Mofan, a forked black thunder suddenly hit him, straight into the head of the barbarian.

The savage geek responded extremely quickly, and the figure flashed a glimpse of the afterimage, and even escaped the forked black thunder.

"Chasing Thunder!!"

The black ray that fell on the ground did not disappear. After a few twists between the fallen leaves, it immediately ejected and turned into a dozen rough stalks chasing the barbarian geeks.

The savage geeks smashed the pupils and climbed the tall, slashed trees next to them with extremely flexible movements.

The chasing thunder has the effect of chasing under the chaotic imprint of Mofan. The chasing thunder of the original oblique flight has immediately changed its trajectory. Their thunder body is also very flexible like the jungle scorpion, and even coils those The thick hard cedar is raised!

The savage geeks turned to the canopy in a blink of an eye, and the different hardwood trees were used as springboards, so that even the lightning of Mofan could not catch up.

In order to save the two students, Mo Fan did not have time to infect the other party with dark matter. This will escape from the heights by crowded cedar trees. Mo Fan wants to chase after it is really difficult to chase. The earth magic can only be on the ground. use.

The barbarian blame apparently knew that Mo Fan was so powerful that he fled directly. Mo Fan did not die. If he chased himself and ran other things to give these two students X, he would not be able to explain to the school.

While smashing one, Mo Fan took the two stupid students back, and asked him to ask the white shirt men who were still awake.

"Why are you out of the team?" Mofan asked.

"We heard Pauline call us in front... Teacher, Pauline is in danger now, they must have caught Pauline." Bai Liang shirt said.

"Pauline has been behind me, chatting with Saga." Mofan said.

"How is it possible, we obviously heard the voice of Pauline." Bai Liang shirt man said with a broken mouth.

"The mountain people will imitate the human voice and only let certain people hear it." Mo Fan made this conclusion.

Mo Fan himself also forgot about this matter, mainly because the Andes mountain people and the Kunshan mountain people are not a variety. It is not easy to say, but this is the ability to imitate the sound, the mountain people of the Andes seem to be more powerful.


Suddenly, there was a scream in the distance. Bai Liang’s shirt was shrinking and he was frightened. “Teacher, will it not come again?”

"No, it should have been hit by my thunder." Mofan replied.

"Ah?? After so long, your magic can hit it?" Bai Liang shirt male incredible.

"My magic is impossible to escape."

"Teacher, I didn't think that you were so powerful. We didn't have the ability to fight back in front of the monster. You just knocked him back. I used to be too arrogant." Bai Liang shirt said very incomparably.

It wasn't the mentor who arrived in time. The two of them were afraid of not only being in the same position but also losing the most important thing as a man!

"We don't have any ability, how to be your teacher, 50 gold coins are not white. Oh, yes, next week, my class, remember to go." Mo Fan said.

"Sure! Certain!" Bai Liang shirt man hurried.


Back in the team, Mo Fan handed the two students to Pauline. Pauline was a healing system. She saw the miserable look of the two, and her face was scared.

"Mo Yifan tutor, what happened to them?" Pauline asked in a panic.

"Meet the mountain people, Saka, you and other people say, if you hear the voices of some acquaintances, don't believe that the mountain people will imitate the voice of our human beings and deceive people to remote places." Mo Fan said to Sharjah.

"What about the mentor?" Saga's blue eyes flashed.

Mo Fan stunned.

He hurried to look at the rest of the team, and was surprised to find that the entire student team did not know when nearly half of the people were missing!

"Mr. Zhao Yanzu, I am not letting him wait here?" Mo Fan asked.

"Teacher, isn't you asking him to go to the west, saying that Musou's tutor has had trouble, let him bring some students to support in the past?" Pauline said in amazement.

"I didn't say it, I asked him to wait in place, don't let the team distract." Mofan's face sank.

It’s really a small look at these mountain people. They took the fake information to the team when they left to save the two goods, and they separated the whole team.

It seems that the students who heard the call for help are mostly deceived. I don’t know how Miyamoto is doing!

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