Versatile Mage

Chapter 2633: Shark hunting

"We better split the action." Lingling made this opinion.

"Do not go directly to the water company, where there is a totem clue we are looking for." Mo Fan did not understand.

Lingling shook his head and said: "On the way we came, some of the free hunters provided some information in the secret scrolls I collected about Fuyang City. This sign is not only the Xiangyang Waterworks Company. This is a sign of a big business."

When talking about these words, Ling Ling opened his own palm computer.

“The company has an office building in the city center, and the logos on the top are similar.” Ling Ling opened a picture.

Sure enough, the logo icon on the highest office building in Fuyang City is very consistent with the company logo of the water company, but there are some changes in the color details.

“Besides, the design of the university’s school badge is very close.” Ling Ling opened another picture.

It is a university close to the lower reaches of the Feng River, and it is also the Fuyang school. Its logo design is red.

The water company is green, the corporate building is blue, and the Fuyang campus is red.

"There are several..." Mofan suddenly felt big, and thought that the clues were very clear pointing to a place, and there would be gains when they got there. Who knows that there are more than one more.

"There is not a lot of information left in Xiangyang City. I didn't find the relevant personnel in these places, so we can only run it in person. It is best to find some files from the abandoned buildings so that we can do it. Clearly, why do they use this mysterious feather totem as a sign." Ling Ling said.

"Okay, then let's move separately. I will go to Fuyang Campus."

"Right, I also received a commission." Ling Ling suddenly took out several commission reels and handed it to the other five.

Mo Fan's face is black.

Isn't it good to find a totem? How do you still start a sideline mission?

"Our hunter contribution value is too low, a lot of errands, if we run it ourselves, it is not worth it, so I took a commission from Fuyang City to grow our points..." Lingling said .

Spirituality requires a lot of information, especially the search for totems. It is impossible to break the legs by its own strength. It is impossible to find out the totems in such a large country.

The hunters are distributed in all corners of the country. The high-level hunters perform speeds more quickly than the soldiers. The clues like the logo of the water company in Fuyang City are discovered by a team of hunter masters hired by Lingling. of.

Otherwise they have no clues until now.

Hiring a hunter master is expensive, and the spirit does not want to spend money, not to mention that Mo Fan is a poor ghost.

The hunters are all concerned about the contribution value. Mofan has not done any hunter mission in a year. Lingling certainly has to take some commissions and rewards, otherwise his hunter squad can't work normally...

"Because the value of the hunter's contribution is not enough, we will know that there are two other places that have this sign. Otherwise, we can hire other hunters to collect the information here before coming here, so we don't collect it now. "The spirit did not say good to Mo Fan."

Mo Fan was awkward.

Indeed, in recent years, his hunter qualifications are about to fall off the level, but fortunately there is spiritual support.

"So if we can find the totem clues smoothly in the future, we must also take the entrustment to upgrade the enthusiasm of our hunters. This entrustment should not be too difficult. There is an international family member who was born and played. The members of a shark family have left, and they are very sure that the children of this family are still alive, and they are in Fuyang City." Lingling said it to everyone.

"Like this, I have a group of girls, I, Lingling and Jiang Shaoxu go to the water plant. Since there is the first place to find the totem mark and it is related to the low temperature disease, we may stay there for a longer time. Longer." Xin Xia said.

"Yes, but you have to be careful."

"It doesn't matter, my heart and my heart are both spiritual masters. As long as they don't walk with your group of savage guys, there will be no monsters on the road that will hurt us." Jiang Shaoxu said with confidence. .

The location of the waterworks is not the center of the city. It is not particularly dangerous. It is really no different for a group of people to go with a few people.

Everyone acts separately.

Mo Fan’s corporate building in the city center is where the blue mysterious feathers mark.

Zhao Manyan went to the Fuyang campus to see the red mysterious feather sign.

Mu Bai is responsible for walking in other parts of the city to see if there are other similar signs in the city to prevent missing important clues.


Sharks are called sharks because they have a pair of human-like legs that can walk upright.

Of course, their legs are stronger than humans, their toes are longer than humans, and they have sharp claws.

Fuyang City has not been completely soaked by sea water. There are not any signs of damp in the main streets of the city center. You can still see some sharks walking around on the ruins of the road in twos and threes.

Sharks have a very sensitive sense of smell, especially **** smell.

As long as you tear a small hole in the enemy's body, no matter how far you run, how deep you hide, they can easily lock the target they want to hunt.

And the sharks never give up easily.

In the culture of the sharks, it seems that it is a shame to lose the prey and let the prey escape. From then on, it is no longer possible to raise the head in the sharks.

"These Krakens, take the city as their own home, and go shopping!" Mo Fan walked high, jumping from the roof of one building to the eaves of another room, like a city spiderman.

Sharks like to walk on human roads, flat, strong, and they have erect legs that look a bit like humans.

"Hey, hey, hey!!!"

A shark who had a shark fin on his head gave a scream of sound and seemed to find a footprint.

Suddenly, the three sharks rushed past an alley.

Their sprints are like flying in the sea, and there are spirals of water around the circle, and the sharks in the eyes will kill the end of the alley.


A spiny spear gave a scream, rushed out of the hiding garbage truck and ran rampage in the narrow alley.

The three sharks were chasing and intercepting, and soon the spurs and spears were smashed, and the blood was dripping.

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