Versatile Mage

Chapter 2432: Trial meeting - bee sting

Mo Fan and Zhu Meng looked the same.

"Take us to see." Zhu Meng said immediately.

The three went to the anatomy room, and I wished Mengzi to carefully look at the remains of the blue bat and found that the trial of the blue bat would be on the back.

The trial between the back bones will be imprinted!

Don't say that Mo Fan hasn't seen it, even Zhu Meng has never seen it!

"Most of the members of the trial are mostly imprinted on the wrists and arms. There is only one possibility that they will be branded on the back bones. That is to be a judge who enters the Black Holy See as a lurker."

"The lurker?? The blue bat is the lurker of the trial?" Mofan said incredulously.

No! !

Did they kill the lurkers? ?

It is impossible, if she is a lurker of the trial, she should have revealed her identity.

I wish you a very dignified look.

The spine trial will be imprinted, and it is actually on the nine disciples of Sarang.

"I feel that I need to contact the Supreme Judgment." I wished it a long time to spit out this sentence.

I wished to leave the house quickly and wanted to come to him and need to secretly contact the Supreme Court.

Mo Fan and Mu Bai stayed in the house and remained silent for a long time.

"If she is really the ultimate lurker of the trial, are we not losing the excellent opportunity to seize the Saran??" Mu Bai voice low.

The blue bat was killed by him.

The process of killing the blue bat by Mu Bai is not difficult. He has a crystal ball that teaches Wu bitter on hand, so no matter where he escapes, the blue bat can catch up.

In fact, when the target kills the blue bat, the blue bat does not have excessive struggle.

One of the nine disciples of Sarang should have extraordinary means, but Mu Bai did not feel that this blue bat had any special means.

"What did she say to you before she died?" Mo Fan hurriedly asked.

"She said that the dead are more valuable than the living, and this is the sentence that made me realize that I can solve her body to get some important information." Mu Bai said.

Mo Fan’s heart sank immediately.

The blue bat is a statement that tells Mu Bai to solve her body.

The facts also show that the body of the blue bat is extremely valuable.

The imprint of the blue bat cannot be shown to anyone.

To put it bluntly, only when she is dead and her body is broken can she know the imprint of this trial.

"Mofan, you recall what the blue bat is doing." Mu Bai said earnestly.

"In the beginning, I thought she was just a general deacon under the cold lord. Until she killed the female leader next to the cold lord, I realized that she had another identity. The female leader held a soul curse and suppressed it. My devil's power. To be honest, she helped me, or the result is hard to say..." Mo Fan said.

But the blue bat claimed to be a Sarang, and was removed from the cold lord according to the instructions of Sarang.

Mo Fan did not doubt this statement. After all, Sarang did appear in the Parthenon and was dissatisfied with those who made a fuss about using Xia Xia.

If you bring the blue bat into the trial, you will be the identity of the lurker.

What she did, really helped Mo Fan to resolve a big crisis!

The second encounter was at the Chamber of Commerce in Crete.

She appeared as a black pharmacist and saved the black pharmacist.

In fact, Mo Fan is also confused about this.

With the actions of the Black Holy See, there is absolutely no need to report to the home.

To put it bluntly, Mo Fan did not know from the beginning that the forest owner was a black pharmacist. Even if he disappeared, he would not necessarily associate with the Black Holy See.

At that time, the blue bat left the Jin Yao Knight Jiang Bin's life. In fact, it was equivalent to telling Mo Fan that the forest owner was a black pharmacist and her blue bat came here.

This is equivalent to leaving a clue to Mo Fan.

The third time, it was at the ninth hill.

There is an anatomized mountain corpse in the granite house.

Mo Fan chased the blue bat to the underground factory of the Black Holy See.

It is also strange to say, why should the blue bat tell himself that the people around her are teaching Wu?

The higher the level of the Black Holy See members, the more they should be hidden.

In order to show off the strength of the Black Holy See, the Blue Bat revealed his identity to himself.

If you don't know that Wu is a teacher, their goal is definitely only on the blue bat.

"So, you met her three times. In fact, she gave you clues or help these three times?" Mu Bai summed up Mo Fan's memories.

Mo Fan nodded.

Is the blue bat too stupid and too arrogant? ?

Impossible, if this is the case with blue bats, how could it become a disciple of Sarang?

If you can appreciate it, the strength is not necessarily strong, and the IQ must be high!

The blue bat encountered himself three times, and every time he did things, he stood in the position of the Black Holy See, but also gave Mofan extremely important information and help.

So, is she the lurker of the trial, or the disciple of Sarang? ? ?

"Mo Fan, Wu Kui sold out the blue bat, do you think there will be such a possibility. Wu Kui this teaching has already noticed that there is a problem with the blue bat, and killing her by our hands?" Mu Bai said.

Mo Fan couldn't help but feel cold.

The blue bat told Mo Fan the identity of Wu.

Wu Bian also sold the blue bat.

The behavior of the two of them is actually somewhat unreasonable.

Unless the blue bat is a trial judge, Wu Kui is aware, or Wu Ku is not able to completely determine, so the blue bat is simply sold out.

"How did you kill the blue bat?" Mo Fan asked immediately.

"To tell the truth, I feel that she is looking for her own death." Mu Bai said.

"What do you mean?" Mo Fan didn't understand too much.

"I and Lao Zhao both want to catch alive. After all, she is a disciple. The value of live capture is very big. But when she and I are recruiting, it is a way of seeking death, forcing me to kill." Mu Bai said.

Mo Fan is not a person who is too radical and stubborn.

After all, what the blue bat did a few times seems to be the position of the Black Holy See, but it actually gave Mo Fan help.

Now she has found the mark of a trial meeting on her body.

This imprint on her body is not the betrayal of the canary that betrayed.

Her imprint was extremely deep and printed on the back of the spine. It was a level that even the judges themselves did not know that she was a member of the trial.

If she is not dead, she will not be dismantled, and she is absolutely impossible to know!

Most importantly, if she is substituted into the identity of the judge, many of the things she does explain it more rationally! !

Remove the cold lord.

Found a black pharmacist.

Tracked to the Temple of Ojos.

Found that the teacher is suffering from Wu.

Destroy the plan of the Salang Yiping Academy.

So the blue bat is the person of the trial, and it is by no means impossible!


"I asked."

I wished to breathe back and breathe back.

It seems that he should go to a certain place in the school and contact a certain person in the Supreme Tribune in a special way.

"This mark is called a bee sting." Zhu Meng is undecided.


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