Versatile Mage

Chapter 2075: Brown leader

The brown leader looks very calm, which is the strong confidence that comes with absolute strength.

He saw Mo Fan killing Wu, but he still has the confidence to kill Mo Fan here!

"Do you think that my strength is exhausted?" Mo Fan took a step forward.

"It doesn't matter, you are in a state of full prosperity, and it won't be my opponent. Looking at South America, there are not many people who are my opponents. Otherwise, how can I steal the country!" The brown regime leader suddenly surged.

He didn't use any magic at all, but the momentum was like a violent storm, blowing in the face.

Mo Fan can't go any further, this person is far stronger than the white leopard.

However, Mo Fan will not surrender, and his body explodes like a purple sea dragon. These slender but lengthy electro-discs together rise to a height of 100 meters, which also forms a potential against the brown regime leader. !

The shape of the blazing fire king has not yet dissipated, and this thunder and lightning dragon dances the phoenix dance scene, so that Mo Fan is more arrogant and strong in the position of the king!

"The first level of the thunder system, the thunder system is super power... 恩? God's seal praise..." The brown regime leader shines.

He carefully identified it carefully, and he was somewhat surprised that this person has a fire smashing king, and the realm of the thunder is not inferior!

I am afraid that if you are a super-level third-level person, you may not be able to take advantage of it.

"Interesting!" said the brown regime chief.

Mo Fan Lei fires, no fear!

To fight, to accompany the end! !


"Rumble rumble ~~~~~~~~~~!!!!"

Suddenly, the shouting shouted from the position of Zhengdong. At the foot of the brown leader, there was already a star map drawn at a very fast speed. When the constellation and the star palace were formed, he frowned.

Mo Fan also looked there and found that the Eagle Horse Cavalry Regiment actually had a small half left, and hundreds of Eagle Horse Cavalry Regiments were separated from the siege and were converging with a larger group of troops farther away!

Mo Fan was overjoyed.

Mu Bai, the guy, finally killed the worm wizard.

The federal army is pressing, and the Eagle Horse Cavalry Regiment, which is fighting the **** battle, means that the rebels on the side of the Rehe are facing the most important choice.

Either fight with the federal army in the end, blood stained the earth, or immediately retreat to the west bank of the Rehe, and succumb to the Banling Mountain City!

"I know who you are, hey, wait for me to settle this river and mountain, I will definitely find you. By then, you have no second choice!" The brown regime leader pointed to Mo Fandao.

"I am different. I will look at your sister's share and give you a tone." Mofan replied.

Nan Zhuo, the number one character of the brown regime army in Luocheng.

The horrible cultivation of this guy made Mofan jealous. In fact, the other party really wants to fight with himself. Mo Fan’s sole has already been oiled.

Neuropathy, playing with the number one figure of the rebel army, solved the problem of Wu himself. This day they love how to make trouble with their own birds!

Unexpectedly, it is also the time for the federal army to come.


Nan Zhuo returned to the main camp. He had three well-known generals around him, and he was barely able to stand alone. In the end, only his sister Saga was left.

Moreover, Sharjah is an abnormal existence.

She is so powerful that if she really fights with her life, what Sakya calls out from the evil book can crush the white leopard.

But that is equal to the loss of Saga's life.

"Saga, what do you think?" asked the brown leader Nan Zhuo.

He is not asking for advice, but more like asking himself.

"The Heavenly Master you invited is strange from the beginning. If it is the Black Holy See, you are not stealing the country, it is against the whole world." Sharjah said calmly.

The leader Nan Zhuo exhaled from the big nostrils.

He is lucky, but he should also think that the Black Church is notorious. It will be normal for someone to come and destroy them, but he can't think of anyone who is determined to be able to cross the national battlefield.

"Retreat to the mountain city, I don't want you to die here." Sharjah added.

"Oh, it's a little bit worse. Maybe, I shouldn't adopt the suggestion of the white leopard. Although this rainy day gave a lot of courage, it was a loose sand." The leader Nan Zhuo sighed.

The brothers and sisters were silent for a moment, and the outside had already been smothered and stunned. Now Nan Zhuo must make a decision, whether it is retreating or killing.

"Right, the white leopard's pen and cockroach?" Nan Zhuo suddenly remembered this matter.

"Take it away by the teacher."

"Why don't you stop!!" Nan Zhuo shouted.

Sharjah blinked.

The teacher won, took the spoils, and it was normal behavior.

Nan Zhuo was a big man.

The strong place of the white leopard is his pen and jealousy. Without the white leopard, with the two treasures, you can recreate a tyrannical ice master.

There is a sister like Saka, Nan Zhuo really suspects that people have their own nest, she also helps to count!

"Let's go, let's go, you also helped me with a lot of federal generals. I don't want you to be wanted." Nan Zhuo waved his hand.

"I don't want you to die," Sharjah said.

"My brother, I am not so weak, I will retreat and retreat to Banlingshancheng." Nanzhuo replied.

Sharjah nodded.



The rebels began to retreat, just as the rivers in the Hoof-shaped River Bay dried up. Although the pits were smashed, the ground collapsed, and the rebels had the existence of a windship, they fled.

After the EFF chased the hot river and annihilated and captured the remnants of the rebel army, the Battle of the City of Luo was completely over.

However, the main base of the rebels is still in Banlingshancheng.

After Banlingshan City has the five-pointed Lei Shi vein, it is equal to the capital of a country, they will develop and grow rapidly in the near future.

Without the city of Ronaldo, they would not be able to incite the Federation, but the Federation would not be able to defeat them once or twice.

The hot river jungle is full of corpses, and swarms of swamps are smashing in the sky. Before the federal army cleans the battlefield, they swoop down and compete.

The blood has already turned into a dark brown. From the tens of kilometers to the city of Rocca, you can see the blood of the air.

Mo Fan returned to the city of Fanlu all the way, and when he arrived in the city, he could not hold it anymore, and fell tired on the street.

"How, how, Wu bittered!" Zhao Manyan ran all the way, eagerly asked.

"It's in that bag." Mo Fan didn't work.

Zhao Manyan opened the bag and saw a pile of dark bones and saw the skull of the dead.

"It's this guy!" Zhao Manyan didn't know where the eyesight came from. I was sure that this was Wu.

Mu Bai slowed down and came over. He had a lot of white cloth tied to him, and he was bloody.

It can be seen that he and the worm wizards also played very badly.

"Mu Bai, this is for you." Mo Fan took two things out of his space bracelet.

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