Versatile Mage

Chapter 2601: The dress is so neat

Go to Shenyin Mountain.

Mo Fan was inexplicably excited.

The Parthenon of the Parthenon is the greatest blessing power in the world, but it also has one of the biggest limitations, that is, every soul can only be used once.

Once in a lifetime, even if the heart is the saint of the Parthenon, even if she finally became the goddess of the Parthenon, Mo Fan could not get a second sacred praise.

But some people seem to have found a way to achieve a permanent reinforcement of the second soul with the help of dark sources.

"I need you to help me to eliminate the suffocating gas that exists in these dark sources. Otherwise, our souls will receive such ritual blessings and will cause harm to ourselves." Asha Rui said to Mo Fan. .

"What do I have to do?" Mofan asked.

"I will send you the source of darkness, you kill those source grievances, and then feed back to me, I will turn them into the power of blessing, evenly distributed to you and my soul." Asariya said.

"This does not mean that my soul has to be open to you, do you have to have a soul?" Mo Fandao.

"So I can only find someone who can trust, after all, you are our worship of Jinlan." Asha Ruiya said.


According to Asha's method, Mofan used her own soul to accept the dark source she stole.

This source is filled with all kinds of grievances. They all have only one purpose: to devour their own souls and occupy their own bodies, and what Mo Fan wants to do is to kill them all.

Fortunately, the soul of Mo Fan has undergone various washings. This kind of spiritual world like dreams and dreams cannot shake the nature of Mo Fan.

"Ready to accept." Asha Ruiya felt the pure dark source that Mofan had returned, and immediately said to Mo Fan.

"Are we doing double repairs?" Mofan asked.

It is a pity that it is not physically open to each other, but mutual trust between souls.

Although the latter is actually more able to explain the strong relationship between the two, Mo Fan is still looking forward to the special lingering.

The lingering soul is different from the textual love on the Internet.

"Be careful!" Asha Ruiya aggravated the air.

Mo Fan sneered, did not dare to say something that was not nutritious.

After all, it is related to a full 50% increase in capacity, this time can not play off!

Soon, Mofan felt the power of blessings like a cold spring of icebergs. They were like Asha's soft and long hair, gently brushing from Mofan's cheeks.

Very good feeling, do not need to concentrate on capturing, and do not need to concentrate on the fusion, just put your hands behind your head and enjoy it quietly.

"What are you doing!" Asha Ruiya said with no anger.

Why is this holy woman moving, you Mofan is comfortable lying down!

"Don't worry, the source of darkness needs to adapt. You are anxious, Asha Ruiya, be gentle," Mo Fan said.

Asharuya slowed down.

She is also the first time.

The blessing is white magic, which is completely opposite to the dark matter itself. If you want to completely absorb the dark source in the way of white magic, you can't be too hasty.

Be slow.

Even if the heart is extremely eager, it must be gradual.



A waitress with a garland stood in the stone pavilion under the ladder. The stone pavilion had white gauze and gently picked up the corner against the wind.

"Are you sure?" Tours wore a pair of sunglasses and the hairline was very high.

"Definitely, I did see that the saint of Asharuya and a man were in the fountain room of Feiquan. It was a long time to go in." The garland waitress whispered.

"Hey, the monk is a monk, and he and the man ran to the Shenyin Mountain to do something!" Tulls looked cold and proud, but his eyes were full of anger.

This shameless woman, there are so many wild men, actually still in front of themselves.

Just right, this time I can catch it!

When Tours first called the priests of the Faith Hall, it was time to take revenge.

With a few priests and a few female waiters, they locked the Feiquan secret room. If the sacred Asha Ruiya could be defeated, Tours would be very happy.

It is best to use the device to capture some of the explicit images. Now the network is so developed, from the indecent video of a saint, it will definitely overshadow the headlines of all national leaders.

Of course, Tours actually wants to use this thing as a tool to make it, so that Asharuya is at his mercy.

"It is here." The garland maid pointed to the foot of the fountain.

"Here is the cultivation of the secret room. There is no hand of the great sage. We can't break into it," said an old priest.

"Do you want such a sinister thing to happen? Here is the place, Shenyin Mountain, the most sacred and inviolable holy place of Parthenon. If you condone this way, the **** of punishment will destroy the altar of God!" Turtle said righteously.

"This one……"

"All the consequences, I will bear!" said Tours.

With the words of Tours, several priests are naturally relieved.

They used magic together to open the water gate of the Feiquan Chamber.

There is no real stone wall or stone door in the Feiquan Chamber. It is completely a marble platform floating on the spring water, and the surrounding area is surrounded by thick blue water enchantment.

At the center is a crystal bottle that rises high. The crystal water sprayed like a blue umbrella covers the entire marble platform, forming a beautiful and beautiful place for the practice of retreat.

Of course, there are many people in the Parthenon who like to seek excitement. They will choose the location of the retreat here. On the one hand, they have a very private space, on the other hand, they can experience the great atmosphere surrounded by nature.

Tours knows that Asharuya is a woman of misbehavior. For example, a female snake wrapped in a wish is always wrapped around a man. This time, it is finally letting Taylor catch it!

Have fun!

In the Shenyin Mountain Feiquan, enjoy the water and flowers while enjoying the joy of fish and water...

This time, I want to see your unbearable behavior!


Separate from the spring, on the marble platform, a man and a woman, the woman's body curve is exaggerated, and the skin is more attractive in the translucent silk outerwear.

The man is handsome and masculine, and the body reveals a bit of evil charm in the light and shadow. The face is half hidden in the shadow, with sharp edges and corners, and reveals the dark qualities!

Tours is excited!

A good pair of unsightly dogs and men, the phone is a double-click, take all the shots of their own expectations.

But soon, the expression on the face of Tours was a little solidified.


Do you do things and wear clothes?

Why is the dress so neat?

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