Versatile Mage

Chapter 2225: 狠毒赫卡萨

In the face of the Black Holy See, nature can't be too hasty, so after continuing to follow these three clues, they have to be their mentor at Ojos St.

Pretending that nothing happened, Mo Fan continued to take Lily to do the magic awakening. Since the people in the village have joined the Black Holy See, and this magic association also has the penetration of the Black Holy See, everything must be the same.

Lily's awakening is smoother than she imagined. She is awakened by the wind system. This is probably her most ideal magic system. When she walked out of the magic association, she seemed to have forgotten the Black Holy See and smiled very happy.

"What should I do next, how do I release the wind magic, will I suddenly come to the sky, how can I appear as an angel wing behind the school sister?" Lily asked a lot of questions.

"You must first learn to calm down and take a good look at the wind and dust in your spiritual world. Awakening is just the first step to becoming a magician. It is far from releasing magic. It requires a very hard practice. The magic road can be It doesn't look so simple... You look at this next to you, and at the beginning it is full of expectation for magic. After a long time, it is barely a middle-level mage." Mofan pointed out that Apas said.

Apas proudly snorted, she did very hard to practice, but she as a noble Queen of Medusa, often stays asleep, without enough sleep, there will be no smooth skin and Powerful mana, the rest of the time to practice magic, can be quite remarkable now!

"Stardust, what is stardust??" Lily asked.

"That Mu Bai, you explained to her as a schoolmaster, yes, you are now a teacher." Mo Fan said to Mu Bai.

"You are a theoretical class tutor," Mu Bai said.

"Mom, we used to work in the same class. You still don't know the scores of Laozi's exams, and there is less nonsense. The black pharmacist's daughter-in-law is waiting for us. We still have to rely on her memory to find clues to the Black Holy See!" Mo Fan shouted.

"In the beginning, you were able to test out six points. It’s really a personal talent. Now I still have a face at the most advanced university school. It’s because I’ve been blasting in the field to avoid losing my face.” Mu Bai began to vomit.

It is said that Mu Bai still told Lily about the content of Stardust in a textbook-level way. Fortunately, Lily is a clever ugly head and has a very fast learning ability.

"Ugly girl, I told you that you are just getting started. It is probably the gap between the sea level and the highest peak of the Andes in the Oxus School. Don't make a very proud look." Zhao Manyan has fallen.

"It doesn't matter, you can become a magician. One day I will take the college badge into the school, go to the classroom, live in a luxury apartment, dine at the seaside restaurant, and talk to the big guys... ..." Lily is full of expectations for her future.

"You are such a stupid girl, live a few episodes in TV dramas, anime novels, and you have also made the biggest taboo, see the family's photos before the battlefield; after the ticket, wash the hands in the golden basin; And now you are full of confidence in your future. It is often the people of yours, especially the beasts of the Black Holy See. When the situation is tense, they may kill you first, lest they say too much. "Zhao Manyan's cold water splashed on Lily's body."

"You are the most nonsense person in the drama, the most vulnerable role in the drama." Lily retorted.

"Lily, the people of the Black Holy See are very hot-hearted. Even if you have a special relationship with the black pharmacist, they will not be merciless when they need to kill them. So these days, you pretend to go back to the Oxus School, I will Let Apas protect you by your side. Be careful and understand everything. Otherwise, what you crave becomes the illusion that the little girl who sold the match was frozen before death.” Mo Fan said seriously to Lily.

Life is not a joke. Since Lily has reached the front line on their side, as they go deep into the plan of the Black Holy See, the Black Holy See will also perceive them. Lily has no self-protection ability, and they may die if they are not careful. Mo Fan does not want Lily, who has just stepped onto the magic path, to become a victim of this struggle.

"Well, um, I will remember!" Lily nodded immediately. She is still very friendly to Mo Fan. After all, he brought himself to open the door of magic and is the teacher of enlightenment.

The black pharmacist also taught her a lot of things, but Lily didn't like it at all. Those worms, spiders, blood red cockroaches, mad mice, she hated the things in the gutter, she liked the paradise of heaven like Ojos St. And also want to be a fascinating female college student with magic!


Returning to the University of Ojos, I was just preparing to rest in the apartment. As a result, I saw several people carrying the injured man in front of the apartment.

Instructor Miyamoto is also there. He said to Mo Fan with a look: "I am sorry, Mo Yifan is a mentor. I have stopped it in time. Unfortunately, my strength is still inferior. I have not been able to stop Hercasa. Attack, Ritchie is afraid that he can't participate in the fight in a short time."

"I'm sorry, Zhao Yanzu's mentor, I lost..." Richie's nose and face were swollen, and when he spoke, he also pulled the wound on the corner of his mouth.

"Po Lin, what's the matter?" Mo Fan frowned and asked about Pauline next to him.

Rich was very hurt, and some of the extremely aggressive ice elements got into his bones, making his bones very brittle. Even if he moved him slightly, he would immediately hear the bones crack. The sound of opening, Pauline does not know how to repair the treatment in the face of this situation.

"In the open class, Ricky met Hecka, in the process of the process, Hecasa retaliated against Ricky... Hecasa made it clear that he didn't want Ricky to recover, and seriously injured Ritchie with this very secretive ice magic. Bones, my healing system elves will be driven away by the cold every time they want to get into the body of Richie," Pauline said.

Under normal circumstances, there are many in the dark magic that can not be cured, whether it is the healing light or the healing elf, it is easy to die in the strong dark atmosphere.

However, the incurable effect in the ice magic is quite rare. Mo Fan took out the high-level pharmacy of the holy medicine warehouse filled with his heart in summer, but it only played a little weak role.

"He can't move now, even if he moves his fingers, it may cause the bones of the whole body to crack," Pauline said.

"This Hecasa is really poisonous, and he uses such tricks for his classmates." Fan Ding said angrily.

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