Versatile Mage

Chapter 2638: You are hungry?

It is not only hatched from the egg, why can you bite the spurs of the war? ?


How is its physique bigger than it was when I saw it? ?


The shark's giant beast ate the poem, and the mouthful of wild pork, the scent of the scent, will only eat the whole ridge spear bear pig in a while.

Zhao Manyan's expression is even more weird to the extreme. This baby is a monster. Its own physique is similar to that of an adult man. How can a big bulldozer and a spear and a pig can be stuffed into the stomach? ?

Don't break it up, or its digestive ability is so horrible that it can be disposed of in such a short time!

"Eat to support, I see how you ... lying trough!!" Zhao Manyan just wanted to tease this silver-gray baby, and found that silver-gray baby is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

It is not expansion, it is growing up.

The bones are widening and strong, the skin and muscles are stretching, and even the head is getting bigger. Not long after, a creature that climbed out of the giant egg has a tiger shark size!

This is also amazing. Most organisms need to eat a lot of food during the growth process. There is no mistake, but it should be long enough to digest, grow, change, and how to grow up immediately after eating! !

However, after thinking about it, Zhao Manyan felt that it was not completely unacceptable.

Maybe the shark's behemoth is like this in the early days of its birth. It will grow long. Otherwise, how can the shark beast grow as big as a stadium, and in the sea world, this volume is obviously not the most exaggerated. As for the body of the small island, it is also a spurt.

"What about your aunt?" Zhao Manyan asked.

The baby of the silver-blue color can't understand it completely, but it doesn't mean to leave.

"You don't want to eat me, I have less meat, you can't grow much." Zhao Manyan said.

The silver-blue baby did not eat the meaning of Zhao Manyan, but it was full of blood and the big head came over, smelled in Zhao Manyan, and then used Zhao’s head with some angular corners to smash Zhao Man’s hand.

Zhao Manyan is more puzzling.

He hurriedly took out the contract ring that he almost wanted to throw away.

I don't know when the contract ring turns into a light red, remembering that it was dark red at first.

Zhao Manyan once again printed the ring on its forehead and found that the silver-blue baby had a completely similar mark on the frontal bone.

"I rely on it, it won't really become, do you want to be so casual??" Zhao Manyan exclaimed.

There is no hint, there is no more contact in the soul. Zhao Manyan can't figure out what the ring is all about. He has already signed the contract with this silver-blue shark human monster baby!


I just try it for a moment. As a hegemon in the ocean, proud and powerful sea orc, can you have a little dignity, and a colorful crystal ball will trick you away? ?

Zhao Manyan is mixed at this moment.

Mainly Zhao Manyan did not figure out what the ingredients of this guy are.

After all, it is rare to encounter such an unattended egg, or just about to hatch, Zhao Manyan took out this contract ring and did not fully expect it to succeed, who knows...

The ring is valid.

The shark's giant beast baby also signed a success.

Everything comes... too smooth, but it makes Zhao Manyan extremely uncomfortable, always feel that there will be weird.


The shark's beast baby is constantly biting, the teeth are cutting, and the big fin is used to point to his mouth.

"Are you hungry?" Zhao Manyan asked tentatively.

The shark's beast baby immediately swayed with a big tail.

"You only ate a bear pig!" Zhao Manyan called.

The bear pig, the shark human beast baby fivefold body type, the body is still next to it, the blood is still flowing, it is estimated that some shredded pork is still stuck in the baby's teeth, it actually tells itself that it is hungry "!"


An ugly sound came from the top of the head. Zhao Manyan raised his head and immediately found a shark who was full of muscles like a thick iron plate standing at the bay window, staring at the Zhao Manyan and the shark's giant beast on the road below.

Zhao Manyan immediately got a headache.

It seems that the relatives of the family have appeared, and if the contract is signed, it means that the other party will kill themselves so that the contract will break.

The iron ink shark was a healthy man. It jumped down and landed like a steel savage. The knee hit the concrete floor and a pit appeared.

The iron ink sharks glanced at the ridged spear bear pig with only the remains, and took another look at Zhao Manyan.

It stepped forward toward Zhao Manyan, and the captain and the squat were constantly opening and closing, making an unpleasant sound like a cutting machine.


Suddenly, the silver-blue baby rushed up and bite into the iron ink shark. From its excitement and expectation, this guy is not its aunt, it is more like a new food.


Suddenly, the Iron Sharks turned around and escaped the attack of the silver-blue baby. Then they seized the tail of the shark's giant beast and shook it to the ground!

This embarrassment, let the silver-green baby make a scream, painfully twisted to the body.

Zhao Manyan had a glimpse of it. He did not expect both sides to be so ferocious, not at all like the same kind.

The iron ink shark is obviously a leader-level existence. It is a lot stronger than the spiny spear pig. When the iron ink shark is used to cut the silver-blue baby body with shark claws, Zhao Manyan pops up a golden water bead. !

The Golden Water Beads are full of strength, and they are even more like a thousand tons of weight on the Iron Sharks, and they are shattered by the Iron Sharks.

The building behind the iron ink shark was directly shattered, and the whole body of the iron plate was also cracked and oozing out a lot of blood.

Did not die, screaming arrogantly, like asking for help from other companions. At this time, the silver-blue baby climbed up, rushed up fearlessly, and then bit the iron ink shark's head in one bite!

"Kay ~ 吱 吱 ~ 吱 ~ ~ ~ ~"

The silver-blue baby ate a little hard, but it still completely shredded it, and then swallowed it like a swallowed part.

"This kind of iron armor, you can't go down??" Zhao Man extended.

Iron ink shark, its fish skin is fine iron, the magic of the high-level magician's destruction is sometimes not ruined, this silver-blue baby is biting and swallowing, and the detachment is alive.

The silver-blue baby seems very hungry and the whole shark is eaten.

After eating, the magical thing happened again, and the silver-blue baby's physique grew again!

Moreover, it seems that this time I was eating a lead-level creature, the energy provided was quite large, and the silver-blue baby suddenly grew to the length of a car! !

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