Versatile Mage

Chapter 2569: Ashes

Who can survive in the torrent of darkness?

After all, Su Lu was the speaker of the Asian Magic Association. Before he lost, he used this way to drag everyone down to the dark hell, and the dark hell, what a scene, I am afraid that no one can really live there. come out.


First, a large piece of blood red, such as the accumulation of plasma into a vast ocean, followed by an endless view of the ashes desert, followed by countless mountains that are not decaying bodies, continuous, stinking!

Mo Fan feels that his soul is in a fast shuttle, and through another world, the world's majestic side is gradually displayed in front of himself, but in the end it is completely disillusioned like a dream.

The head was a little heavy, and after Mofan’s short-lived consciousness disappeared, the whole person began to wake up.

The energy above the condensed sacred beads was gone, and Mo Fan couldn’t help but touch his chest...

The demon power has disappeared.

There is a relationship between the condensed and evil spirits, which does not produce too much side effects.

Just like a hangover, the head is a little dull.

Mo Fan looked around, but there was a feeling that he was not completely awake in a nightmare, because it was a **** ocean in front of him!

The thick blood does not know how many creatures have been erased, and the smoldering of the sky is almost suffocating.

The view here is very wide, even if the heavens and the earth are dull, stepping on the ashes of the pavement, looking at the other direction at a glance, you will find a dark forest at the end of the vast ashes of the ashes.

No matter how big the dark forest is, Mo Fan doesn't know. In general, the scope of the extension is almost to enclose the ashes.

Plasma, ocean, sand, dark forest...

Every place is full of vitality, the feeling of nightmares, and the real tremors! !

"Is this really a dark plane??" Mofan muttered to himself.

Not far away, there were several bodies scattered, probably biting the object when it fell into here, and it became unrecognizable.

Further away, it seems that some people are walking, they are wearing urban clothes, and they are incompatible with this entire dark evil.

"Asaruya??" Suddenly, Mo Fan found a slender figure, lying on the side of the ashes not far away.

Mo Fan hurriedly ran over to see her situation.

After some inspections, she found that she was not attacked by some dark creatures and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In the process of continuous falling, in addition to the low-level and large number of creatures such as black worms, there are actually several death monarchs like 骸旯, and Mofan’s demon power in the middle of falling here is slowly receding. Later, even the consciousness became blurred and what happened, he did not know much.

Asharuya is still in a coma.

Mo Fan subconsciously still holding some water to awake her, can see the blood of the pond of tomato soup, think about it, or forget it.


"Wake up, hey, wake up."


Asharuya gradually woke up, and when she found out that Mofan was still shooting his cheek with his big hand, he pushed him angrily.

"Can't you use a gentleman's way?" Asha Ruiya is like a kitten with a claw in his voice.

"Let's kiss? First of all, we are not in a romantic fairytale forest. In fact, the whole body is not a cute dwarf. In the end, you are not lying in a crystal bed, but as a sandstone," Mofan said.

"Think of beauty. You wake up more than me, except for the other people's cheeks without the permission of the saint, do you not do other offenses?" Asha Ruiya looked serious and cared about her own festival. Asked.

"No." Mo Fan replied honestly.

"Useless man."


Mo Fan doesn't know if Asha Ruiya is heading on the ground when she falls down. How can she still have a mood in this situation, or she doesn't realize the shocking plasma sea and ashes desert next to her.

"You seem to be very calm," Mofan asked.

Asaruya is sorting out her own manners, from the glamorous hair of black tea to the trousers of silk pants. I don’t know what is the use of beauty in such a plane full of death.

"This is the dark plane," Asharia replied.

"I know that Su Lu is mad and dragged many people together to the dark plane," Mo Fan said.

I didn't think that the final result would be like this. In the end, I still broke into hell, and I don't know if it is still possible in such a plane.

"He is really damn, but using such evil methods, his counter-attacks are also very big, who will finally go out, it is hard to say!" Asha Ruiya said.

"Can you go out??" Mofan raised an eyebrow.

"I remember someone who once opened the door to the underworld. Hufu's death pointer points to the Red Sea. The Red Sea will open a door to the dark plane. The underworld is part of the dark plane. Since you opened it, why? Do you think you can't go out?" said Asharuya.

Mo Fan nodded.

Yes, I have opened the door to the underworld.

If you find the underworld and then reach the door that you once opened in the Egyptian pyramid, it means you can return to the European Red Sea! !

I thought I was dead, and I didn’t think that I opened a door to rebirth for the day ahead of time.

"Where is the underworld?" Mo Fan looked around, but did not know where to go.

It is to cross this pungent plasma ocean, or to cross the ashes, or to step through the dark forest.

There is absolutely no direction at all.

"The dark planes will always have only one way to go. Wait patiently, wait for us. If we don't want to be eroded and have no residue left, we must follow the rules of the Dark King." Sitting on the ashes of the sand, it looks like an elegant **** a beach vacation.

"Have you been here?" Mo Fan suddenly caught this message.

Asha Ruiya is too calm, she seems to know here, has been here, and even did not even worry because it may be indulged here forever.

“No.” Asha Ruiya smiled. “However, I can communicate with many dark creatures, and have you forgotten it? I have a very special knight.”

Asaruya finished, his eyes suddenly looked at the direction of the ashes.

As soon as the bone dust rises, I see a European knight with a black mount, wearing a death armor in gray and silver metal, and is coming towards it! !

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