Versatile Mage

Chapter 2066: Heart drawing

When Mo Fan looked down, this thing was already hanging on himself!

Just like the things that stand on your own legs, this white leopard is equal to painting on himself!

The legs were so heavy that Mofan felt that his leg bones had to be crushed by this weight.

Now he knows what the ice-painter painter used to make the drawing board.

Everything he saw was his drawing board, the pen was painted in the air, the ice magic was presented in the air, the mind locked the body of Mofan, and the ankle ice lead was painted on it, and soon Mofan would be Hang up this heavy seal.

"Kill the painting, 10,000 locks strangle!!"

The goose feather snow pen in the hand of the white leopard held it upside down. It didn't use the tip of the pen to sketch, but rolled a circle of white ink with the pen tail, and then vented like a madman to the paper in front of the paper!

At the end of the pen, there is a long lock of the ring buckle. Each section has the size of an adult's palm. They appear in all directions of Mo Fan, and some even drill out from the cracks in the back of the strong rock veins. .

More and more chains, all hanging on Mo Fan's body, just that weight has to be crushed by Mo Fan.

The pen in the hands of the white leopard began to stir, and those ice chains were twisted together, and it looked like there were countless mechanical hail, and it was terrible!

Mo Fan's legs are fixed by the heavy iron of the ice iron, but the body is hung with tens of thousands of lock rings connected together, they are stirred up, it is necessary to screw Mofan directly from the waist!

Mo Fan was shocked.

You don't need to hit, you can't defend. These things are all imposed on Mo Fan from the air, and even how to dispel Mofan does not know.

However, the 10,000 locks are already stirring. From this end to the end, your body will be completely separated! !

It’s too late to break, it’s harder to get out.

Even if he knows that the other person is an ice-creamer, he uses painting to cast a spell, but Mo Fan feels that he is the villain on the other's drawing board. If he is tormented, he imagines that the force exerted on himself is real!

Mo Fan was in danger, and Sharjah couldn’t help but see the scene.

"Saga! Don't forget, every time you say a word to him, it is equivalent to cutting a wound on the leader!" The white leopard realized in advance that Sharjah might sell his teammates and promptly slammed the way.

The cold tiger didn't know when he stood next to Sharjah, lest he should do anything bad about Sakya, and he made a dry laugh.

"It's still straightforward to shoot a big brother." Cold Tiger is proud of it.

Sharjah was silent, just staring at the strangled Mo Fan with the purple scorpion.

"Ground veins, your blood can evoke the power of the ancient Andes of the Andes. It is a great power. The thunder is destroyed, the fire is heavenly, the shadow is transcendent, the veins are dominated, the space is chaotic, and the age is soft. A terrible strength, you really open my eyes."

"so what??"

"The power is even more powerful. In front of me, it is just a piece of paper painted with rich colors. My white ink is wiped, everything is restored, and then I will write freely on it, including your death!" The ironic language said to Mofan, who was executed.

In the last little time, he can't break free or die.

The white leopard is like a high-ranking judge at this time, reading Mofan’s crime and telling him his stupidity!



Mofan’s ear is all the harsh sound of this chain collision. He seems to have fallen into a frosty lair. No matter where he looks, he sees the ice irons that are crazy together. Body.

They collectively rushed to themselves and gradually narrowed the area where they could move.

The body began to tighten, a feeling of being wrapped in death, so that Mo Fan began to feel the feeling of death.

"How is this going?"

Like a nightmare of difficulty breathing, oneself in the dream forgets the instinct to escape, and lacks the rational cognition of everything around him. So let the unreasonable impossiles approach themselves, torture themselves, and intimidate themselves. Until I suddenly woke up.

Draw an ankle on the person, and draw a death sentence of a grand ice chain. What do you see in your eyes is the magic of the white leopard? ?

Or is it that the death penalty lock and the ice lead are not purely ice magic? ?

Mo Fan had thought about it before, the ability of the ice pen and the white leopard would be an illusion, but when he felt the important bones of his legs, Mo Fan ruled out the idea.

Snow is real, and the chains and chains are also real...

But this kind of face of death, facing the feeling that the whole body has to be twisted off, is likely to be imposed by the opponent.

A painting can make people feel the waves and feel the ice and snow, but it is just because it is too realistic, too vivid, people are immersed in the world of painting, and the similar scenes they have experienced will appear in their minds, so they stay at that time. Your own inner torture and pain will follow!

"Hey, the soul is magic!"

Mo Fan looked up and finally realized his eyes re-emerged before the dying!

Mind system!

The other side is mixed with the soul system in the ice magic!

I want to suppress myself from the heart, and then bury myself with ice and snow. Once I am in such a terrible ice penalty, I am waiting for myself to die.

"Xiao Yan Ji!"

After knowing that he was being put on the soul, Mo Fan began to be indifferent to everything around him.

In a nightmare, people will forget to think, completely play the role of being intimidated and chased in the nightmare, but once you realize that it is impossible to happen, when you calm down and think, many things will not break!

Mo Fan just forgot the rebellion, forgot to think, and completely collapsed in the execution ground painted by the other party!

Now he began to fight and began to fight back!

His own flame is not strong enough to break the ice iron nightmare.

He needs the inflammation of Xiao Yan Ji's catastrophe, and melts the shackles imposed on himself with the hottest fire.

"Whering to call ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"

Xiao Yan Ji appeared from the contract space. She did not fully show herself. Instead, she turned into a flame robes and put them on Mo Fan.

Mo Fan ignited the whole body and burned from the head to the legs. Even the dark brown scorpions swayed with flames, red and red! !

Mo Fan didn't feel cold before, in fact, he didn't feel the heat.

The other party is to eliminate their own senses, use the ice magic practice field, use the power of the mind to let Mo Fan himself to execute his sentence.

At the beginning of Xiao Yan Ji's possession, Mo Fan did not have a little temperature. As Xiao Yan Ji continued to warm up, he constantly tempered the skyfire, and that kind of light and heat spread to the whole body!

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