Versatile Mage

Chapter 2565: Broken angel

On the nine floors of Yuntian, the energy of the highest part is actually very thin.

For the cursed mage such as Sulu, even if this thousand kilometers of land becomes a vacuum zone, the curse mages can also obtain a large number of elements by themselves.

This kind of magic, which stems from oneself, is often easier to control.

It can be said that the magician starts from the high-order and super-order, and there will be a kind of source perception. This source is born little by little in the magician. When the high-order is used, the magic can present the star through this source of perception. Changes outside the mark are also called control.

When it comes to super-order, the physical structure of the magician seems to change, and there will be a gradual emergence of a skill similar to the transcendental force for the wizard itself, no longer according to the text.

As for the curse, the magician himself is an endless source of magic. The magic rules can be changed at will, and there is almost no flying scorpion around them. It is even harder to see the star map, constellation, and star palace. Clear magical patterns.

With a finger movement, it may be far beyond the high-order destruction of giant energy.

Raise a hand, change the magic, and instantly transform a familiar magic skill into another completely different form. The puncture becomes a burst, the imprisonment becomes a annihilation, and the defense becomes a counterattack!

In this change, Su Lu is obviously a master, seemingly a light and incomparable ball, carrying a little purple lightning, can fly to the archangel Sakya, but this ball has instantly spurred hundreds of kilometers. The thunder sparks instantly created a thunderstorm, and the power was not inferior to the curse that required a long guide.

Every move has a huge murder hidden in the sky. The sky is filled with the death of the shadow meteor. There will be such a dark star as if a soul is stabbing like a thorn to penetrate deep into the soul, let the big Angel Sharjah needs to mention the spirit of twelve points when dealing with any of Sulu's magic.

You never know if there is a deadly pear thorn in the destruction of this vastness, whether a negligible elemental dust will burst into a black hole, and it is even more difficult to predict whether a curse trap has been dug in the opponent's defensive posture.

Sulu is indeed the world's top curse mage, he will not only play with power!

The power of the archangel Sakya is very bright, direct, and magnificent. There are only a few very clear forms of ruling weapons, either purgatory, tearing chaos, or sweeping away.

The defense of Sharjah is more like a city of air completely made of metal. It is spectacular and indestructible. Every city wall, bunker, and pavilion are arranged in strict accordance with standards and proportions!

It is impossible to flow into this golden city with precision and even a bit of eccentric elements.

Attack, defense!

There are only two kinds of battles for Archangel Saga, but whenever she pulls up the holy sacs under the wings, the nine layers of clouds are filled with a rose gold that will not tolerate a little filth, even the most humble fly. There will be nowhere to be seen.

An arrow, if there is a heavenly bell, the azure sky mirror is marked with a shocking trace, which is a strange chaotic dimension.

Sulu’s curse can even be applied to objects and matter.

Seeing this angel feather arrow flying, the curse originally prepared for Sharjah was hit on this angel feather arrow.

The feathers that are so powerful that they can tear open the goggles are slowly withering, and their mighty and powerful destruction is withering, and their holy and clean angels are wilting, even the heavens and the earth are swaying. The gas also seems to fall into the dark dusk in an instant.

Su Lu sneered, and he turned his palms and digested the withered angelic sacred power into his own source, and quickly transformed it into red lightning.


The red energy appeared on the top of Sharjah's head, and with the devil's heavy tapping on his palm, the magic drum slammed and the red drum slammed down.

Sharjah was shocked by the drums, and the red thunder arcs were like the thousands of thunders that broke free from the drums. They were stalking Sharjah, smashing and swallowing the angelic gold castle defense of Sharjah!

Saka's angel, Jincheng, was destroyed by the Black Dragon Emperor before. Now Su Lu seems to have found a flaw in the precision defense, and through this flaw she is embarrassed by her angel's entire defense system.

"Ah, hahahaha, the power of the archangel is an ancient rigid inheritance. How can we compare it with those of us who climbed the peak through self-cultivation step by step?" Sulu suddenly laughed.

He found it, the flaws of the archangel.

Their precision like metal instruments, the source of each force will be derived from an accurate gear, but the instrument is still a bunch of machinery, and how can it compare with the most cursed Master who has been tempered by various tempers?

The archangels are born at the top, and they do have the ability to overlook the world.

But they really can see that in this world, the world is so huge, they don’t even see the essence of this mountain.

He is different from Sulu, climbing from the bottom, stepping on this peak step by step, every stage, every link, every level he has experienced, groping!

The same height.

The archangel stood on the peak of the towering mountain. Once the mountain was interrupted, there was a problem at the bottom and inside, the whole mountain collapsed.

He is in the foothills of the mountain, but it is composed of hundreds of undulating mountains and mountains. Behind one mountain after another, there is a crater that he has stepped on, which is firm and can withstand the wind. Rain hits and smashes the sea.

Even if the mountain where the archangel is located will be higher than that of Sulu, who can continue to survive if the real catastrophe is tested?

Su Lu discovered the flaws of the archangel Saga.

They are tall and brittle, and there is no need to compete with each other for the height of the apex. Just take the hard mountainside to collide with it. The final smash and collapse must be her slender mountain!

Su Lu’s means are too many and strange.

Even his means are mixed with many bans. As the speaker of the Asian Magic Association, he has the right to interpret the ban.

He said that it is not forbidden, who will give him trouble? ?

The seven great angels came from the Holy City, and all their abilities were the most orthodox magical programs, and they were not included in the sacred sacred sac.

Sulu is not only proficient in orthodox magic, but also has a very high degree of forbidden surgery. This Thunderbolt is one of the banned tricks. It breaks down the precision defense, finds flaws, weak positions, and then turns into a nine-day magic mine. The smashing of the soul.

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