Versatile Mage

Chapter 2647: Ground fire

"I will not find a slap in the face, it looks like..." Zhao Manyan began to seriously doubt.

Start a trick, evolution depends on swallowing!

It makes sense that this product is very very delicious and can be eaten long.

And when Mo Fan harvested those mysterious feathers, the silver-blue baby didn't know how many boiled eggs he had eaten... shark eggs, the chunks were a lot bigger, and the silver-blue body grew a lot more looks domineering. Cyan ribs.

I remember that at the beginning, the goods were flying by the iron sharks. The black-skin sharks and the iron sharks were a level. As a result, the black-skin sharks were now blurred by this guy. The mouth of the mouth is eaten directly!

The commander-level is all second! !

The exaggeration is that it was not long before it was born, and the speed of this growth is simply a shape monster! !

Zhao Manyan is more and more surprised at what kind of species this guy is.

At first, Zhao Manyan thought that it was a high-level shark human beast baby, but now it seems that the shark people seem to be its most delicious food, eating a meat buns, delicious! !

"Forget it, you don't look like a baby now, just call you Xiaoqing." Zhao Manyan casually gave the goods a name.

I remember that once I went online, Zhao Manyan was attracted by his cool and rustic web game advertisement. The registered account sent a **** pet called the ancient beast, saying that evolution was all about swallowing, and Nima began to rush for money. The process must be rushed for money, and the cow b will have to pay for it.

Where is evolution all depends on swallowing, it is entirely evolutionary rushing, how much to send!

I don’t know why, when I saw Xiaoqing’s so delicious, Zhao Manyan suddenly felt a kind of feeling given by a unscrupulous gamer...

But after thinking about it, Zhao Manyan also felt that there was nothing.

If you want to change it, it’s the Mofan guy who raises it. If you decide to develop a worm, it will fall into the hands of his son, the richest man in the country. When he regains the power of Zhao, he can’t afford a small donkey. ?

Can you eat and eat his Zhao's money empire? ?

I have money, as long as you can cow b, just eat!



The water pipes are large, and the pumps and filters in the pipes have stopped working. Mofans have escaped from the sharks to escape the large waterworks.

When most of the sharks followed Zhao Manyan, several talents swam along the waterhole to the heights.

"Mo Fan, Mo Fan." The voice of Ling Ling came from the communicator.

There was almost no signal in the depths of the waterhole. Until it floated up, the communication equipment was restored to normal. This is a modified phonological device. The low-level monster can't capture this kind of message.

"What's wrong, we found something left by the mysterious feather totem. Now I am going to leave. The sharks have used this place as their hatchery, and they are madly training the shark army." Mo Fan said to the spirit.

"You still can't leave. I just carried out a simulation analysis of the place where you are. Without an accident, there may be a core of the earth near the place where you are now, the core of the earth's flame property!" The spirit said to everyone.

"The core of the earth!!" Mo Fan could not help but exclaimed.

The core of the earth is the most precious crystallization that nature has given to mankind. Without the city's enchantment supported by the enormous energy provided by the earth's core, it is impossible for a city to stand in the era of the demon.

I remember that in the Taklimakan Desert, how many people for the almost exhausted energy of the earth to the bottom of the bones, international organizations, government forces, top-ranking families, the Masters Union can compete for a core of the earth.

Not only that, the large demon tribe has a very high demand for the core of the earth, and every new earth core appears, it will trigger a terrible war, and it is a race of race!

"Is it the original guardian of Fuyang City?" Jiang Shaoxu hurriedly asked.

"No, the original guardian core of Fuyang City has been taken away. This is a core of fire that has never been discovered before. Those feathers that have survived in this underwater world have not been extinguished for so many years, probably because of it. Absorbed the energy of a part of the fire of the fire." Ling Ling said.

"Lingling, people in Fuyang City are immune to cold and cold disease because their drinking water is cooked by the fire of the earth all the year round, so that each of them changes their body quality and can resist cold disease?" Xin Xia hurriedly asked Road.

Although the mysterious feathers have been absorbed by Mo Fan, this still cannot solve the problem of low temperature disease, and it is impossible to fully explain why the people of Xiangyang City are not sick.

"Yes, the core of this fire is very important. The shark country is more acute than our human beings. They seem to know the existence of the core of the fire, and they occupied it early." Ling Ling said.

"No wonder, I absorbed the feathers, they did not hate me at all, the more important things are still below." Mo Fan suddenly realized.

The core of the earth, there is actually a core of the earth.

Moreover, in the harsh environment of this cold disaster, the essence of this earth fire property is equal to providing a constant temperature enchantment to a city people. Under such nourishment, people can not catch the low temperature. disease.

"Lingling, do you know the approximate location?" Jiang Shaoxu hurriedly asked.

"You can't be completely sure, but you can find some clues based on those totem feathers." Ling Ling said.

"Okay, then we are not in a hurry to leave, but the sharks already know us invaders, and we are very careful in our actions," Mofan said.

"On the ocean side, there are also a large number of sharks who are gathering here in Fuyang City. I will provide you with information. Once the sharks arrive at the Emirates level, I will inform you immediately, you must leave!" Seriously said.

"Okay, we will be careful." Mo Fan nodded.



Deeper in the underground water pool, the water pressure is particularly strong, and Zhao Manyan already needs to apply high-level water system spells to resist this pressure.

Xiaoqing is an underwater creature, and its thick cortex is not affected by the bad influence of the bottom of the deep water. It is very comfortable to swim.

"In other words, where are we now? Isn't there water fluctuations here? How can you not see the exit?" Zhao Manyan began to have a headache.

It is also very strange, obviously in the deep water of the earth, equivalent to the dark trenches, but there are light sources around, these light sources do not know where to emit, so that everything around looks like dusk, A few beautiful and beautiful, but also a bit of horror.

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