Versatile Mage

Chapter 2572: Dark king's chessboard

There is nothing in the front waiting, the cold that has never been seen has spread throughout the body.

Now Mo Fan finally knows why the dark plane is called "Hell."

The people who have arrived here, no matter how powerful and powerful in the original world, are nothing but "solitude and ghosts."

Everyone's fragile humble walks on these deadly earth, with awe, with fear, with a little bit of hope, and constantly moving forward.

There are so many travelers, but few people are willing to speak. This "new world" has brought them too much shock to be speechless. They can only bow their heads and let the dark torrents push them, waiting for the next abyss.

The sand bones were gradually picked up behind them.

In front of it is a dark forest. I don't know why. This forest looks like a demon who takes the big body into the sand. The twisted, erected hair is exposed on the ground.

The numbness walked into the forest, and people unconsciously hugged the group at this time.

When people are on the verge of despair, they tend to be "ununited". In fact, it can be seen from the first rule that the killing game of the Dark King has nothing to do with the number of people.

There are more people, and the result is the same.

Here is its hell, it is the **** of death in hell, came to its site, what is to do is to follow its rules to find vitality, and the group does not have much meaning.

People are just seeking mutual comfort.

After all, they were still in a bustling city not long ago, enjoying the joy of magic technology and wealth. In the twinkling of an eye, they became prisoners of death who were even worse than slaves. They were escorting on the execution ground.

Mo Fan and Asha Rui have not been with other people.

In this dark forest, people become very free to walk.

Now Mo Fan is hard to protect himself. What other people will be like, they can only see their own creations. After all, the people who have entered them into this **** are the Asian Speaker Su Lu!

"I don't know how Saga is going," Mofan said.

"She shouldn't be able to go anywhere. In front of the Dark King, the archangel is just a three-year-old child," said Asharuya.

"We are going to go out from here now. Since coming in, it seems that there is no direction at all." Mo Fan observed all around.

Gray twisted trunks, intricately twisted into the roots of the snake's nest, and the vines hanging down like a hanged rope, the other blank places are filled with thick dark matter.

The dark matter here is a hundred times stronger than some of the so-called dark forbidden places in the normal world. The darkness itself has the effect of suppressing other lines. How can other elements emerge in this case?

"Do not worry, Khan Mera will take us out of here." Asha Ruiya said.

"That's good..." Mo Fan is actually a little helpless to this unknown hell.

In a word, Asharuya has such a loyal contractor as the Dark Sword Lord, and as soon as she enters the dark plane, it comes to the dust.

I am in the dark plane, there are people!

Shadow elders!

This is not the sacred person of the dark plane. It is the existence of the Dark King sitting like a warlord. Why do you not say hello to yourself when you come to its place? ?

The same is similar to the contractual relationship, the shadow elders are too disappointing!

The Black Frost Knight is familiar with this forest. He walks around with Mofan and Asharuya, and they walk around the dark plants where they are sparse. It is obvious that they have to step out.

However, Mo Fan noticed that during the dark forest, there was always a very aggressive and dark substance trying to get into his body. They even changed the body physique little by little.

Mofan was confused and asked Asharuya.

Asharuya communicated with her knight for a while.

When she completely walked out of the dark forest, Asha Ruiya looked back and glanced and said: "It is estimated that only one in ten can come out from inside."

"Is it dangerous??" Mofan asked.

“Does your country prefer to marinate meat when cooking, and then put it in the pot?” said Asharuya.

"This time you said this, I am a little hungry." Mo Fandao.

"Your body should also be eroded by dark matter, which will change the 'success' of the human being and become the favorite taste of the indigenous people living in the dark forest," said Asari.

"Amount..." Mo Fan suddenly was not hungry.

"So we entered the forest time, there is basically no danger inside, and now we have come out from inside, and it seems that there are no terrible things happening, but those who have not yet come out, their bodies will slowly It becomes as delicious as the salted meat, and the extremely horrible creatures in the forest will climb out of their nests and start their delicious meal,” said Asharuya.

Mo Fan glanced at the black frost sword master, and it was inevitable that he was grateful.

Fortunately, they have local people here to lead the way, otherwise...


Sure enough, there was a scream of screams in the forest, which came from different directions.

Mo Fan and Asha Rui did not look back, listening to these shouts and moving on.

Everyone has their own lives. They are all "dead people" in hell. They can't talk about any compassion, let alone redemption. Now Mofan just wants to leave this place as soon as possible.

It has been a long time since there was no such feeling of uneasiness as the fish and shrimp in the river, especially after reaching the super-order.

The dark king of terror...

If you can let yourself go out of here safely, you will definitely learn more about black magic and give more meager magic.

Out of the dark forest, appearing in front of Asharuya and Mo Fan, it is a flat to even smooth land.

The earth is covered with a very solid structure, like a cut and polished...

If there is a sky above the head and a forest behind it, Mo Fan even thinks that he has stepped into an infinitely extended palace!

This smooth earth is also strange, the color is two shades, after the comparison, it is dark and gray visually.

Dark black and gray are neatly squared, like porcelain, but each piece is as big as ten football stadiums.

Somehow, from the beginning of seeing this layout, Asha Ruiya's face became pale and white.

She knew what it was, but she was so shocked that she could not speak.

Mo Fan looked at Asha Rui Ya.

Asha Rui's beautiful nephews are filled with fear and uneasiness!

"Here... here is the chessboard of the Dark King!!"

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