Versatile Mage

Chapter 2409: Evil temple eight soul

The inference of Lingling is quite bold, but it is indeed a reasonable explanation.

Otherwise, how can the power of attorney come over for so many years?

Since the Cold Hunter is released to all hunters in the world by the Hunter League, this commission should always be hung in the Hunter Hall and become a very difficult reward.

However, if the employer of this incident is the first generation of the Red Devils, why should he kill the Little Red Devil Lu Kun?

Mo Fan remembered that when he said the content of the commission, the little red magic Lu Kun appeared a very abnormal phenomenon.

Think about it carefully, it’s really a bit of a betrayal of betrayal.

"The first generation of the Red Devils, why should we kill the little red devil Lu Kun?" Mo Fan did not understand this link.

There is a reasonable place in the speculation of Lingling, and obviously there are places that can't be understood.

"I can't figure out this. Is it because he is too crazy to do things and leaks his more important secrets?" Ling Ling rubbed his temples.

If this is not explained, then this assumption is not very established, so before that she has to go to the Hunter Hall to check and understand the whereabouts of the power of attorney.

Maybe something else is delayed?

"In the evil temple, the eight temples are worshipped." Suddenly, a wonderful and wonderful voice came out.

In the moon's rift space, Miao Man is full of youthful lure. The little girl who is tempted is coming out, stretching a **** little lazy waist, and finally she has a perfect beauty.

"Are you hibernating?" Mofan quit.

"People don't hibernate, but sometimes they have to sleep for a long time." Apas showed a pure smile and looked very beautiful.

"What did you say, snake essence?" Ling Ling said unceremoniously.

Apas got together and looked at her different hairstyles, but she smiled and swayed.

"Lingling, although the big and medium points are feminine, you can't change the chest problem." Apas screamed.

"Well, you two will quarrel when you meet each other. Apas, what do you know?" Mofan asked.

"I was not sure before, but if the Red Devils killed the Little Red Devils, they can basically be sure." Apas naturally knows about the Red Devils.

Apas was not polite with the spirit, and she took a pen and a notebook from her small bag.

She painted eight evil temples in the blank space of the notebook, and each special temple was stationed in a special soul.

Soon, Apas wrote the name of "Autumn" on the soul of one of the evil temples.

Later, Apas wrote the "Cold Hunting King" on the body of another evil temple.

"What do you mean?" Mo Fan and Ling Ling did not understand.

"You are too small to see the Red Devils, especially the first generation of the Red Devils." Apars painted "question marks" on the bodies of several other evil temples.

"Don't have a meal, hurry and say." Lingling did not have a good air.

"The first generation of the Red Devils is in the world of eight souls. The Japanese is the main body of autumn."

"Autumn, it represents the soul of justice."

"Cold Hunting King, the soul."

Apas took out the pen again, on the roof of the evil temple that wrote the autumn and the cold hunting king, engraved the words of the righteous soul and the soul.

Mo Fan and Ling Ling looked at each other.

Lingling heard this and seemed to have some thoughts.

She said, "The grandfather's banned book seems to have a similar record, but there is no such thing as Apas."

"What does this have to do with the killing of Lu Kun in the fall of the Red Devil?" Mo Fan asked.

"Ghosts are still in the world because they have unfinished wishes in their hearts, they are worried, they don't want to leave before they see the results. Similarly, the cold hunting king is the same, his character represents positive, but he dies in evil. He will have hope to become the evil spirits of the temple," said Apas.

Mo Fan still didn't understand too much.

Apas rolled his eyes and said in a relatively simple way: "Let's say, you guessed that there is nothing wrong with it. The person who issued the commission is the first generation of the Red Devils. He issued this power of attorney for the purpose of killing. Dead Red Devil Lu Kun."

"The reason is very simple. The first generation of the Red Devils is in the accumulation of evil spirits. The soul of each evil temple represents a special character in this world. They are the soul of the good soul, the soul of the soul, the soul of the soul, the soul of the soul. There are also the evil spirits, evil spirits, souls, and souls of the evil four souls."

"The soul of justice is an autumn."

"The soul is the cold hunting king."

"These souls have a sorrowful obsession with the human world. Only by cutting off the obstinacy, they will completely enter the evil temple and become a watchful soul."

"The way to cut off their thoughts and obsessions is also very simple, that is, to complete their last wishes."

"The last wish of the Cold Hunting King is his power of attorney, and he hopes that the Red Devil will be killed."

"The Red Devils certainly can't kill himself in order to complete the cold hunting king's wishes, so he took the power of attorney again and asked you to help him kill Lu Kun. Lu Kun is also the Red Devil, Little Red Devil. But it is enough. The cold hunting king's will is completed, he will be promoted to the evil temple to watch the soul."

"This watchful soul is what the Red Devil needs most."

In fact, Apas is not straightforward, but Mo Fan can understand some.

"So, this time, watching the famous sword also appeared. His entrusted content is also helping to complete his last wish in the autumn?" Mo Fan asked seriously.

"Well, what is the wish of the autumn, you should be able to guess roughly, or the last wish of the autumn has already been completed, all he needs is to confirm it. After all, the autumn is the host of the Red Devil," said Apas. .

"So there are other guards of the soul?" Mo Fan was a little shocked.

In other words, Lu Kun said that all the words were true before they died.

All of them are actually working for the Red Devils in the autumn? ?

And at the beginning, there was no problem with Anazza. This commission was indeed a big project. Each of them was assigned a branch of a large project. In order to prevent the leakage of plans and secrets, they were not allowed to communicate.

"You can't remember the Alpine school, the girl named Yuna, her grave passed, her soul is missing?" Abas suddenly mentioned this.

Mo Fan squatted.

This incident Mo Fan even asked about the nine secluded, when the nine secluded face was very serious, not allowed to chase down.

Is it true that after the nine secluded, it is the red devil who stole the soul of the Alana!

"Yuna represents the loyal soul and is loyal to the Alps, but her loyalty has been persecuted. Her blood is dyed on those flowers, the flowers of the truth are not blooming, she always let the blood overflow in order to express her loyalty. Until the blood drains."

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