Versatile Mage

Chapter 2550: Hunting angel


"Teacher, I am sorry. Saka should have protected the Fengzhou Dragon Tutor."

Sharjah bowed his head to Mo Fanwei.

The face is full of embarrassment and suffering.

Mo Fan is confused, is it difficult for Feng Zhoulong to be a victim of these people's struggles?

No, it shouldn't be like this. If Sharjah is the archangel of the Holy City, then no one should know her identity from the beginning, including Sulu.

"Nothing is good, Gabriel, you can't live here to leave, it is even more impossible to return to the Holy City. Holy City? Here is the sacred city, you really can't be surprised by my accident!" The deer screamed wildly.

At this point, Su Lu does not need to take care of it, nor does it need to make the previous hypocrisy.

where is this place?

Asian Magic Association, Dubai City.

It is equal to the kingdom of his deer, anyone has stepped into it, life and death are counted by his Su Lu.

Originally Su Lu just wanted to kill some magical scholars who would cause turbulence. The most striking of these is Fengzhou Dragon, the terrible fusion method...

The reason why the unexpected harvest is precisely this group of scholars, there is a great angel hidden in the "human world."

This person is Sakya! !

It can be regarded as an unexpected big change, because the archangels are law enforcement in the human world. If they disclose the behavior of the scholars who have slandered their own status, and will return to the holy city when she returns to the holy city, it will bring disaster to Sulu. At that time, I had to tear the face with the holy city in advance.

Fortunately, here is Dubai.

Fortunately, from the beginning, Su Lu was trying to do it when he was doing this.

Those magic scholars, Su Lu pro hand.

He didn't want to leave any traces.

It is precisely because of the hands-on, this did not allow Sharjah to escape, or the strength of the Sakya archangels, can certainly escape with the innocent Fengzhou Dragon.

After exposing himself, Fengzhou Long has not yet been killed, and a revengeful angel returns to the Holy City... The position of the Asian Speaker is precarious!

Now, he once again appeared in person.

Here is Dubai, everything he has done can be easily erased, even if some pictures have already been transmitted to the network, after waiting for everything to be cleaned, just find some excuses, and how many people can question.

The public questioned that there were only four other state magic associations and holy cities that could really threaten him.

He doesn't need to explain anything to the people. He has the supreme status and has unrivalled strength.

He is no longer an Asian member of parliament who needs to worry too much. He is the speaker!

In Dubai City, the equivalent of the king!

How about killing a holy city archangel, who dares to declare war against him? ? ?

When Sharjah died, Su Lu could even ask for a sin in the holy city. The archangel colluded with the sorcerer!

Only a living person can speak.


Mo Fan’s heart sank.

He looked at this arrogant Sulu.

In the eyes of the public, he still has no scruples to shoot, in the true sense of the hand only to cover the sky!

Perhaps this whole silver giant tower, from the root to the spire, is already rotten and black. How can Fengzhou Long step into such a place, how can it live? ?

"Teacher, this is my battle, please leave as soon as possible." Sharjah said.

She has no retreat. The possibility of being able to escape from this Dubai city is extremely low. The most important thing is that the forces that are constantly coming in here are actually in the same position as Sulu.

The purpose is to hope that her archangel will die in Dubai City.

The holy city law enforcement angels, people are awe, but the power-holders are even more eager to see the angels fall. No one who climbs to the top will want to have a pair of eyes and always monitor them.

At the moment when his archangel identity was exposed, black tides poured into the giant city of Dubai from all directions.

They are ignorant of the whole thing, but they are surrounded by Dubai.

They dare not provoke their own angelic majesty, but they are constantly shackled and let themselves always fight alone.

And Mo Fan is the only one who fights for himself.

He did not hesitate to declare the Asian Magic Association.

He does not hesitate to risk his life.

If you flee, even if you return to the Holy City, can this black Burj Khalifa really shake? ?

The deserters, the losers, will have enough power to overthrow them in the future? ?

Not as good as blood!

Kill the blood and burst through all the dim! !

They want to make themselves fall in Dubai, then they have to pay a painful price! !

The evil book has been completely turned into gold.

The golden pages quickly flipped through themselves until the last page.

On that page, the golden feathers of the rose rushed out of the book. They were numerous, and the high-speed rotation around Sharjah, the rotating track became wider and wider, and the diameter of the feather ring became larger and larger.

Finally, the golden feathers of the rose gold form an angel plum storm near Sharjah, filled with more than half of the central city of Dubai. It is magnificent, just like the door of heaven is suddenly opened, people can see the heavens in the sky. Wonderful scenery, beautiful and flamboyant.

The golden light, like the ripples in the golden lake, makes the huge sacred atmosphere strong every time.

In the middle of it, the holy light of Sharjah is clean, and the golden plum of the clean rose is behind her.

The wings slowly open, I do not know how many layers of wings overlap, noble and violent.

When she saw Saga for the first time, Mo Fan was very impressed with her, and there was a kind of elf-like cleansing and agility on her body. Now her original face is completely revealed. It is far from the sacred and noble that can be contaminated by dust. People can't help but surrender and worship.

Probably the gods that the old times called, the gas field is just that! !

Just as Mofan was shocked by Saga's incarnation of angels, the boundless golden light was in the upper sky, and the thick clouds were stirred like ink, and a pair of black lacquered huge mountain claws slammed down.

Like a raptor, it plunges into the pond and instantly catches the golden squid in the water, then spreads its wings and rises!

"Be careful!"

Mofan’s words didn’t come out and shouted out. The golden angel of the rose was smashed into the black cloud top, leaving Mofan and the entire Dubai city people with a fear from the depths of the soul! !


Claws like mountains!

It is big enough to cover the center of Dubai! !

It suddenly appeared, and suddenly lifted up, almost like a black raptor, but it appeared the moment that swept up in the air, comparable to the black sandstorm to cover the desert!

" dragon..."

"Black Dragon Emperor!"

Mo Fanli was there, almost lost his soul.

Although this is not the first time to meet the top creatures of this pyramid, its black dragon claws have almost caught Mo Fan together.

Just because the goal of the Black Dragon Emperor is the angel Saga, he escaped!

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