Versatile Mage

Chapter 2592: Fight against war

The earth is reloaded, the shadows of the elders are the shadows, and the ultimate destruction of the thunder and the fire is merged. The mages on the cloud are killed one by one by Mofan!

The last mixed-race leader squatted on the floor and shivered.

He now regrets that he has embarked on a path that will lead him to destruction. In fact, the moment they followed Sulu, did they really have to think about the consequences?

If there is hell, can these people not go to hell?

The rebels are eradicated, and the threats are all killed. As one of the Asian Magic Associations, the organization that most needs justice and should maintain the magic convention, it completely abandons the real magic convention, brutal, centralized, and **** hurricanes... ...

Here is hell, in the end they followed Sulu to this hell.

In hell, Sulu is just a prisoner!

Not waiting for Mo Fan to start, the mixed-race leader grabbed the sharp sand and swallowed it into the throat.

These sands are sharper than metal sharps. It is self-contained and pays the price for choosing this path for yourself!

Mo Fan looked at the behavior of this mixed-race leader with such extreme behavior, but there was no sympathy in his eyes.

After being destroyed by more powerful forces, I finally realized my sin?

This means that as long as Su Lu continues to rule the Asian Magic Society, they will continue to be cruel and cruel.

As for the number of people who have been harmed by the scholars of Fengzhou Long, only they are clear.

Mo Fan looked at Sulu.

Su Lu is the root of all this!

He broke everyone into the dark plane, imagining to escape in the dark rapids, but Mo Fan did not want him to leave, let Su Lu eternal life in this dark hell, is the perfect ending!

"You get the source of darkness again." The voice of the Dark King came.

Mo Fan's strength has gained another 50%. At this time, in addition to the opponent's Queen's Chess and King's Chess, basically no one can shake Mo Fan.

With such a powerful killing game, Mu Bai can go very far.

With a big attack, Mu Bai let the chariot chess dark dragons sneak into the deeper, clearing the blocked three-headed dogs for Mo Fan and Manzhu Shahua.

Some of the key pieces of the Dark King did not work, and they were counter-killed. For a time, except for the King Chess Su and the Queen of the Evil, the Dark Saints can support the situation and are basically chronic deaths.

"Mo Fan, we must solve the Queen's chess, so that the Black Dragon Emperor can attack Su Lu in an active way." Mu Bai said.

The strength of Black Dragon and Sulu should be very similar, so being the initiative is the biggest key to winning or losing.

Now break through the obstacle of the Queen's Chess, Mu Bai can ensure that Black Dragon Emperor challenges Su Lu in an offensive way, then the Black Dragon Emperor's odds will be expanded a lot!

Sulu must stay here, and the rest of them must go out alive.

It’s only one step away.

That is the Queen's chess.

The dark evil saint showed more strength than Manzhu Shahua, this is the final card of the Dark King. Mu Bai estimated that even if he took the initiative to let Manzhu Shahua go to challenge, he was suppressed by 30%. The evil evil saint, the odds are not big.

Moreover, once Manzhu Shahua is killed, the other Queen's Dark Evil will receive a 50% power bonus. At that time, no one can compete with the Dark Evil. All the previous moves, all the preservation plans will be Failed.

Although Mu Bai has a great victory here.

But this is not a chess game. Every chess piece is a life. If you want to win, you can sacrifice some people. The dark king has already lost. The problem is that Mu Bai needs to let more people live, at least Asharuya, Sharjah. Mofan, Black Dragon Emperor can't die...

To win with so many conditions attached, the advantage of the game before the game is not an absolute victory.

"The Guardian Army Chess basically can't move, Mu Bai, you can find a way to force another team of Masters on the cloud to the dead end." Mo Fan knows that now is the most critical step.

"I understand what you mean, but will this be too risky? The evil evil saint is afraid that this battlefield has the strongest existence of Sulu and Black Dragon Emperor. I think this guy's strength is afraid to reach the peak of super-order. And she also has a belief in magic, this ability is unpredictable." Mu Bai said.

Thinking about it, the more sensible way is to force the evil evil saint to the front of the Black Dragon Emperor and let the Black Dragon Emperor solve this powerful Queen's Chess.

The difficulty to achieve this is very large. Without the Black Dragon Emperor stuck in Sulu, Sulu may have misappropriated other pieces.

There is also a strategy, that is, let Manzhusha Huawu later deal with the evil evil saint.

After the sorcerer of Manzhushahua, he took the initiative to suppress 30% of the power of the evil evil saint. If he wins, the whole chess will be wide, and Sulu will be forced to a desperate situation.

But if it fails.

The Dark Evil St. will replace Sulu and kill all the other pieces on the entire board. No one can stop it! !

Quite a risky move, Mu Bai is not very willing to put all his chips on Manzhushahua.

"It's better to believe in others than to trust others." Mo Fan said.

"Okay, but don't worry, you can't let them see our intentions." Mu Bai said calmly.

"no problem!"


Mo Fan was temporarily on standby, and Manzhu Shahua approached the other side of the Dark Evil Queen. The Black Dragon Emperor also gave up a piece of the mouth and pressed it into the area where the Dark Evil Queen was.

Use the Guardian Army Chess to get stuck in the position where the evil evil saints want to escape. For a time, the Dark Evil Queen is surrounded by three directions.

The dark Wang Xun dispatched the emperor of the dark evil and sent her to another chariot near the chess team.

Manzhushahua pressed in the afternoon and stood in a position to try to eat the chariot.

However, the Dark King used a second move at this time to change the position of King Chess and Chariot Chess.

King car translocation.

Just now, it is still surrounded by the trend. The chess pieces in all directions are equal to self-investment.

Seeing this scene, Mu Bai did not panic.

He floated his mouth and quickly spread the encirclement to all directions, and the process of spreading not only escaped the strong combination of Sulu and the evil evil saint, but also turned it over to the chariot cloud. Master!

"Saga, Mo Fan, it's up to you!"

Sound east hits the West!

From the beginning, Mu Bai’s goal was not a dark evil saint. What he wanted to eat was another cloud master group!

Moreover, Mofan must solve this chess group on the cloud, so that Mofan's strength can be increased by 50%! !

The Dark King thought that Mu Bai would sacrifice Manzhu Shahua and let the Black Dragon Emperor eat the Dark Evil. In fact, Mu Bai thought that a person who would never be disappointed would deal with the evil evil saint. Only then can we achieve victory.

"Take my master chess and chariot chess to feed Mo Fan, greatly enhance his strength, and then use him to deal with my Queen's chess?" Dark King only understood Mu Bai's true intention at this moment.

A good voice to fight the West, to fight the war game!

"Introducing you to read a book, Sun Tzu's Art of War, that will improve your chess skills." Mu Bai said.


Even if it is the master of a plane, it will eat a loss of culture.

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