Versatile Mage

Chapter 2481: Will you pretend to be high?


A slap of lightning broke through the dark sky as the dusk, and the rain of the sky was shining into the color of gold powder.

Mo Fan suddenly felt that the dark veins were surging, so he looked up and saw the bright light of the bright sky in the dark. He even saw a black paint between the bright rain curtains. The long claws of the lacquered nails are coming silently!

"Go forward, shovel the mud in front!" The chimpanzee Ma Jie shouted at the heavy rain.

The Bulls Cavalry Regiment was in front of the Wu Xie Xiong. They became the cattle of the Wu Xie Xiong Road. The reason is that Wu Xing Xiong, a creature who likes the forest environment, does not like the soles of the foot to stick to the mud!

The black lacquered claws have reached less than a hundred meters above the barbarian cavalry regiment. Since the things that can make the Mofan dark veins fluctuate, the power is absolutely not trivial.

However, Wu Xie Xiong still turned a blind eye to this.

Even Professor Sir Longs, she was still just looking up, and then she continued to close her eyes.

However, Professor Silence quickly opened his eyes and his eyes fell on Mo Fan.


"The dust of the stars, even the pearls!"

Mo Fan can't wait any longer, he used his own rock field.

Numerous gravel prints rose from the muddy ground. They were cut by the Mofan rock system, and the front end became sharp. After obtaining the ultimate speed of a projectile field, they flew into the air. That black lacquered paw!


The Lianzhuyan scorpion almost formed a line, and they hit the black claws that were falling on the top of the chimpanzee Ma Jie.

Dozens of rock smashed on the black claws, and one of the sharp, slender phalanes was immediately smashed.

The chimpanzee Majie realized that there was something on the top of his head, and then countless black sawdust fell.


Another lightning bolt, just across the sky in the horizontal direction, like a tear in the black cloud belly, the dazzling brilliance suddenly reflected the true face of the black lacquered claws!

A terrible dead branch, I do not know where to explore from the battlefield, the end is the black lacquered claws, such as the huge soul of the soul hanging above the creatures.

The middle of the phalanx was smashed by Mofan's Lianzhuyan, and it became two on the left and two on the right. The gap between the four claws made the claw more horrible and deformed like a ghost!


The chimpanzee Ma Jie was so scared that he sat down in the mud, and the horrible claws fell.

It is also the chimpanzee, the Majie dog is full of luck, when the paw is hit, Ma Jie's position is just in the middle of the middle of the toe bone claws, which makes Ma Jie like the escape from the cock's claws!

The phalanx was terrible, and the chimpanzee Majie was already stunned by the other phalanxes.

Just a little bit worse, he was shot and broken!


After the black lacquered claws failed, they immediately lifted up.

I thought it would come up again to Ma Jie who lost his mobility, but the higher it is, the more it will melt into the black cloud.

The shackles of several Thunder Masters were intertwined in midair, and there were many lightning sparks that did not shine on the black claws.

The black claws have disappeared, and they are very strange and disappear very quickly.


"That... what the **** is it??"

The chimpanzee Ma Jie was stunned and left the impression of the paw next to him, such as the gully cut by several giant swords.

"It seems to be coming to you," said Cavalson Benoson.

"I am just a small officer..." The chimpanzee Ma Jie said with a weak voice.

That is obviously not the area that Ma Jie is in contact with. If it is not between the gaps of the claws, he does not know what he is dying.

"Maybe you have made great achievements and caused the attention of some super-powerful people in the brown regime," said Cavalson Benoson.

"Well... can we not have a strong person here?" Ma Jie turned his head and looked at Wu Xing Xiong.

"If these nobles of the Ochos School of Us put us in the eye, it will not let my barbarian cavalry regiment give her mud, and our bulls are warriors, not cattle!!" Cavalry Benoson said very dissatisfied.

In order not to filthy the "shoes" of Wu Xie Xiong, let it step on the back of the Bulls Cavalry Regiment.

This is the assignment of their bully cavalry regiment! !

He made a credit for Hanma, and in the end he only gave the contractor of the sir to the insole!

Even more exasperating, there are more than a dozen troops in the entire federal army camp who are eye-catching and they are able to act with the people of the Holy House.


"You obviously saw it." Mo Fan stared at the professor of West Longs, and the tone increased a bit.

"Don't you see it?" Professor Xilangsi opened her eyes and she did not have the slightest mood swings on what happened.

Mo Fan is speechless.

If it was not a reminder of the dark veins, Mo Fan did not notice that the claw was hidden in the heavy rain.

The professor of West Longs is obviously aware of it, and everything is on Ma Jie’s head, and Professor West Longs is not shooting.

How much is this guy looking at his magic?

"If I am not in time?" Mo Fan asked again.

"That's not timely, you don't need to feel embarrassed for his death. This is the battlefield. Anyone wearing a military uniform will die." Professor Xilangsi said calmly.

Mo Fan heard this and suddenly his face sank.

Aside from Ma Jie’s rushing to the front, Ma Jie’s bully cavalry regiment is also diligent and open to them in front of them. In this case, Professor Silence can turn a blind eye to him...

"You are good, not like a pure student. Whether this war is a victory or a loss, Ojos is always Ojos. Since you already have such a sacred and noble status, why bother to get involved in such a low In the dispute of identity?” Professor Xilangsi continued.

This time, Professor West Longs is taking a bit of scrutiny.

Although Mofan just used high-level magic and high-level fields, Professor Silence has seen something.

The black claws suddenly come.

In addition to Professor Silence himself, only this student who claims to be the University of Ojos is aware of it.

There is another reason why Silence doesn't shoot, just want to see the strength of Mo Fan.

Like the students who tested themselves, West Longs tested Mo Fan.

Mo Fan was too lazy to answer the question of the female teacher too, and to learn her look, holding her chest in her hands and closing her eyes.

As long as you and his mother will be high!

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