Versatile Mage

Chapter 2557: Curse, Heavenly Tragedy

The curse cannot compete with the emperor.

In the magical civilization of thousands of years, the strength of human beings is not equal to the strength of the demon.

A slave, who needs 7 to 10 first-level wizards to work together.

Similarly, an emperor, who needs 7 to 10 cursed mage, has hope to confront.

Why is this kind of unequal? ?

Is it that people have been too conservative?

Or after people gradually have their own city and dignity, they are immersed in the game of power, forgetting to continue to open the door!

Mo Fan and Longmu fight, Xi Zhe is also watching.

Mo Fan's cultivation is the highest level, but it is the second level of super-order. Even if his magic system is more than Longmu, he will never be able to compete with the three-storey full-scale dragon...

The fact is that Mo Fan reinvented the dragon by virtue of the fusion method.

If you want to make a measure, Xizhe feels that Mofan’s strength has reached the level of a medium monarch!

Just because of the fusion method!

It seems that it can be achieved, a magician can fight against the ideal of a demon, or you can make strides close to this ideal! !

Personal experience, it is two different things to watch the fire from the other side.

Su Lu, indeed, killed a living being that is vital to humanity. He is a sinner. .

Everyone is a sinner...

Just, there is no way out.

No one in this world has mastered the reversal of time and cannot return to that day.

Dead, it is dead.

Fengzhou Dragon is not the first in human history, and it is by no means the last one.

They will not recognize their crimes to the world.

They will still stand on the spire of the pyramid and perform all the decrees that are beneficial to them.

No one can shake!

As for this crime, the best way to cover up is to kill everything related.

The person who grasps the master of the method and kills the archangel, and kills the hundred angels, which means that nothing happens.

It is enough that civilization does not go backwards.

Why bother to step in?

"You are very powerful, the fusion method is very powerful, but everything is over. The curse is the most powerful method in the world, and I have the curse!!" Xizhe instantly from an elegant and cold powerhouse For a mad madman.

The most supreme power is on your own palm, why worry too much.

They are going to make mistakes.

Without them, these cursed mage, human beings do not even have a safe home.

It is easy to make a choice by blending the Famen and returning to the original source of food and slaves!

The curse is majestic and must not be offended!

Devils, angels, all under the curse! !

Xizhe showed wild laughter.

His light system cursing guide was completed.

Compared with the curse, the Xingshan death universe is somewhat insignificant.

"Light Curse - Heavenly Tragedy!!!"

The rainbow is as silky as it has fallen from nine days.

More and more rainbows have fallen from the door of a magnificent heaven, forming hundreds of falling water altars!

Each of the fallen altars is made up of thousands of beads of rainbow light, with streamers and waterfalls. The rare rainbow after the rain seems to be the most common ornament in the altar of heaven.

Hundreds of fallen water altars, filled with the holy light rainbow, fell down like the light curtain waterfall, Mo Fan is now under the fallen altar of the gods, like a common man who has mistaken into the noble world of God, he The blood that flows through the body, the arrogance of the heart, will be dusted under this absolute judgment! !

This is the curse, even if the cloud and land are covered, the sacred halls of Dubai City emerge, the rainbows are interlaced, and the waterfalls are silvery, just like the vast expanse of deserts, there is a magnificent world of human giant cities. Temple, demon enchanting nowhere! !

The Rainbow Falls hit, even the most detailed colored filaments, were tortured by Mofan's Demon Soul, let alone the heavenly altar of billions of light.

In the sky, it seems like the sky is swept away by the rainbow, and there is a huge hole.

The silver, gold, copper, and color actinization is even hotter than the slurry. It is even more violent than the huge waves. It is layered on top of each other, and it falls to the bottom of the hole.

In such a sky, Mo Fan could not get out of it.

He has completely become a sinner who is hated and hated by the kingdom of heaven. He is wearing a shackle and is accepting the baptism and punishment of the holy water waterfall again and again.

Under the power of the curse, time will become strange and distorted.

Obviously just formed, Mo Fan has a kind of exhaustion and numbness that has been tied to the fallen altar for hundreds of years.

The skin is festering, and even the face full of burnt lines is completely unrecognizable by the holy liquid, and the face bones are exposed!

The incomparable demons seem to have finally been judged by the kingdom of heaven. At the same time as the torture, the evil body is becoming a little gray.

"I can die under my curse, and don't worry about your trip to Dubai!" Xizhe grinned.

After the fusion of the Famen, it will disappear.

This demon who does not know where to run out is also full of disappearance.

There are countless mysterious forces in the world. Xizhe is not too surprised that Mo Fan can be transformed into a demon, but... the evil door is swearing, after all, it is evil.

The curse is eternal.

It is the monsters that rely on the evil spirits to pull up and can't resist.

The devil, so far.

The curse of light, the judgment of judgment is such an unclear evil thing between heaven and earth.

I want to rely on this evil power to defeat a forbidden mage who can rely on his own strength to release the curse. !

Xizhe suffered a loss in some Famen confrontation.

Just wait until the curse is coming and everything will end! !

Look at the poor guy...

God King Shadow?

The body of Star Steel?

How can it be? In the end, it is not in the altar to fall into the water for a bone.

Become a dead bone, then who knows him in this world?

If the archangel Gabriel is also an unrecognizable body, the dispute is not that they have won the victory. The influence of Sulu and Xizhe has spread to the whole world. Those who dare to say "no" to them can Refer to the end of the archangel and a demon!

Mofan's ashes slowly drifted to the higher headspace.

This is the wreck of his life. Xizhe, like a high-spirited god, walks in the altar of falling water, as if enjoying the supreme power. Like an artist’s curtain call, he raises his hands and opens his chest. Let Mofan’s wilted residue drift around him...

That is a bone.

Half squatting, white bones clinging to his face.

Like to protect his face, Kishi can be sure that his face has also become a bone.

Such struggles are meaningless. Can someone withstand such a position to withstand the destruction of flash floods? ?

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