Versatile Mage

Chapter 2409: Abandon the car

"You can now try your theory of saving the world, see if my brother listens or not." Zhao Manyan said.

What a **** concept belief, even if you are playing a game in this world, as long as you are willing to be no one to kick you out!

The Black Holy See’s lie is nothing more than a fearless excuse for those who want to sin and want to rebel. People are people, not animals, they can obey, they can be self-disciplined, they can have a bottom line, and they are called people. It is not because of the human skin.

No one can stop people from being beasts, but if you are a beast, don't talk about human rights with people. People will treat this species in a way that treats animals!

This is how Mofan handles it.

When you step into the Black Holy See, don't tell yourself that he is a human being.

A group of greedy, barbaric, unsaved beasts can be slaughtered!

Wu Kuo as a teacher, reading countless people, he naturally sees that with Mo Fan to talk about that kind of thing, and a pig in front of the butcher noisy no difference, nothing can not shake Mo Fan's determination to kill!

The butcher kills the pigs.

This is the attitude of Mo Fan to the Black Holy See...

Professional conduct!

Wu Kui began to retreat in another direction. This guy should be a magician, but he never showed the master of the department.

However, Wu’s feet seem to step on the muddy ground, but the shoe prints are very light and light. If you don’t look carefully, you don’t know that he is actually stepping on the rain.

He is moving, like a mosquito, and it slides far away in a little step.

After Mo Fan solved his two men, he immediately went to Wu.

Wu Kui walked faster and faster on the otter, and there was a light and mysterious feeling of crossing the river. Mofan soil magic, shadow magic, and space magic alternated, but he barely saw his back.

"This guy, what is the body?" Zhao Manyan is also chasing after the madness, but the rain in the jungle slaps a little carelessly with the loss of Wu's walking track.


Wu bitter head does not return, the ghost of the ghost of the forest floats like that.

He did not think that his two men were so useless and easily slaughtered.

It seems that the Black Holy See should recruit more talents that can be played. If the brain is easy to use, it will play too much tricks. It’s true that Mofan’s savage and unconventional guidelines are all about killing. There is absolutely no way.

In other words, the speed of this Mo Fan's strength improvement is terrible. Before sending a executioner, how can I get him half-mutilated? If you don't die, you can't get up, but don't say blue bats can't stop him now, even The two executioners just now are equivalent to being killed by the second.

"Monk, where are you going?"

Just as Wu Kuiqing was lucky enough to escape his ability, a man in a white suit suddenly appeared, scared Wu and hurriedly stopped.

"Who are you?" Wu bitterly annoyed.

It is obvious that they are their nests, and they are everywhere they don’t know.

How do these guys know that they are camping here, it must be the idiot of the black pharmacist, the thing that is so sloppy, it is always easy to attract the suspicion of others!

"Bocheng Mu Bai." Mu Bai said coldly.

Behind Mu Bai, there is a burly worm in the heavy rain, and the tentacles rush to fly like a beast, and the mighty mighty is like an adult dragon.

The half-opened mouth is covered with shark teeth, and one of the teeth is still stamped with a corpse, which is the tall worm wizard of the seventh hill.

The tall worm wizard is accompanied by a sugar candied fruit that is still tasteful.

However, as soon as I saw the more fresh prey of Wu, the magical pet behind Mu Bai immediately liked the old and tired, and spit the worm wizard to the side.

Wu bitter throat is creeping.

Bocheng Mubai...

Bocheng Mofan...

These two small things are now growing so horrible, a casual killing of the Black Holy See elite executioners do not say, a carry-on worm, killing them in the Black Holy See squadrons like killing dogs! !

"I am still able to come from goodness?" Wu Kui looked back at Zhao Manyan and asked.

"You are the most humorous member of the Black Chapel members I have ever seen. The sense of humor can't save you from the sinful crimes committed by you. If you have a **** disaster in Bocheng, you should think of it. Such a day." Zhao Manyan went forward and said to Wu.

"Teaching, hey, it’s an unexpected big gain." Mo Fan’s left hand is a dark air.

In the gas, the dead barb chain is clearly visible.

On the right hand, the thunder and lightning sizzle in the rain!

The Black Holy See is teaching...

This should be the highest-ranking person in the Black Holy See that they met. Zaran has always been a ghost. It is impossible to know which one is her, but this one is really good.

This time, I traced to the University of Ojos, and I was able to get rid of one of the three teachings of the Black Holy Trinity. It is definitely worth it!

"Ami Buddha, the barren is not the meat on the chopping board." Wu said.

"Well, then you and my two brothers have had a few tricks." Zhao Manyan consciously set the enchantment to prevent Wu from escaping.

"The poor have said, do not like to fight and kill." Wu bitter said again.

"With less garlic in it, you have killed so many people!" Zhao Manyan said.

"Inferiority is indeed harmful, and the victims do not have to do it themselves. The three donors, the old man, is the same as the life of the entire Ojos school." Wu said.

Mo Fan and Mu Bai both frowned, not understanding what the monk said.

Wu bitter body still keeps stepping on the muddy water, but as he breaks his clothes, the rain that has been irrigated from the sky quickly gathers on him.

Rain, like pearls, intensively encircles Wu Kui, like a huge rain hive.

"Several people can attack me. If you are sure to break my rain nest within three hours, you can naturally avenge the dead folks, but this time, the Ojos Sheng Xuefu will become like, Inferiority is not allowed." Wu bitter did not escape, sitting on the muddy water, and began to read strange verses.

"Rainwater... began to turbid." Mu Bai looked up and looked at the distance.

There is a large rain screen in the distance, which is also the direction of the Ochos School.

"Look at this crystal ball. As a teacher, I need to supervise the work of the subordinates. The blue bat has already volatilized the black pharmacist's potion into the rain. When the rain has turned into a turbid yellow, the whole Andes will linger. For hell, let alone the University of Ojos, some cities in the vicinity will suffer." Wu Kui took out a crystal ball.

The crystal ball does show a dynamic picture, comparable to the surveillance camera, but it is obviously operated by chaotic magic.

"This crystal ball, you take it, you can easily find the blue bat. You put the old man a way of life, I also give a life to the Ojos Sheng Xuefu." Wu bitter is very direct.

"Are you abandoning the car to protect the handsome?" Zhao Manyan said.

"Barren is also helpless." Wu is also afraid.

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