Versatile Mage

Chapter 2444: Yucheng


Another strange shadow dart, it slowly flew to the captain of the windship.

The wretched captain stood there, his body was sewed by those shadow needles, and he could not move at all.

Soon he discovered that this shadow-sharp dart was flying towards his thigh intersection, and suddenly his face was pale!

"Don't, beg you, don't!" the wretched captain pleaded.


A scream of screams rang in this central avenue, and the wretched captain glared at his crotch and kept rolling on the ground.

The pain caused him to cramp, and at the same time, the two pains were superimposed, and the wretched captain was not as good as death.

"This is a very detailed topographic map... Hey, how do you fight this group of brown rebels?" Zhao Manyan held a scroll-like thing.

Although there is a special crystal bead in the sky to monitor Wu Ku, like Baidu satellite, but the entire upper reaches of the hot river is several tens of kilometers long, it is impossible to accurately find the position of Wu Kui according to the point of the picture.

"Nothing, waiting for yours will solve a scum," Mo Fan said.

Zhao Manyan smashed a torn plaid school skirt on the same floor and quickly understood what happened.

Only the female high school student did not know where to go. In the case of being too alarmed, she only knew that she would run out after she got away. As for what would happen afterwards, it would be difficult to say anything.

"Ojos Sheng Xuefu is not too derogatory. It is said that the withdrawal will be withdrawn, and regardless of the lives and deaths of these ordinary people." Zhao Manyan complained.

"They are each proud of the world. People who take over the country in the future do not need to pay attention to these war victims. Anyway, no matter who wins in the end, they will all sit in a relatively high position." Mu Bai to the Oxus School I lost my feelings at once.

"No way, this world is as noble as us, and there are not many people who shoulder social responsibilities... Mo Fan, are you giving people a slap, how can he call it so bad?" Zhao Manyan asked.

"Well, the needle and the array are more suitable."

"You rebels will get the punishment of our brown army, you can't think of leaving the country safely!!" A brown army captain pointed to Mo Fan.

Zhao Manyan went straight to the head of the small captain, and he will be turned to the ground by the captain who was imprisoned by the dark.

"Mall's ball, you guys this small rebel army also dare to claim to be a dynasty here? Without this rain, give you ten courage and dare not rebel!" Zhao Manyan said.

The brown regime regiment is very large and is in the snowball effect.

In front of the super-order mages, a large group of magicians can not be anything, let alone dozens of foxes and tigers!

"Let's go, don't waste time with this group of soldiers." Mu Bai said.



Most people are fleeing in the other direction. Mo Fan, Zhao Manyan, and Mu Bai are directly confronted with the brown army that is about to come. They wear the clothes of the Instructor of Ojos, but in this way. In the chaotic situation, as long as it is not wearing brown clothes, it will be regarded as an enemy.

The madness of spring water affects everyone's mind, they will become more and more violent under the continuous erosion of the rain, and eventually become a group of beasts who only know how to kill.

The three people tried not to collide with the brown army regimens who were ruined. As for the captain who was castrated before, he was not a man with great powers. It was impossible to send people to chase the Mofan three.

Arriving in the most prosperous part of the city, many citizens have been brought under control and they are trapped in some buildings or squares with wire mesh.

Fortunately, these brown regime soldiers have not gone mad completely and will not kill the residents.

Only when so many people are controlled and taken hostage to be a new federal, if the new federation does not promise the corresponding conditions, it is hard to say what these controlled residents will end.

"Who!" A brown man in charge of the alert found three people.

"Forehead, we are the teachers of the University of Ojos, and the big team is gone." Zhao Manyan also performed very calmly and showed his identity.

The brown army man frowned slightly, and he said a few local dialects to the communication device in his ear.

In front of it is a big checkpoint, filled with the brown army mages, they seem to break the middle of the city of the city, even with the collapse of the building mixed with earth magic, forming a city trench.

This trench is to prevent the counterattack of the EFF, but it also hinders the Mofan three million hot river.

The area from Rehe to the city of General Luo has become the station of the brown regime regiment. It is impossible to reach the upper reaches of the Rehe without knowing it!

"What have you been doing here, we have issued a notice, and the city of Luo is now taken over by our brown regime, and the unrelated personnel either go to the concentration camp for supervision, or get out of the city, and stay in the city seven hours later. The non-brown regime military personnel will all be dealt with by the enemy forces!" said the alert mage, righteous and remarkable.

"This little brother..." Zhao Manyan unconsciously pulled out a small drill and gave it to the alert mage. Then, "We have several students who live near the Rehe, we think Take them away, don't know if you can give us accommodation, it is best to take us through the city."

The alert brother has a dark face and his eyes are very white.

His eyeballs were particularly noticeable when he moved. He looked at this valuable little diamond and made it a serious saying: "It is very laborious to bring people through the city, let alone you have three people."

Zhao Manyan immediately took out two identical small diamonds.

Alert the younger brother to quickly get a pocket and look around.

"That... you go with me. Remember not to use any magic, and don't talk to other people. After all, it is a very intense moment of engagement," said the younger brother.


Followed by this vigilant brother stepped into the city trench.

If you don't come in, you don't know that half of the cities are full of brown regimes, and they have to live in these buildings.

Fortunately, there is no choice to come hard, otherwise it is impossible to reach the other end of the city for a few days and nights.

The rank of the younger brother should not be low, and many young masters must salute him. This makes it easy for the three men.

As long as you can get to the west of the city and pass through the lush tropical forest, it is not far from the Rehe.

Although winning Wu’s suffering may not be able to end the war, at least it will make all those in this war more rational, less **** and less degrading.


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