Versatile Mage

Chapter 2413: Release S-level rewards

"The mountain of imprisonment is also the jurisdiction of your trial meeting. Lu Kun can act like this in a mad manner. Is it convenient for someone to give him a lot in your trial meeting?" Mo Fan asked.

"I have only a few clues on this side of my life. I didn't expect it to be so deep. It was really negligent." Feng said.

"Lu Kun should have other projects, and I hope that when he will take his disabled parties together," Mo Fandao said.

"Do not worry, I understand how to deal with this matter, but your little hunter gimmick, to help us." Feng nodded.

There is indeed some small evidence on the seal, but this evidence only indicates that some people in the trial will give some convenience and privileges to the mountain of imprisonment.

It was nothing more than a nepotism. The information obtained from the closure could not let him know the truth inside. It was only this time that Mo Fan was uprooted, but it was not so thought that it would be so serious.

I have to say that Lu Kun has done a very good job in his "human" side, whether in the family or in his position, so no hunters and trial people have come out of him for so many years.

Even without the power of attorney, Lu Kun may still be very happy!


Returning to Lujiada Manor, Mo Fan simply explained some things to Lu Zhengxin and Lu.

The faces of the two men are not very good, because they took advantage of Lu Kun’s time to deal with Mo Fan and broke into the place where they had been skeptical.

They found that there was a dungeon under Lukun’s private villa, and the dungeon was holding people who had been dead for a few years.

This life was devastated, and even after a long time of death, the face was still printed with extreme pain.

After a professional comparison, they realized that the talent who died in the dungeon was their uncle Lu Kun.

In other words, the Red Devils did not occupy Lu Kun’s body. The Red Devils controlled Lu Kun and continued to capture his memories and thoughts. After a long period of time, he gradually replaced Lu Kun’s everything.

I can imagine that it is a kind of torture in the process of being gradually imitated by a demon, gradually stealing, and gradually learning! !

"No matter what, thank you for helping us destroy the devil." Lu gently shakes this time still uneasy.

When you think about it, it’s all terrible.

The reason why these juniors of the Lujia family are safe and sound, in all likelihood, the Red Devil Lu Kun still needs to hide by this identity. If he is strong enough, the entire Lujia fear has already been broken by this devil.

Mo Fan has seen many kinds of extremely terrible creatures, and the Red Devils are indeed one kind.

Being able to dispose of it, also let Mo Fan loose a big breath.

"Look, sister, I said that Lu Yilin had to murder Mofan at the beginning, and he was killed by Mo Fan. No one in the whole family believed that this time, the people who did not care about the past would help us. The family saved a big disaster." Lu Zhengxin is now completely convinced of Mo Fan.

The mountain of imprisonment is their Lujia industry. Once there is a big problem, it is not that they have a huge responsibility.

The red devil Lu Kun is cold and bloodless, and the vampire Xi An is even more brutal and murderous. Once the imprisoned mountains are not airtight, God knows what cruelty they will do.

At that time, how did they get trust in this society in the future!

"It is indeed that I was biased at first, I am very sorry." Lu lightly immediately apologized to Mofan.

Mo Fan waved his hand and did not care about these little things.

The two of them mainly performed well. They did not belong to the type of hateful bite that stared at the past. They were afraid of encountering such arrogant and unreasonable ones. One bite was to murder Lu Yilin, and Mo Fan would not bother to take care of them. Lu Jia’s life and death!

"If there is anything that needs help, you can say that although Grandpa is not in the country, there are some things we can do." Lu gently asked softly and gently.

"Then I am welcome. Is the Kunshan market affiliated with you?" Mo Fan asked.

Liu Ru has only a few concessions, but the official name of the market is Lujia.

"Not only Kunshan, from the demon city of Guangzhou along the coastline to Tianjin, all the markets are managed by our Lujia in cooperation with the government." Lu lightly replied.

"Amount..." Mo Fan took a breath.

Mother, rich people are really exaggerated!

"This is the case, I have an old wolf summoning beast, need to be able to match the soul of the soul, bones, blood, I have asked an old dealer inside to help me collect, but his efficiency and way, I am not so assured "Mofan said.

"That way, you write down the material you need to beg, I will give you the official purchase of the thirty-six urban magic fairs, the price concessions. Just, that I don't have much financial rights, this cost... Lu light whispered.

"Sister, this little money, we can afford it, right, what level of summoning beast you want to strengthen?" Lu Zhengxin grabbed the words.

"The monarchy." Mofan replied.

When Lu Zhengxin heard it, the expression was immediately unnatural.

"Nothing, the money is still given by myself. You can help me collect and screen. It is a great help." Mo Fan smiled.

Lu light shakes his brother's eyes.

I don't want to think about what level Mofan is now. The material he needs is definitely the level of the monarch. What do you think is the slave-level wolf skin and the warrior-level skeleton on the road stall?

"The material of the monarchy is very rare. Even if it is collected in our industry, it will take some time. However, after it is complete, we will send it to Fanxue Mountain. How?" Lu said gently.

"Oh, then thank you!" Mo Fan nodded.

Promise the old wolf, to make it advanced, Mo Fan naturally can not eat, now his Quaternary super-order has a great guarantee, no need to spend too much money and resources, it just gives the strength of the old wolf First of all, after all, who makes his second contract is a little snake girl who will only be jealous?


Mo Fan needs a lot of materials. Although the wolves are widely inhabited in forests and primitive mountains, the monarch-class wolf creatures are relatively rare.

Therefore, considering that the wolf beast is the most difficult to obtain, Mo Fan deliberately went to the Hunter Hall of the Shanghai Building, where he posted an S-level reward.

Summon the three essential factors for the advancement of the beast.

Fighting spirit.



The bones and blood vessels, these can be purchased through the official means of Lujia, as well as the spread of the merchants.

The soul of the beast... The probability of being able to buy is almost zero.

Mo Fan released the S-level reward, which is: hunting the wolf monarch-level creature, to obtain its complete beast soul.

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