Versatile Mage

Chapter 2422: Big head is back

Northern Wild Military Base

A man with a trench coat on his body sat on a lonely old tree stalk. In front of it was a yellow, vast land, endless, but from time to time came a heart-rending beast roar.

"Isn't that the tree signal is the best, how old is the buffer!" The man complained, holding a very simple phone in his hand.

After a while, the buffer is finally over. In the video, a man with a silvery glow in the whole body stands proudly on the Panshan Highway, and the unique female wolf king...

"Vango is still so powerful!" The man exclaimed.

"General Zhang, General Zhang, the three teams found a bunch of relatively fresh bones, they were kicked off the meat. I think the evil prayer dog who ran out of the cursed wilderness will soon fall into us. Set a full set." A officer riding the Eagles flew around, coiled around the old tree.

The military cap was picked up by the man, revealing a bronzed black but somewhat sharp and handsome face, obviously young, but with a calm and confident temperament that is not inferior to the border veteran.

"I thought it was a step closer to Fan Ge. Now it seems that I need to work harder, or I will only be further away." Zhang Xiaohou put away his mobile phone and jumped from the old tree.

"General, is it time to start deploying operations!" said the officer.

"Comprehensive deployment. Let these murderers know who is in charge of this Great Northern Wilderness!!"

"Full deployment, combat begins!" The officer immediately issued instructions to the communicator.


In a short period of time, Mofan’s influence has been greatly improved.

However, Mo Fan felt very surprised.

Have you accidentally been on TV? ?

Actually because of a live broadcast of a hunter.

It can be said that it is strange, why is a normal hunter's device now included in the magic picture?

In the past, even a very low level of magical light caused all recording software to appear as a serious exposure to the sun, and unless there were very special military equipment, the device was almost uncivilized.

I don't know if people have broken this problem, or the original ban is fully open. Many battles, demons, and wild videos are spread on the Internet, including the originally forbidden magic teaching, which can be searched.

"I accidentally exposed the strength, which makes Laozi how to play pigs and tigers in the future!" Mo Fan had a headache.

There are also disadvantages to full open recording. All the battles like the handsome public figures like yourself can be recorded. If they are used by people who want to kill themselves, it is a headache.

Hey, the soldiers will block the water and cover the soil, and think about it. Now that they have **** seven lines, each department is still sublimating and evolving. They are studying the battle video and can't help themselves.

The super-order is different from the previous repair, and it can be said to be ever-changing!


"This is the soul of the female wolf king you want, the soul is very complete, and it is definitely the top grade for summoning the animal." Zhou Yu of the Witch Bird Hunter Group sent a vessel with respect and respect.

"Let's go to the hunter's hall and let the rewards hit your cards." Mofan took the utensils.

"Predecessors laughed, we still have a face to close the end." Zhou Wei said incomparably.

"You are not easy. In the future, the character of the hunters will be screened strictly." Mo Fan did not swear.

"That is of course." Zhou Yi did not know what to say at the time.

In the end, the complete beast soul is actually Mofan himself hunted, and the animal soul of the male wolf king on his hand is a residual, and there is no way to cross.

In fact, it was because of busy work for a long time, only got a remnant, the hunter was unwilling and greedy.

"Predecessors, there is something that I want to discuss with you." Zhou Wei remembered one thing and hurried.

"You said."

"Not long ago, you Miss Wu Ningxue of Snow Mountain invited us to settle in Fanxue Mountain. We were thinking about it at the time. Our Witch Bird Hunter Group did not have a decent place to stay. If we can, we can not enter the fee. Snow Mountain, how do you see it?" said the leader Zhou Yan.

"If you are stationed, shouldn't we take the snow mountain to collect the money?" Mo Fan asked.

The smile on Zhou Wei’s face immediately solidified.

"Cough, our Witch Bird Hunter Group has a certain honorary title. Generally, it will charge a certain fee for entering a private territory. After all, in order to attract employers and hunters to a city, we must first have the rate of delivery of colleges and universities. The officers of the Corps are spread over many places, and the delivery rate is very high," explained Zhou Wei.

"It turns out that it is okay, when it is time to give you a good location, the rent is cheaper." Mo Fan nodded.

I have heard Mu Ningxue say that if Snow Mountain needs more powerful organizations to settle in, she may promise a lot of concessions to some powerful groups, but it is not particularly optimistic about Van Snow Mountain.

Seeing that the head of the team is not bad, let them settle in is not bad!

"The cost of the settlement and the final payment are offset," Zhou said.




Returning to Fan Xueshan, Mo Fan found that both the bird base city and the snow mountain have changed.

If it wasn't for the battle of the world's universities, Mo Fan had come here and couldn't believe that it used to be a second-tier and third-tier city.

Since the city of Asuka is itself a new city, the old town is less and everything looks brand new.

The silver-gray building stands tall and straight into the blue sky. The wide streets are criss-crossed and bustling, and there is a feeling of stepping into the most lively area of ​​the Magic.

The naval battle city that had problems at the beginning was also rebuilt.

The sea battle city is about three or four kilometers away from the city. From a distance, it will be found that the entire naval battle city is like a city in the mirage floating on the sea. It is magnificent and magnificent.

The sea water near the sea battle city is emerald green. I thought it was the success of Cao Qinqin sea tree cultivation at that time. It was scattered under the ocean battle buildings and became the foundation of the entire naval battle city.


When it came to Fan Xueshan, Mo Fan suddenly found that the guarded guardian brothers were all hot.

Is your own handsome now fascinating regardless of gender?

"Great home, you can come back!"

"Buff B, big master, when can I be as good as you?"

Many people have already come up, Mu Linsheng, Bai Hongfei, Cao Qinqin, spoon rain, Muning Snow, a simple white short T-shirt with silk trousers, the body of the dead let Mo Fan directly ignore the front The guys who are talking.

When Mo Fan went up, he gave Muning Snow a big hug.

Mu Ning snow and ice on the skin reveals a little ruddy, in front of so many people is indeed a little embarrassed.

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