Versatile Mage

Chapter 2650: Ming grab?

"Old Zhao, forget it, these people are prepared, even the equipment is fully equipped, we have no qualifications to confess, we have found what we want, this core of the fire, there is no I saw it." Mu Bai stood up and discouraged Zhao Man from extending.

"If you have any idea, we are here, we are always here, but before you have this idea, it is best to know clearly. We have never thought of hand-dyeing blood!" said the brown-red man.

"Do you think I will stop here?" Mo Fan stared at the brown-red man, his eyes a bit sharp.

"You seem to be very strong, and barely match my opponent." The brown-red-haired man opened his arms and was ready to start playing.

"You are an employer. This guy is alive and handed over to you. It should be settled for me. Don't forget it." Mo Fan opened the entrusted scroll in his hand and handed it to the brown-red Santa Claus man's hand.

Brown-red hair men are ready to use magic, who knows what the other party wants is this commissioned reward.

"Ha ha ha ha, rest assured, our Nordic holy bear is also honest, the above does say that it is alive to my hand instead of leaving the city of Fuyang, you have completed the commission, I will settle it immediately after returning." Brown red The man was amused by Mofan’s behavior and laughed openly.

The Santa Bears are very cooperative, so it is necessary to carefully collect the power of attorney that was returned.

The other party saw that he had withdrawn the power of attorney and immediately made the intention to leave.

When the Santa Claus boss saw this scene, he couldn’t help but secretly laugh. He thought that these people really had to challenge their Nordic bears. In the end, they were still a group of soft-footed shrimps.


Mo Fan took the other people and stopped staying. He turned and left.

The people of the Nordic Saint Bear were not mentally handicapped. They deliberately saw Mofan leave and arranged their enchantment before they officially started construction.

They obviously have a professional team. When dealing with the core of the fire, the technique is quite skillful. How to break the flames of the outermost layer, how to shuttle through the middle wall, how to not destroy, leak or ignite the fire. The core is completely taken out... Even some military departments in China may not have such technology.

In how to take the core of the earth, they really have to be more advanced.

The old bear watched quietly, watching the fire of the core of the fire into the box created by the Yuan Jing, the uncontrollable joy squeezed out from the thick beard and eyebrows.

"I always feel that it is not appropriate to let those few leave, and they will release the news. It is difficult for us to leave China's borders," said Young Bear, the second son of Young Bear.

"Our people who stayed outside have already done signal control devices. They can't send messages to any place in a short time. When they get out of our signal control zone, we have already brought out the core of the fire." Yang City, according to our planned plan to leave, even if the entire Chinese army intercepted us, I would like to hinder us from leaving." said the bear bear boss Kunoy.

"Also, if we waste too much time on them, the sharks and tribes will block the entire city of Fuyang. It is difficult for us to leave. Right, how much time we have left, I can I don't want to be trapped by these cruel sharks," said the young bear, Yang Geer.

The core technician responsible for taking the core is an oriental face, but from his language and behavioral habits, he has already integrated into the Nordic life.

He glanced at Song Di.

Guan Songdi is his nephew, sent here to find clues, almost lost his life, did not expect him to find such important information in the dead.

"Up to five minutes, the two leaders can clean up a safe road first." Guan Mingzhong said.

“Very good, after successfully returning to our site, your uncle will receive the respect and reward of our entire Nordic bear.” Young bear brother Yang Geer said.



Mo Fan and others left the pipeline.

The groundwater pool is full of sharks. It is impossible to return to the original road. It is just that they can use the water pump of the water pipe to ride the large pipe leading to the water company to the Xiangyang Waterworks. .

After converging with Lingling, Lingling told them that the communication equipment had failed, and that this area was 100 kilometers, and it was estimated that it could not send half of the information.

"Mo Fan, we are now rushing to Fan Xueshan to rescue the soldiers and still have time." Jiang Shaoxu is very reluctant.

A core of the earth is very important to a country, not to mention that several base cities are now suffering from low temperature diseases, so they watched the Nordic people take such treasures from Fuyang City. Feeling unusually wrong.

"Yeah, when will we have to swallow it up." Zhao Manyan is also very upset.

It’s not the Nordic Holy Bear. It’s hard to say who won and who won. The guys don’t know the true strength of them.

"We and their slaying in the fire of the ground, even if they were killed, the final result is also surrounded by the sharks and tribes, what is the significance?" Mo Fan said.

"It can be better to give them to white, we can't get it, they don't think about it," Zhao Manyan said.

"Why? Let them help us take things out, we will grab them from their hands, isn't it better?" Mo Fan laughed.

"Grab the Nordic Holy Bear??"

"Yes, Ming grab..." Mofan nodded.

They don't have any equipment. If the people of the Nordic Saint Bear don't come, the core of the fire will not take away. In all likelihood, it is the shark country.

Since there are porters at the right time, why bother to fight with them.

"Mofan, I don't agree with you." Lingling came forward. The delicate and beautiful girl's face reveals the seriousness of the old professor. Then, "This is our land, in our country." The material treasures found in the land of the country are all owned by our country. We are preventing these foreign robbers from smuggling our material treasures, not robbing them, but defending the rights and interests of the motherland!"

"Amount..." Mo Fan was speechless.

Others also looked at the beautiful girl spirit, and she could not see any ambiguity in her eyes.

It’s not so simple to be so solemn and sacred!

"Nordic bears are not stupid. They must be precautions against us. They will not let us know where they are going. Now whether they have gotten it or not, whether they have left, and where to escape, we are not clear. Jiang Shaofeng said.



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