Versatile Mage

Chapter 2635: Special means of survival

“咵 噶 噶 噶 噶!!!!”

A sharp, metal-like tooth is making a constant bite.

The sharks always like this, which seems to make their teeth sharp enough.

Of course, the main reason is that when the prey wants to hear this sound, it becomes flustered.

Once the prey is panicked, they become irrational and will rampage and make a variety of noises.

Under the bridge, the sound of the fangs colliding closer and closer, and the scrawny man began to feel uneasy.

There is no wound in his body, and his position, unless he walks directly to the bridge, or he can't find his existence at all, so the sharks should not know that he is hiding here.

It was only that he began to move his body, as if he remembered the screaming female companion. He thought that the same thing would happen to him immediately, and he already wanted to get up.

"Don't be afraid, they don't know that you are here," Mofan whispered.

"But if they know, are they just teasing me?" said the thin man.

Sharks are very sensitive to the sound of collisions, such as cans rolling, glass fragile, wood creaking, but other voices are similar to speaking, shouting is weak.

"Don't move." Mo Fan said to him seriously.

The man stood up slowly and he supported the railing.

The sound of the teeth colliding is getting closer and closer, and they seem to be under the overpass.

"I said don't move!" Mo Fan once again stressed.

"Why do you mean me, everyone else is dead, and I am alive because I know how to survive!" The thin man was angry.

Said, he rushed toward Mo Fan here.

Mo Fanben thought that he would run away from himself. This is not a wrong choice. Because Mofan has an alley full of **** behind it. The smell of the garbage can cover up when he runs. The smell of sweat.

But just as he passed by Mofan, he suddenly had a weapon on his hand and slammed a knife from Mofan's arm.

A touch of bright red, a thin line of half wrapped around Mofan's arm, there is a burning pain.

When Mo Fan completely reacted, the thin-skinned man had already rushed down the bridge, and in a blink of an eye he got into the alley full of rubbish.

The wound on Mofan's arm is very shallow, and the blade is not toxic.

But in the next few seconds, Mo Fan heard the kind of "click" sound, passed from all directions, I don't know how many!

Almost no blood spilled from the skin, but the **** smell spreads in the air, especially the shark's scent. This kind of wound seems to make their whole gray pupil world bright and bright. The light can be seen in half a city.

The back of the man is hard to find, Mo Fan is alone in the bridge.

Have to admit, Mo Fan was shown by the guy!

Judging from his skillful approach, this is not the first time he has used this trick.

So this is the secret that he can survive in Fuyang City? ?


Mo Fan took out the holy medicine and applied it to his wound.

The effect is very strong, and the blood is stopped immediately.

But this smell can be completely dissipated in an hour and a half, and Mofan has played hide-and-seek with these sharks.

There are shark beasts on the top of the patrol, and there are many shark members in the whole city. Without investigating the mysterious feathers, Mo Fan can’t kill, so it will only come from places with sea water. More sharks are attracted.

“咵, 咵, 咵!”

Soon, there were sharks at the two entrances around the flyover. They were about three meters tall. Their skulls were polygonal, and their eyes were very round and their noses were facing outward.

They saw Mo Fan and made a mocking expression.

One of the sharks seems to be particularly proud, but also makes strange noises, like saying to Mo Fan: Children, why did you accidentally scratch yourself?

Mo Fan spread the dark matter from his feet to the bridge. He did not escape because the bridge could be used as an umbrella to isolate the high-altitude sharks.

The four sharks came, and their teeth still sounded an incomparable collision.

The mouth is open, and the conical fangs are exposed in a dense manner. The circle and the circle are almost distributed to the throat, so that no food can be chopped!

Mo Fan continued to wait and waited for them to approach.

Suddenly, the mountain sharks rushed toward Mo Fan, and they were very fast, comparable to some demon lemurs on land.

They are good at hunting, they are quite angled, and they don't give prey a chance to break free.

Mo Fan still did not move, it pinched his fingers.

The bridge floor didn't know when it was brushed with a layer of black. On the creepy black mire floor, a sharp rose stalk slammed and stalked three spears, and it was extremely accurate to open the mouth from the top. The shark population runs through the past!

From the throat to the skull, the three sharks spurted blood and died, and the body hangs there, like a shark skin on a hanger.

The last shark was stunned.

Just as it was about to call out to call other companions, Mo Fan kicked a kick in the black mire, and the splashing mud turned into a sharp thorn in the air, flying at the shark’s Body.

The sharp spikes change through the orbital order of the chaotic system, all stabbed on the head of the shark, not giving it any sound, and paying attention to the fastest speed to completely die.

These shark patriarchs are used to hunting here. Although they know that both humans and spiny spears have certain resistance and fighting ability, they never imagined that they would encounter them in a flash. Four human beings who all killed.

Four bodies were all turned into pus by Mofan using dark corrosion.

However, it is clear that the **** smell of the body does not dissipate.

In order not to hinder the exploration of his own, Mo Fan decided to go to other places to avoid the limelight, and could not be surrounded by sharks here!



The sharks made a burst of low-pitched, and the city seemed to have a stir all of a sudden, one after another.


A shark beast seems to smell the **** smell that is moving fast.

The **** smell will continue to emanate from the host, and even if the wound condenses, it will continue for nearly half an hour, so no matter where the host moves, they can smell it.

For a time, hundreds of sharks and a shark's behemoth were attracted by Mofan's **** taste, and they were pursuing the whole city.

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