Versatile Mage

Chapter 2236: Approaching plan

Shan Xia looked indifferent, she turned and prepared to leave, there are many things in the Ojos St. Xuefu, she does not want to disturb the "Yaxing" of these two people here.

"Thank you, I am afraid that I have been driven out of the Oxus St. University without your help. My father is very harsh on me. If he knows that I was expelled from the University of Ojos, I will definitely kill me. Dead." Bimi’s voice was very clear in the quiet night.

Shan Xia has gone to another place, still can hear the voice of Bimi, and she is slow to know her pace.

"Don't do that in the future, understand, you must know how to love yourself, even if it is the kind of people who use the credits to threaten you, you must also inform the relevant disciplinary mentor in time, otherwise you think that the kind of virtue of Myerson. People will easily let you go, he will definitely ask you again and again, in the end to force you to the depths of the fall, can no longer climb out, and can not look up to be a man." Zhao Manyan said.

"Well, um, mentor, I will definitely study hard. Thank you for helping me get rid of that evil spirit... At first I thought you were like him, I am really sorry," Bumi said.

"It is good to be prepared, girls should be prepared for everyone, everyone." Zhao Manyan said.

"But now there are some bad rumors in the school, will this affect you, I can clarify for you." Girl Bimi said.

"Clarification will only be taken seriously by more people, why should we care about things that are vain," said Zhao Manyan.


The pace of Shan Xia was slower, and she frowned slightly.

If a teacher uses his authority to force the students to do what they don't want to do, then the discipliner will not hesitate to submit the behavior of the instructor to the principal and expel it directly.

This person of Myerson, Shan Xia, also knows that there is a lot of color and sticks. Before that, he still had some excessive attempts. He did not expect that he had already extended his dirty hands to the girls in the school.

Indeed, like Shan Xia, who is very short of credits, the girl who is on the verge of being expelled is indeed the best target. Even if she does something too much, she does not dare to speak.

"It's you, well, come out for a walk?" Zhao Manyan's voice suddenly came from behind Shan Xia.

Shan Xia was shocked and turned and found that the face of the other white-haired handsome man was only one meter away.

At that time, the dance area was dazzling, and Shan Xia only looked at the other person's appearance. The impression was a handsome man, but this would be seen under clearer lights and he was extremely handsome, like art and sculpture. perfect.

"Well, um, come out and move around... Did the girl just be Bimi?" asked Shan Xia.

"Oh, you know her, yeah, a poor girl, I don't know what the discipline officers of Ojos St. University are doing. If they are not strict, I don't know how many such girls are going to be persecuted. Bimi is in the students. It really belongs to a bad girl, and occasionally it will do bad things, but it does not mean that she can be slaughtered," said Zhao Manyan.

"I am a disciple. Under my introduction, I am the deputy director of discipline at Ojos St. Xue, Shan Xia." Shan Xia said seriously.

Zhao Manyan made a surprise color.

Zhao Manyan certainly knows who this woman is. When she enters the first day of the University of Ojos, he knows her.

In the scene just now, it is said that Zhao Manyan deliberately played for Shan Xia. It is not an easy task to let a well-prepared woman go to the hook without the traces. At the same time, she must let her first impression of herself. The second impression is very good...

A woman's first impression of a man is important, but the second impression is more important.

Not all women are crazy to see handsome and elegant men will be addicted, this time you need a very good second impression, let the other side know that they are a A person who is kind and sincere soul.

With these two impressions, it will be much easier to let her fall into her own love network.

She is Shan Xia, and Zhao Manyan certainly knows.

She is the Deputy Minister of Discipline, and Zhao Manyan also knows.

She is Zhao Yougan's fiancee, his future nephew, Zhao Manyan knows more! !

However, what makes Zhao Manyan somewhat curious is that Zhao Youqian is a profitable figure. Why do you want to find a deputy minister of discipline at Ojos Sheng Xuefu, killing Zhao Manyan and not believing that Zhao Yougan wants to develop in education? His mind only has Earn more money and master more power!

Therefore, the background of Shan Xia is very interesting to Zhao Manyan, but Shan Xi is obviously a person who knows how to hide. She hides her background very well. Zhao Manyan did not have any gains in many investigations before.

In desperation, Zhao Manyan only tried to practice the law.

Close contact, against women, no one is better at themselves than myself!

"San Xia has no conclusive evidence, and I just happened to witness it. Even if you go to investigate, Myerson will not have any good results." Zhao Manyan put on a helpless look.

“Our investigations are not completely confined to evidence, and Ojos Shengyuan has its own laws,” said Shan Xia.

"Can it be a performance? A bad girl may be reluctant, but it may be that the essence is not pure... Myerson is not a good guy, and Bimi has also saved his student status." Zhao Manyan said.

Shan Xia stunned, she did not go to Lenovo in this regard.

"You are really calm about everything." Shan Xia said.

"If you see more people, you will not be free to judge the essence of a person. The essence of this thing will also be changed by the surrounding environment, isn't it?" Zhao Manyan said.

"You are right." Shan Xia nodded. The girl is really persecuted, and she should come to help herself instead of looking for another male tutor.

"Forget it, such a good night, there is no need to always think about such annoying things. Yes, your little boyfriend, I remember correctly, but he is the great prince of Banpo, a respectable and envious The identity... But I want to come too. Only a prince like you can be worthy of a woman." Zhao Manyan quickly transferred the topic.

"He is not my boyfriend, just... a friend, this dance will be accompanied." Shan Xia said.

Zhao Manyan showed a happy look.

This joy is what I saw for Shan Xia, and of course Zhao Manyan’s joy from the heart.

She did not mention her fiancé!

This shows that she does not intend to completely refuse to go out!

The close plan of the first impression and the second impression is quite successful, otherwise her attitude is likely to be "I already have a fiancé, please let me go back!"

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