Versatile Mage

Chapter 2462: Ghost demons

Is it because they are unwilling after their death, resentful people around you can not die, so turned into a drag under the mud? ?

"The corpse??" Several officers said with some panic.

"It's unlikely that even if a person dies, it will become a dead soul. It will take some time to ferment. No one who has just died will immediately become an undead in the undead." Mo Fan shook his head.

Nima is not a walking dead, the zombies of the United States. After the death of a man, it is probably calm and tranquil. For a while, suddenly the eyes open and filled with brutal bloodshot, and bite into the neck.

The relationship between the body and the undead is like rice and wine.

Need to enter the tank, a closed environment, requires fermentation bacteria for a long fermentation process.

Although the swamp is a perfect sealed environment, it is very suitable for fermentation of the undead, but the fermentation time can not be so fast!

The person who just died will become a dead soul that can attack others in a few minutes. Isn’t the world dead in this world? ?

Undead requires a specific environment, conditions and sufficient time.

Therefore, the following soldiers who dragged others are quite weird and completely unable to understand how they formed.

"Look, the bodies are starting to move again." The nose ring male Kony said to the quagmire.

The blue dark light is moving, and the sling flies are always licking on the surface of the corpse. When the number is enough, the shape of the human can be relatively complete.

But after the swamp ghouls below could not find a target that could be dragged, they began to collectively "move" in one direction.

They swim in the mud, and it is not long before hundreds of soldiers who have died in the mud are surrounded by an old laurel tree.

The old laurel tree grows entirely on the mire, and the mud is submerged in the middle and lower position of the trunk. The grotesque branches are stretched out in the rain, and the branches are still hung with various kinds of scum, which are fluttering in the wind. Like a ghost of ghosts flying.

At this point, the ghoul soldiers stayed in the roots of the old laurel trees, and it can be seen that the roots of this old laurel tree are very large, occupying thousands of square meters.

It is also quite strange to say that the ghoul soldiers under the swamp are not scattered under the laurel tree, but present a distribution of branches and crowns...

If you don't think of them as the bodies of soldiers, the blue bone powder fluorescence now forms a blue lush tree under the trees.

Turn it over again, and you can call it a pavilion.

"I know what it is!" Mo Fan suddenly twisted his eyebrows together, his eyes dignified.

"The swamp tree, there is a big problem." Zhao Manyan said.

Mo Fan whispered a few words in Mu Bai's ear, Mu Bai nodded and slowly retreated to the back.

Zhao Manyan looked very anxious. Mo Fan said that he did not say half of it. He contacted the horror scene he saw before, and it was impossible for anyone to calm down.

The chimpanzee Ma Jie and his men are even more blue.

Unknown things are constantly consuming the lives of their companions, but all this cannot be explained.

No one knows who the next one will be in the mud.

Even more frightening is that you can't make a quiet beautiful body after death!


Mo Fan’s eyes have changed.

At the moment when the power of chaos was opened, Mo Fan’s doubles turned into a vast black starry sky, and the deepest places shimmered with mysterious cold light.

Although Mo Fan has not yet completed the symbolic transcendental force of the Eye of Chaos, when he uses the chaos and space magic, his eyes will become strange.

Most of the sub-magic magic itself relies on the mind, and the focus and concentration of the eye is the best control of the mind.


Wrap the area where the old laurel tree is, and let the order there be controlled by yourself.

It is a large quagmire, and the range of Mofan's current chaos is very limited.

However, after knowing that the enemy has a base camp like an old laurel tree, as long as the scope of the old laurel tree is locked, it is still possible to reverse the order of the area! !

The area around the old laurel tree changed immediately.

The rules there were changed by Mofan's Chaos Magic.

The first thing that turned upside down was the rain in that area.

The rain is not falling, but the sky.

The wind that followed the past has also changed, and the wind is like a headless fly.

"Rumble rumble!!!!!!"

After the arrival of a larger chaotic force, the deep mud pool under the old laurel tree also showed an incredible change.

First, the sludge water, followed by the falling rain began to fall to the sky.

This was followed by thick silt, which lost its gravitational force and a large chunk of it dripped into the air.

Order field, subversion range!

All the soldiers widened their eyes and looked incredulously at the old cassia quagmire flipping up and down. There was a sense of sight in the film.

"Fri Sishen is fascinating!!" The chimpanzee Ma Jie almost squatted down.

Mo Fan heard this sentence and almost broke his mind.

Taking a deep breath, Mo Fan continued to change the quagmire with Chaos Magic.

More mud dripped up, and the horror scene under the mud pond gradually appeared under the sight of all the soldiers.

Finally, after the entire old cassia quagmire was turned upside down by Mofan, people poured cold breath! !

This old laurel tree...

It is a complete devil! ! ! !

Most plants, whose roots are underground, in the mud, rely on the nutrients of the soil to maintain the image of green oil on the ground.

But this old laurel tree is exactly the opposite.

The appearance of the dead tree above the quagmire is its root.

The part under the quagmire is its trunk, branches, and canopy.

Its trunk is inverted into the mud, and after the mud falls down, it is the trunk of the white bones!

Its branches are also white bones. These white bones are connected to be movable, and there are dozens of long bone branches that can reverse the activity.

These long bone branches scatter in the mud, comparable to the intricate pipelines of the city's underground.

More terrible is the leaves.

At the end of the long bone branch, there are a number of lobes, which are shaped like human claws.

The giant bones become dry.

The joints are connected into branches.

The leaves are bone claws!

This is a swamp tree that is pieced together! !

So when the bones of the blades are as many "clam" rings, and the branches can be waved like a human arm, the old soldiers who have seen all kinds of embarrassing scenes almost turned their eyes and fainted!

"What is this?" Zhao Manyan almost spit out.

Distortion to a kind of disgusting success does not say, but also extremely fearful! !

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