Versatile Mage

Chapter 2077: Air order

After adjustment, Mo Fan stayed in Feihai City for a half-month.

It is not indulged in the long-legged peaks of South America, but is studying the rubbing power of chaos.

This technique is very important for Mo Fan, and he can use his destruction magic to the extreme.

Moreover, as a violent flow mage, chaos can not be used purely to do some magic tricks, but mainly to strengthen their abilities.

Let violence be more violent, who they are not obedient to trample on!


On the helicopter that I wished the Montessori, Mo Fan found that the magician was actually quite cool, at least there was a special plane transfer anywhere.

"Several sir, where are you going?"

"Go back to Shanghai first."

"Shanghai has air control, our helicopters... However, as a few chief executives, the local supervisors will also be able to get through!"

"Well, the old driver, I made a position, and you will drop us directly there."

"Okay, sir."


In Jing'an District, the phoenix tree on both sides of the road began to yellow, and between the branches and those pale yellow star-shaped fluffy leaves, several old houses in the Republic of China were exposed.

As soon as the wind blows, the leaves fall on the eaves, and then fall down the slate on the slate floor, sometimes rolling on the slate, and sometimes following the fluttering autumn dresses.

"This is an old name, you believe that I am absolutely delicious. Every day I eat those healthy diet meals, what kind of nutritionist to match, I want to vomit when I see fruit salad, or crayfish, spicy big snail, charcoal roast beef It’s delicious!” Aitutu pulled the shepherd with great enthusiasm.

As an authentic foodie, as soon as these things are said, Aitutu’s eyes will glow green!

If it wasn't for the last time she was mad at a dead demon girl in Lujia, she wouldn't eat those unpalatable things.

"Tutu, I am not too spicy." Muyu said.

She has a beautiful autumn dress, the hem just reveals the slimmest part of the legs, the deep color of the princess small leather shoes, so that she does not have the cold arrogance and dignity of the high-heeled shoes, but especially the approachable, such as the beautiful and gentle big sister next door. .

Because it is a shop along the street, sometimes there is no location inside, but also on the alley, so wearing too complicated is very uncoordinated.


Suddenly, an engine with the ultimate melody slid across and rolled up the leaves along the street.

A Miami blue sports car stunned and passed through the small street.

However, it seems that the owner of the car saw a graceful and graceful image of the priest, and he slammed the throttle and stopped in front of the priest and Aitutu.

"Hey, beautiful... Hey, isn't this a shepherd, the goddess of the pearl!" The owner wanted to talk freely, and he knew that he was an acquaintance.

"Lu Zhengxin, why should you go, don't bother us." When Aitutu saw this person, he suddenly became angry.

It is because they are the dead demon girl of Lujia, saying that they are fat into pigs!

"Ai Tutu, I didn't talk to you again. Slave, you are where to go, do you want me to send you a ride? I just mentioned the car in Germany, just try the car today, if you can have such a Beauty together, that would be great!" Lu Zhengxin is also not euphemistic, and directly get off the invitation.

The batwing door was lifted, and the perfect body flow line was very amazing. The moment the door opened, it attracted more passers-by to take pictures.

"No, we will go to that store, a few steps." Mu Nujia still ceremonial, refused Lu Zhengxin.

"Ah, so smart, I am going there too, hahaha, my favorite thing to do is to drive my car to eat the fried cockroaches on the roadside, go, let's go, I deliberately let the boss leave it for me. A location!" Lu Zhengxin said with a surprise.

Aitu Tu and Mu Nujia are not very willing.

When I walked to the store, I found that the store was really full, only the location reserved by Lu Zhengxin.

"Hey, eat and eat, you treat, I am poor!" Ai Tutu screamed and agreed.

"Well, I called my sister together and I heard that you have a good relationship." Lu Zhengxin said with a smile.

"Call, you call me the dead goblin, she will not come, I will apply these spicy juice to your eyes!" Aitutu slammed his feet, completely unworthy.

Lu Zhengxin made a phone call.

Didn't wait for a plate of lobster to cook, and a red Ferrari flew over, a tall, cold-blooded woman in a glass shoe walked down, caught a bright windshield, a black string of high-pitched, The white neck is exposed, and it is gorgeous and outstanding!

"I heard a certain fat girl and began to give up on self-defense, I came over. It is strange to say that you are together with Miss Musashi every day, and that the figure of the family is what our women love, how can you know that Aitutu does not know shame? Moderation! Let's go on like this!" Lu lightly walked on the catwalk, and when people didn't sit down, they began to ridicule Aitu Tu.

When Aitutu heard it, the pre-emptive language that was organized well was immediately suppressed! !

"It's rare, Mudanjiao also likes to eat greasy, and thinks you only drink dew." Lu light waved and said.

The shepherd is not picking up.

Knowing that the person is not good, just don't understand why Aitutu has to eat with them. This is not a casual past for no reason.

"Shake gently, you will take Aitu Tu to experience your new car and go around for a while. I have an appointment with the slave, and drive to a farther place to breathe the fresh air in the mountain. I bought a villa there. You can visit and visit." Lu Zhengxin showed off with impunity.

Now under the base plan, house prices are more exaggerated and skyrocketing. You can buy mountain villas, not only have money... Of course, today the protagonist is his car, this car is more expensive than a villa!


At this time, I don’t know where the sound of the bang came from far and near.

"Who's broken car, the engine sounds like a tractor, and dare to drive on the street!" Lu Zhengxin immediately smashed.

Many young people are very unproductive. They always like the kind of engine roar. In fact, it is a modified car that disturbs the people. In fact, the roaring sound is really spit, and it can be compared with his Lu Zhengxin super running.


The sound is getting closer and closer, and there is even a feeling of shaking the eardrum.


"Who, this dare to drive into the city!!"

"Look at the sky, look at Tianshan!"

At this moment, the road people who used to take pictures frequently pointed the camera holes at the sky.

The gust of wind began to sweep, the bang was very close, and it came from the head.

Lu Zhengxin put his head to the side of the window.

As soon as he looked up, Lu Zhengxin almost petrified!

I saw a silver helicopter hanging above the street, keeping the low altitude, and the domineering propeller feels ready to cut the nearby low house!

"Boss, seven pounds of sign lobster, go head! I will come down."

On the helicopter, the voice of a man's heroic came out. In order to cover the sound of the propeller, he shouted very loudly and the whole street was audible.

The middle-aged fat boss is also dumbfounded.

Today, there are two super-running lobsters to eat their own lobsters.

His mother has not seen the helicopter ordering in the air! !

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