Versatile Mage

Chapter 2227: Kicking (on)

In the theoretical class, Mo Fan’s class is basically not too many people. Anyway, he doesn’t care too much anymore. Since he understood the bundled consumption, Mo Fan simply took the theoretical class together with the demon class and the fighting class. The theoretical thing makes Mu Bai say that the fight and the demon thing, let yourself come, the effect is as remarkable.

The next Friday is the open class. The open class means that students are free to go to class, even teachers and school leaders will attend. This is a big lesson at every international level school. The instructors can Can not be famous, to a large extent depends on the quality and scale of the open class.

During the period, they went to an outdoor class again. The students who came to class this time were obviously several times more. They were basically able to pass through the mountain. The effect of the previous course was spread among the students. It is.

With so many students coming to outdoor classes, gold coins earn a lot.

Rich lost to Hecasa. Here, Zhao Manyan’s gambling money, which was not easy to accumulate, was blown up. He just took the gold coins back in the outdoor class, so he didn’t get the time to fight. .

"This time I have 10,000 gold coins, dog day, I am directly hip-hop, when not only will they be hurt, broken, half-length, reputation is damaged, but also let them lose one gold coin!" Zhao Manyan Said.

In this outdoor class, several of them were quite hard, and the students' groups were comfortably served. Not only did they see the half-moon bone beasts that are quite rare in the Andes, but many students were also full of rewards.

It’s so hard to bring students, and to put it bluntly, it’s about getting the venue back.

Well, they are also going out for the country this time, and they must not lose face to the national teacher group! !


The public class on Friday finally came. In the battle, the Nairson mentor of the Free School is indeed very famous. Basically, the young magicians who are obsessed with fighting want to worship him.

Mo Fan sneered at this.

A group of neuropathy, the real battle has always been experienced in the smoke of the smoke, the **** wind and the wind, to really want to learn the battle, alone to the outside of the Anjie, into the big tribes of the demon, even the demon intensive Among the empire, as long as you don't die, you can learn everything.

I thought that Bai Hongfei was also a flashy guy. After going to the west, his whole temperament was different. If he was not a few times lower, he would not be so solid, and this guy’s combat power would not be inferior to them. Three too much.

To be invincible, how can it be possible without **** battles? What kind of scenes haven’t been seen by Mo Fan? The neat prince who is only pampered, how can he be afraid?

The open class was held directly in a big battlefield. The students sat in the seats that replicated the Roman battlefield. The scale was not inferior to a world-class stadium.

Standing in the middle of the battlefield, there are two outstanding assistant teachers next to Nelson. They wear the leather tight-fitting battle suits, and the Americans’ extreme curves are displayed in the air. Others are obscure. The instructor is particularly envious.

For the time being, I don’t want to say that Nairson is not a latent two-person assistant tutor. It’s quite a sense of accomplishment in this big occasion.


Nersun’s voice is reverberating, and there are more than a thousand students sitting in the entire Roman magical battlefield. In the foremost position, there are many school leaders from the University of Ojos, and other teachers from other camps are also present. It is clear that everyone respects the nephew mentors.

"Today, I want to show you the imprint magic, what is the imprint magic? Before we explore this matter, let's do a relatively simple combat experiment. Which student is willing to cooperate?" Nearsun asked loudly.

As soon as I heard that I could play, there was a large group of students who wanted to feel the presence in front of many teachers and classmates.

Nelson finally chose a male student. This student, Mo Fan, has also seen that the guy who wants to give himself a problem in his first class seems to be called Simpuk.

Simpke made a look of a big scene and calmly went to the battlefield, but his eyes sparkled with radiance.

"Nerald Tutor, what should I do?" Simpke asked respectfully.

"You attacked two assistant instructors with some intermediate magic," said Neilsun.


Simpke's eyes quickly looked at the two assistant instructors and selected the female assistant tutor on the left.

Simpke uses medium-level magic. In order to show his exquisite skills, he deliberately added some gorgeous taillights to his release of magic, which makes his skills look gorgeous and dangerous!

The black-brown hair assistant tutor is a wind master. She is more dexterous like a wind. No matter how fast and how precise Simpke's magic is, she can always avoid it.

Some of Simpke is not reconciled to use the fastest flying magic, but even if it is a light, the assistant instructor of the black-brown hair can easily dodge.

At this time, another assistant tutor did not know when he stood behind Simpuk, and his magical breath suddenly rushed to Simpke like a wild beast.

Simpke was shocked and hurriedly put away the offensive and took a defensive stance against the people behind him.

"Everyone saw that many magic has a problem of precision. When the enemy's speed is too fast, many slow magic in flight will directly lose its effect, and if you are too specialized in casting speed, you will ignore the side. Other dangers," said Neilsun.

The students nodded and couldn't hit the target. This is a very serious problem.

Magic has obvious gestures, and there are extremely symbolic star maps, constellations, and star palaces. Few people can do God's unconscious attacks. Some smart opponents, including demons, will make dodge judgments based on these movements, so hitting a flexible target is actually quite a headache.

"Today I am going to explain the combat skills of precision. That is, the imprint of my wounds in the Americas."

"There are many kinds of imprints. The simplest imprint is our imprint. The spirit is highly focused on a certain target. We can see everything about it. We can face multiple enemies. We can't concentrate our spirits all the time. In an individual, I first created the imprint release method, which is to give the enemy a mark by means of aggregating elements, and to lock the target by the density of the elements to complete the precise casting."

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