Versatile Mage

Chapter 2454: Military

"The care of the **** of Freud, the care of the **** of the Buddha!"

The chimpanzee officer screamed excitedly.

The life-threatening enemy suddenly disappeared. I wanted to be hit by a middle-level magician in the distance. Although I didn't see what the magic was, I had such luck in the battlefield.

Isn't it the care of God? ?

It seems that it is useful for parents to force themselves to bow to the plantain tree in the yard from the age of five!

Leading seven or eight remnants, the chimpanzee officer rushed to the front, this time he did not use his mouth to fight, but took advantage of this opportunity to use the middle-level magic!

The chimpanzee is a mid-level wind master.

He broke into the war militias, and the first-level militia did not respond.

"Wind plate!!!"

The chimpanzee officer shouted, and a turbid tornado appeared on the top of the trench without warning.

The tornado swept away and threw more than a dozen water militiamen. After five or six seconds, they were allowed to fall back to the ground.

"There are gaps, gaps, keep up, keep up!!"

The Golden Retriever army pointed the eye and saw the location of the tornado.

In the dense magical shuttle, it is not easy for the Golden Retriever to see that this position has been taken.

Soon there were more than 300 assault soldiers rushing up the chimpanzee officer! !

The majority of the city wars here are militiamen. They have the advantage of being able to use the magic to attack the EFF in the first place. Once they have been attacked by a position, it is easy to make a mess.

They are far worse than the regular army in obeying orders. As more than 300 assault soldiers entered the urban trenches, the rebel militia groups began to become increasingly out of order!


Two car-sized ripraps flew into the trenches, just killing the two or three teams of the militia regiment.

In order to make the collective pressure water guns more powerful, they were too concentrated in the battle, so they were hit by two flying stones.

That picture, like a perfect bowling of the bowling ball, cleanly knocked down all the bottles, but the bottle will not splash.

More than 300 assault soldiers climbed up, and the two queues were instantly killed. I hope that the war criminals on the street will no longer be able to stop other assault soldiers because of this turning point!

"Killing these bitches, hahahaha!!!" The chimpanzee officer laughed.

The soldiers who followed the chimpanzee officers also took a long breath.

It was not victory that made them so, but they did not think of it and survived.

Mo Fan is expressionless and casually uses a few earth magic to make himself look less crowded.

"This silly B, probably still do not know that we help him open the gap." Zhao Manyan spit a sigh.

It’s so hard to capture some of the trenches. To be honest, the strength of the EFF is very worrying.

These are just rebel militia.

They are all organized by the temporary organization. It is estimated that they will participate in the military training of junior high school and high school.

The EFF is almost unable to attack.

Although the war on other main roads is not well understood, it is hoped that the EFF on the street is really worrying.

The gap that suddenly appeared in front of the chimpanzee officer was opened by Mo Fan.

Do not secretly shoot, it is estimated to become their embarrassing situation in the three battlefields.

"I don't know if the regular army of the brown rebels will encounter the bile of the EFF's diners!" Mofan said.


Hope Avenue is a small battlefield!

What is very surprising is that the entire two-kilometer-long urban trench is also the first gap in Hope Avenue.

In this way, the entire EFF of the EFF can continue to push in from here, and those devastating stone-throwing chariots can reach the other side of the city.

"It’s very beautiful. I didn’t think that you were the first to stand on it, Ma Jie.” The golden-haired army screamed.

"After all, you are a soldier under your hand, Blair Army." The chimpanzee officer immediately said.

"I was very satisfied with the battlefield of Hope Avenue that I commanded, saying that we are the spear of the federation and the ripper of the rebels!" said Blair.

"That's our honor!" The chimpanzee officer smiled and the whole face was black.

Once upon a time, he was able to be appreciated! !

"Let's allow the battlefield to be promoted, so you are my deputy right now. The next point, you need to lead five hundred people to raid. The enemy is caught off guard!" Blair said.

"Ah?? Isn't it for me to retreat to the second line?" The smile on the chimpanzee officer's face was gone.

"You have succeeded this time, I will introduce you to the military. You should understand that now the Federation is in need of a warrior. In peacetime, it takes several generations of efforts to get a military officer from a small officer. In the position, but in the war years, it can become an army leader after a war, even if you are just a small soldier!" Blair said.

Blair’s military remarks made the chimpanzee officer look like one!

Even the survivors who followed the chimpanzee officer, their eyes lit up.

"You are my deputy now, and the rank is deputy."

"These soldiers of yours have all been promoted to the commanders of the hundred."

"It is true that the assault line is dead for a lifetime, but some people may not be able to sit in this position after a few deaths. The Federation has just been established, and what each person with a military rank means, I think you are very clear!" Blair said.

After the chimpanzee officer heard it, the blood seemed to start boiling.

Yes, it is a period of war.

Anyone who has made a contribution under this national disaster must be promoted rapidly after the stability of the country.

The Federation is so large that it is likely to become the strongest country in South America. If he stands out in times of crisis, he will not be jealous for the rest of his life, and his descendants will enjoy the respect of the country forever!

Not to mention that the chimpanzee officer was so excited that even the few survivors and small soldiers could not stand it.

"Have we been promoted?"

"Are we really ascending the army??"

"The military generals are too reasonable to say, we must contribute to the Union!"


Out of the temporary military barracks, the chimpanzee officers seemed to be different, and the sky under the heavy rain was exceptionally clear.

Deputy military system!

Just because the first one climbed the trench, he became a deputy military! !

The times create heroes, and the times create heroes! !

Thank you, Goddess! !


"Don't say, I am a little excited." Zhao Manyan lowered his voice to Mu Baidao.

"Mom's illness. The battlefield chicken soup is to give you such an idiot." Mu Bai said.

Mo Fan looked down at his own military uniform.

The uniform has been replaced.

They are not now federal soldiers.

They are three glorious federal army captains!

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