Versatile Mage

Chapter 2625: Sky Fortress


No matter how many layers of holy light enveloped in the towering towers, it still gives a feeling of crumbling.

A river is separated, this side is a bustling city, on the other side is like a death purgatory, tens of thousands of undead under the sea, their greedy scorpion is like a red star in the deep black night sky, the scene is bleak.

More than half of the Pearl Towers that stand in the sky are covered with these black-red corpse creatures. They are like the giant towers, and they are used to cast a black castle.

It can be seen that they have an uncontrollable desire for the city, and their gaze has already smashed the entire huge base market, not to mention the moment when they broke through the enchantment.

A large number of troops gathered on the Bund, along the river, the wizards cast a wall, but each of them had fear on their faces.

Such a huge number of sea demon souls, each level has reached the war will be above, they can really stop it, even if a supreme curse falls into the seabed undead frenzy, fear will soon be engulfed, very It’s bleak!

"Don't panic, the sacred flower beds won't break so fast!"

"Before they rushed over, the Pearl Tower and the major leagues will wipe them out. Most of what we have to do is not let a seabed soul break into the streets of people's lives!"

The morale-invigorating voice did not stop for a moment. When faced with the Battle of the Kraken, the soldiers would be so excited, forget the fear and go forward.

Gradually, many people have found that this morale is just to boost morale. Everyone knows the current disparity between mankind and the Kraken. Otherwise, why the entire coastline will become only five base cities to provide people with habitat. What?

Now, even the base city has been extremely seriously threatened!


The silver liquid waterfall curtain that hangs down from the sacred flower bed has the power of silver fire burning. Every time the layer of this silver liquid is weakened, it will produce an almost devastating burning for those undersea souls.

About 20,000 dead souls have been burned to ashes, and there is no possibility of resurrection. It is only a small part of the scale of the tide of the Kraken.


The Ocean Alliance Building finally could not withstand the pressure of this undead frenzy and collapsed in a loud noise.

Like a giant ant nest blasting, the hordes of dwellers in the group "flowed" out, and quickly spread to other buildings that were enchanted and guarded.

On the sacred flower beds, many powerful people use their destruction magic endlessly. The rainbow of elements is like a thunderstorm, and the powerful energy that falls every time is like a raindrop falling into the lake. It disappears. .

Zhu Qiang even the most superficial layer is clear and unclean!

"Break them up, they will piece together again, these dead souls are harder to deal with than the physical Kraken!"

"There is any way to get out of here, fast!" Mr. Zhuang Yue saw this ugly scene, and there has been no determination to fight.


Can't finish it!

The most terrifying thing is that from the gap of the seawall, there are still more black and red souls in the land.

I also want to kill them for a few days and nights.

"Mr. Zhuang, how can we escape? The other side of the river is the base city. At that time, there will be countless people who will die," said an elder of the Hunter League.

"There is no need to make meaningless sacrifices. It is not unclear about the current situation."

"But we have been forced into a desperate situation, and there is no other way out except to destroy them."

If the base city is captured by the sea monsters, then where do people still have a safe place to live?

"Don't wait for these monsters to climb to the sacred flower beds, and all of us will become white bones!" Zhuang Yue said.


The power of the undead is far beyond the imagination of most mages. It is not long before the sacred flower enchantment is like an isolated island, completely surrounded by black and red tides.

Many powerful people are also trapped in the sacred flower beds. They have been able to confront these undead with this special defensive enchantment before, but now they know that unless there are several cursing wizards at the same time, they will not be able to get rid of the current situation.

There is a cursed mage in the city of Modu, but he can only guard the other side of the river.

The Pearl Tower and the Union Building are the defensive fortresses of the city of Modu.

The skyscrapers are intertwined with each other, and the ancient enchantments are intertwined.

The fortress itself has not been completely perfected, and now it has been baptized with such undead innocence.

The undead is not afraid, but it is the most devastating assault corps. It has not been completely submerged since the seawall was destroyed and the skyscraper was completely overwhelmed.


"Is it so fast?" In the gray sky, Dean Xiao, Mo Fan and others flew in. When they overlooked the undead and almost cast a black-red fortress, they couldn't help but take a breath.

"Can you find her?"

"no problem."

Professor Luo once again opened his psychic technique. In his sight, different kinds of undead will all have different soul colors. The lowest order of the undead is gray, and the more powerful the undead, the more red.

Among the dense gray and red, Professor Luo locked in the shadow of the arrogant and independent.

She stood on the human-shaped flyover, and the layers of the sea demon dead in the streets below the flyover reached a height of three or four meters.

The towers of the mountains, which rise from the ground, are also full of high-level undeads with long claws. They are red, composed of the leader and the monarch, and the number is daunting.

Her face was pale as paper, and she could not see a trace of blood.

Her eyes are more turbid and sinister, and the blushing eye bags and black crow's feet make her eyes more enchanting and noble.

"She is there, are we going to continue?" Professor Luo was somewhat worried.

Several coalition buildings were occupied by the Kraken, and the people standing on the dome were not human powers at all, but the hegemons among the Krakens.

These sea monster hegemons can destroy a city when they are alive, and now they are turned into undead, but their power is strengthened by some mysterious power, as if they were contaminated with another kind of darkness under their original ability. Fellow!

"Let's go down." Dean Xiao said with certainty.

"They are all watching us, I will use a spell, so that the undead can not hurt us for a while, but it can't last too long." Professor Luo felt the stun of the sealord overlord on the dome.

"it is good!"

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