Versatile Mage

Chapter 2467: Bully cavalry

"A high-level necromancer can use the swamp to kill so many federal soldiers, hehe." Mofan sighed.

Now he is really worried about the federal.

The reaction of the EFF is really too slow. The fighting and psychological qualities of the corps that they organized in ten hours are too weak. In contrast, the brown rebels, they have been planning for a long time, under the influence of mad springs. One by one like a butcher.

In fact, a high-ranking mage on the battlefield, at most, will kill hundreds of lower-ranking magician soldiers, and the powerful high-ranking mage will be able to thousand people...

Even the Necromancer can use the environment and death to achieve a more prominent role on the battlefield, and it will not be killed by more than 4,000 people by a deceased division. It can be seen that the former 4,000 soldiers are really no different from the miscellaneous militia.

In fact, as long as you look at the behavior of this military camp, you know that when you see the swamp tree, they think not to fight, but to escape.

The more you escape, the more you get swamped, waiting for them to suffocate in the mud, and turn into the soldiers of the undead.

"There should be a lot of such weirdos in the rebel army. I don't know how much the EFF is left after breaking into the swamp rain forest." Mu Bai also licked his temple.

Dealing with the undead Barker, the three of them actually used some high-level magic.

It is impossible for the enemy not to be investigated, so the news that the three of them are high-ranking mages must be known by the rebels.

It’s like playing chess. If you don’t know what chess you are, you will send some arms to test, but once you find that one of my battalions is eaten by you, you will remember it immediately.

The next time you look at it, you will definitely send troops from the battalion commander.

The trio did not want to expose their strength too early, so when the rebels realized that there were powerful arms close to their flag, they would send extremely powerful legions and masters, just like the thousands of former legions. Kill them alive.

The federal federation does not live up to expectations.

If there is no complete confrontation, it will start to be seriously damaged.


"Is there a count of people?" Mo Fan asked as he walked over to the chimpanzee Ma Jie.

"Check it out, now there are more than two hundred people left... Hey, isn't it necessary for you to count the number of people? You shouldn't ask this question from the military system?" said the chimpanzee Ma Jie.

"Well, I don't ask anything. When you have a group coming over again, you will deal with it." Mo Fan said.

The chimpanzee Ma Jie couldn’t stand the shelf right away.

"The top asked us to get out of this swamp, we have to move forward," said the chimpanzee Majie.

"That is, of course, for the beautiful dawn of the Union." Mofan said.

"There are more rebel soldiers waiting for us, we are the ones," said the chimpanzee Majie.

"Apply for support, you send Buckle's head back. There will always be people who recognize him. After all, Buck is not a nameless person," Mo Fan said.

"Yeah, I made a great effort to kill an enemy general who slaughtered 4,000 federal soldiers." Chimpanzee Majie said with some excitement.

The chimpanzee Ma Jie is still complacent, anyway, regardless of the process, he personally killed the undead teacher Buck, the main credit is still attributed to him.

Mo Fan is too lazy to care about the behavior of this idiot to grab the head, not to expose is the most important.

According to Mo Fan, Ma Jie sent the head back to the big camp.

Now a large army of 20,000 people has stepped into this swamp. After the chimpanzees have cleaned up the undead butchers here, there will be more federal troops marching along this road, but the remnants of the Freedom Masters will be defeated. I am afraid that it is very difficult to find a way for the big forces.


Sure enough, this head of Bucker is very valuable, not a few hours, there is a large team of cavalry mages riding the swamp bulls came over!

"Who is Ma Jie?" asked a barbarian cavalry chief.

"I am, I am!" Ma Jie hurried over.

"This is a military card. This bully cavalry team is dispatched by you. The military commander hopes that you will find the enemy's camp!" The barbarian cavalry chief took a bit of arrogance and the tone was more like an appointment.

"The Bulls Cavalry, so I have a cavalry magical army??" Ma Jie felt that happiness came too suddenly.

The animal is very precious, not all the small wizards who are participating in the army can get it.

Most of the Masters have short legs, especially those elemental mage who do not have displacement magic. In the long march, they will inevitably get tired and tired, let alone be attacked by the enemy, without any protection around them...

The meaning of a beast is unusual, and only the mage who has been in the middle and above for many years is qualified.

Therefore, the so-called military cavalry is the real elite of the army! !

From leading the cannon fodder to leading a free-handed mage who has a thousand people, and now has an elite cavalry mage, the chimpanzee Majie feels that these battles are simply performing a military ascendant!

"You, check it out." The cavalry commander slammed Mofan next to Ma Jie and said in a tone of command.

"Oh, you can check it out." Mo Fan also smashed the side of the next man, faint.

Mo Fan’s men were a soldier’s head. They used to be mixed with Mo Fan when they were freezing the fortress, but the soldier’s leader was just running away.

"I will let you count! We are cavalry mage, no one is lower than your small officer, understand!" said the cavalry chief.

The cavalry chief did not dare to take over their boss Ma Jie, but it was no problem to give the deputy a little Ma Wei.

Originally, as cavalry units, they should have been led by at least one big military unit. Now they have been sent to a dog transport deputy commander, and there is a feeling of being insulted.

"My rank is with you, isn't it?" Mo Fan raised his eyebrows and did not give the cavalry a long face.

"You!!" The horseman's whip almost waved in the hands of the cavalry.

"Slightly safe, don't be embarrassed, I don't want to be awkward. I personally come here. I personally come and can have a cavalry unit to join. I think we can certainly triumph for the dawn of the swamp in the eyes of the Federation!" Ma Jie is very Said diligently.

Whether or not it is the possession of the Buddha's deity, in short, the one who deals with the group of Ma Fan is seen, so Ma Jie will never offend Mo Fan.

Of course, he does not want to offend the coroner troops he dreamed of!

Since the cavalry commander Benoson was sent to be the master of Ma Jie, his current rank is equal to Mo Fan, Mu Bai and Zhao Manyan. Because of the rank, Mo Fan is also the deputy of Ma Jie.

As for other cavalry, the ranks are lower than Mofan. Although Mo Fan can't directly order them, they can not take them seriously.

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