Versatile Mage

Chapter 2063: Splitting sword

Finally, Sharjah also shot.

What she longs for, of course, is that all the people around me are getting out of the way, letting them fight against Mofan one-on-one.

But this is not realistic, here is the battlefield.

This is unfair to Mo Fan, but there is no fairness in this world.

She didn't move, she didn't need to adjust the angle, her lips moved slightly, like an old saying in silence.

What is amazing is that there is actually a book in front of Sharjah.

It is a black leather, and each page of the text will glow with silver mysterious cold light black and light black book, suspended in front of Sharjah.

If the conductor Cook, his image is completely in line with a music conductor, the magic used is like playing in the concert hall for the audience, then Sharjah stands in front of a floating book, meditation on the text inside. The appearance is more in line with a student representative who recited on the podium.

The dress is neat and tidy.

Of course, this act of Sakya cannot simply be the sound of the book.

That is an evil book.

In fact, Sharjah is more like an ancient witch in Europe. Her reading is actually calling for a monster.

The girl who was enchanted by the evil book, immersed in the magical words in the eyes, when the waking up, the things in the evil book have already climbed out!


On the other hand, Mo Fan did not notice the actions of Sharjah.

Even Mo Fan is still a wonderful fantasy. Sharjah is a perfectionist. She can't accept the battle of others to intervene. So she helps herself to solve those people around me, and then I will have a vigorous battle with myself!

It is a pity that although Sharjah looks very much like a second-element purple elf girl, her behavior is nothing.

She wants to fight, and whether the other party is being encircled, or alone, or the other party is a thousand troops, the shot is still shot!

The evil book is probably a curse. When the words on this page all emit the strange silver light, it is like the star marks in the elements that are connected together, and the huge energy is being born.

The black lacquered long claws appeared without warning in the back of Mo Fan, and its nails even had to poke to Mofan's neck!

Mo Fan reacted very quickly to avoid it, and the black paws immediately followed, and the aim was also Mofan's throat!

Where is Sharjah going to stun himself and send it away from here, clearly controlling this monster to twist his neck! !

"Yan Jian!"

After Mofan opened the distance, his right hand was lifted high.

The fire rushed and quickly condensed into a thick and powerful flame hammer.

Shouting and shouting, but Mo Fan did not know why the form of the sword became a heavy hammer when he was in control.

Probably the hammer is more suitable for use, and Mo Fan will not use the sword at all.

The hammer fell, the target was not the black-painted claws, but Saga, who was blindly reading the evil book not far away.

Mo Fan temporarily couldn't figure out what type of magic Saga used, cursing or summoning, or some kind of ban, but since it was the magic that Sakya awakened from the evil book, it directly attacked Saga, the witch. There will be no problem!

The flames of the warhammer fell, and Sharjah looked up, dexterously leaping backwards, and the body was like a light and incomparable elk, not flustered, but also a bit elegant.

The evil book has been closed at this time, but it is lingering around her. When she retreats far enough, Sharjah gently touches her finger, and the evil book appears in front of her and opens automatically.


Mo Fan is as merciless as he is, and when Sakya just intends to read the contents, he uses the moment to move closer.

This time, Mo Fan’s hand is finally a sword. It is a robbery epee formed by the robbers of the sky. The hands are clenched, and when the high lift is raised, a full moon of fire is drawn!

"In my book, there is also a sword, I hope the teacher likes it." Sakad did not retreat this time, and his face raised a confident smile.

She opened the other page of the evil book with her hand. It was no longer a silvery and strange text, but a black-painted inverted sword, tilted, like lying on a book page, a sword tip and a hilt. Poke the opposite corner of the page.

"The splitting sword Til's front!"

Sharjah read the name of the sword, and the book sword in the evil book was immediately summoned, and the blade flickered like a fire in the furnace. After a while, it flew out of the evil book!

Mo Fan robbed the epee and attacked Saga.

At the same time, the smashing sword Tier's front crossed the top of Saga's head and collided with Mofan's flame epee.


A loud reverberation, the cracking of the sword Tier front seems to be from the real metal body, the light of the magic fire flashing outside the sword is just an additional effect.

And Mo Fan's Yan Jian is just a magical element, and he can't compete with the real split sword in power!

This collision, all the flames on the Mofan Lie fire epee spread out, turned into a pile of wildfires and fell on the ground, while the cracked sword Tier front was still on the top of Sharjah, but the black paint was braving. The blade of the fire trembled, giving a whimsical, sharp sound, feeling like a sneer!

The arms in Mofan’s hands were completely shattered, which made him unable to kneel there.

The epee formed by the skyfire is actually scattered!

What is the evil sword that Sharjah calls, and the most important thing is that the smashing sword Tier Feng is laughing at himself like a man! !

"Teacher, this is one of the most famous magic swords in the world. You have your own soul. You can fly and kill the enemy alone on the battlefield. You have to be careful." Saga is still a polite student, and he will not forget the Mofan. Give Mofan a presentation.

Sure enough, the sword moved!

No need for any control of Sharjah, the black lacquered evil sword wiped out a string of dazzling sparks, quickly and fiercely toward Mo Fan!

Mo Fan was shocked and hurried to avoid the air.

But this sword stopped for a second, and after making a mocking laughter, it was stunned with a completely impossible movement. Mofan in the air didn’t know what skills to use to resist, but only used the iron will to form a gas. wall!


Iron will, idea is a shield...

Mo Fan used this skill to block the skills of the super class, but this cracked the sword and the iron was muddled. What the iron idea was in front of it was pure air, and it was unstoppable to the Mofan arm.

Jianfeng cut from Mofan's shoulder to the wrist and tore a bright red and narrow wound.

The blood is falling, and deeper, the arm bones may be broken from above like a firewood!

Mo Fan took a deep breath and the blood on the outside of the arm was hot and hot.

But in fact, Sharjah is still in love, because this sword could have cut off his right shoulder and right arm!

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