Versatile Mage

Chapter 2234: Trouble you to learn

Zhao Manyan became a little girl.

"How much have you pressed?" Mu Bai asked.

"This, cough, in short, I will deal with it." Zhao Manyan said incomparably.

"Old Zhao, your fear of this exercise is to be thrown by Mo Fan from the top of the platform, and you will not be accompanied by Ricky!"

"I know that Nelson is so incomprehensible."

Elemental Minister Douglin and the Dean stood up and applauded.

The other school tutors immediately followed the applause, and they saw that they were so aggressive that the result was too unexpected!

It turned out that the mentor of the Chinese camp was so fierce that they didn’t take them seriously...


"Do you still think that Rich is following me?" Mo Fan asked in front of Neilsun.

"But it is just restrained, not to mention that in the absence of these messy restrictions, do you really think that you can host me? Your repair is on average one level!" Nelson still refuses to accept the loss.

Nelson is a three-class super-class wizard. The wind system and the thunder system have reached the second-level level. To a super-level, this small level can also cause a strong suppression force, so Neilsun must definitely use it in everyone. In the case of the order, Mo Fan is definitely not his opponent.

"It doesn't matter, I will win if you win now," Mo Fan said.

"In your team, you can see only one Rich. On the day of the Open, your students are ready to suffer. I won't let Hercula have any mercy!" Neilson used only two people. Said the voice heard.

"You want to retaliate against me on the face?" Mo Fan said.

"How is it, you make me embarrassed today, your nine-member team will be turned into a waste on the day of the competition, just prepare a stretcher for them!" said Neilson.

"You probably can't stop doing this, but you also prepare a good stretcher for yourself. You hurt me a student. I only let you suffer. You hurt me nine students. I don't. It will be as light as you are today!" Mo Fan did not fear the threat and intimidation of Neilsun.

"Hahaha, can you do it??" Nersun laughed. The smile pulled the bones of his chest and almost spit out a blood.

Mo Fan was too lazy to answer this question from Neilson. The wounds on his body had already told him, but Neilson himself did not seem to realize it.


After finishing the class and leaving in the eyes of a large group of students, Mo Fan felt a lot of comfort.

Sure enough, low-key people are not their own style. There are so many people in the world who don’t have long eyes to come up and step on themselves.

"Mo Yifan tutor, are you full of nine people, I want to join you. I am an outstanding student of the University of Ojos, and the gambling has won 13 consecutive victories. Can you accept me?? ”

"Teacher, mentor, when are you starting classes!"

"The price must be higher. I am not very short of gold coins. But if your tutor collects gold coins too low, then you can sign up for a cat or a dog. A good tutor like you should match my outstanding students." A male student who seemed to be angry with him said to Mo Fan.

Mo Fan is speechless. Isn't it a win-win match? This group of students is too social. If Nelsun’s open class is not over, he will go to his own side to ask, which makes Nair Sun Duo has no face! !

"Good class, good class, Nairson tutor is also a good fighting teacher, I am just a theoretical class tutor." Mo Fan yelled at this group of students.

Mo Fan said this very loudly, and Nerson listened to almost a spit of blood.

This guy wins and wins, but he still has to emphasize that he is a theoretical teacher!

Passing through the seats, the bright and beautiful eyes of Teacher Blanche did not leave Mo Fan for a moment.

Mo Fan touched his chin and looked a bit cumbersome.

"Mr. Blanche, you won't fall in love with me again?" Mo Fan asked with a smile.

"Chaos, earth... These are not your strongest, and some days are gone. The speed of your strength is really amazing." Teacher Brandon smiled slightly and said to Mofan with a slight voice.

"Where can I compare with the teacher of Brendan." Mo Fan said that modest words, the shape of the ecstasy is still very obvious, just behind his back holding a "I am the cow B" brand!

Blanche was teased by Mofan's exaggerated appearance, but he did not say anything to Mofando, lest other people know that they knew it before.



No matter where you go, you have to be the focus. Now Mofan is walking in the St. Xue's University, and many students will rush to come and say hello. In the past few weeks, in addition to the little tail Saga, as always, Mofan is extremely respectful, other Ojos St. The people of the school purely regard him as the air, even if it is a theoretical class, there are many students who come to join the credits.

"Teacher, I beg you, give me a good score. You and Nairson's mentor are fighting at the time, I feel that you are really handsome..." Bomat, the female schoolgirl who bullied Lily, was interested. Mo Fan's mentor's office.

Mo Fan is doing a good job in the office, and in the afternoon he is going to Lily.

Apas's hypnotic memory illusion will give people a mental load. If you want Lily to remember some key information, you have to wait for a little half a month. Otherwise, Lily’s weak repair is divided into minutes. Passe's spiritual magic is ruined into a schizophrenic.

Coincidentally, Mo Fan was about to go out and saw the female sister Buma who had beaten Lily’s slap. She was still wearing a gorgeous and charming dress. A pair of long legs stepped on the high heels to make the figure look more upright. .

"I want you to give me a good score on your grades. I still have something to do, don't block me from going." Mofan said impatiently.

"Teacher, as long as you give me this excellent score, can make me feel good." Female student Boma sighed down, and the words revealed another kind of pleading and dark gesture.

Mo Fan glanced at Buma and looked up and down again.

"Can you make it all?" Mofan asked.

"Yeah." Female student Boma bowed her head.

Bumma's little heart is a little flustered. In fact, she hasn't tried this. She can think of the handsome and arrogant battle of this Mo Yifan instructor. She feels that it is not impossible to come once.

"That troubles you to study hard."

After saying this, Mo Fan left the office, leaving the female student Bu Ma in the wind.

What happened to these students who looked a little bit like this year, thinking that every teacher is a cloaked poultry|beast? Come to Ojos’s school, Mo Fan, who wants to be a brilliant and great folk magic teacher. Endorsement is impossible for him, but now he is diligent in preparing lessons!

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